Let me carry you.

"Kyra, wake up!", he said in urgency as he patted her cheek gently. He didn't shake her, afraid that there would be some internal injuries which he couldn't detect now. Not without examining.

But to his fear, Kyra didn't move but just grunted in pain. She opened her eyes briefly but lost consciousness again.

It could be because she hit her head on the side door during the accident. Thanks to seat belt, the head injury wouldn't be that serious

When Oliver noticed the smoking engine, his expression turned serious. They need to get out, now! He can wake her up after they are in safe distance from the jeep which might even blast anytime soon.

He hastily struggled his way out of the upside jeep but he winced in pain as well. It seems like his legs are numb but he fought against them and hurried to Kyra's side. He threw the door open and gently pulled Kyra out.

The glass shreds have bruised her right arm and there were small lacerations on her right side of face as well. But thanks to the air bag, nothing much serious happened except for these few injuries.

After successfully pulling her out without causing her any more pain he cautiously placed her on the ground and tried again to wake her up and Kyra did.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yes. I am fine." Kyra answered in a faint tone.

"Can you see properly?", he asked, moving his fingers slowly in front of her eyes.

Kyra's eyes followed his moments and Oliver sighed in relief. Thank God, she could hear and see properly. She sounded weak but not confused.

After making sure that Kyra is fine, he was about to go to collect their bags and phones but the jeep's engine erupted into flames. It soon reached all the parts of the jeep and it became unapproachable.

"F.u.c.k", Oliver cursed looking at the jeep. His phone, Kyra's phone, their luggage, everything is stuck in the jeep. How will they contact the outerworld now??

He has only a small backpack which he accidentally kicked out of the jeep when he was making his way out of it.

Left with no choice, he collected it and left the jeep.

But the serious issue here is not that but the shelter. The rain is pouring like anything and the wind is terrible.

He can't risk exposing their wounds to water and dirt here. They must clean them up and cover them as soon as possible.

But where will he get the first aid box now?

Most importantly, he is worried about Kyra. What if she has hit her head harder than he imagined?

What if there is an internal injury in the head?

"Is your head hurting?" he asked Kyra as he kneeled next to her. She was now lying flat on the wet grass as they couldn't move her carelessly.

She was the one who had a direct impact when the car hit the tree and who knows what would have happened internally?

"I feel okay. It hurts a little but I don't think it's serious. I was protecting my head with my arms, so it is just some small injury. Don't worry about me", Kyra said with a smile, looking at his concerned face.

She wanted to relax his creased forehead but she felt weak. Her body is not as strong as it looks. So, it's not a surprise she fainted for a few moments.

"How are you feeling? You are injured.", Kyra asked, looking at him. She extended her hand and moved the strands of his hair from sticking to his forehead wound.

Oliver smiled and caressed her cheek subconsciously. "I am fine. It's just a superficial wound.", he told her.

Their eyes got interlocked and for a second no one made an attempt to ruin that moment. It was the heavy rain that disturbed them.

"We need to get you somewhere safe," Oliver whispered to Kyra. As she fainted and she had an injury on her forehead, he didn't want to take chances.

After hearing him, Kyra tried to stand up but she felt light headed and weak.

"Don't move recklessly. Let me carry you." he told her and stopped her from making any further moments.

Kyra didn't trouble him anymore and nodded her head obediently.

Oliver wore the backpack and he was about to hold her in princess style as it was convenient. But Kyra moaned in pain as soon as he wrapped his hand around her stomach to lift her up.

Oliver instantly retraced his hand and with gentleness, he made her lay down again. "Your ribs. Are they hurting?" Oliver asked, examining it by pressing there a little bit.

"Yes.", Kyra said, moving her hands to her stomach.

It made him more worried. His face morphed into guilt and concern as he looked at her pained face. It's his fault that she got into this accident. If only he would have been a little more careful!

A helpless look flashed in his eyes.

It's midnight. It's raining and they are in the middle of the forest with injuries and no cars.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. He just saw a board before the accident and it mentioned the name of the region they are currently in.

If his memory serves right, he remembers that there is an old guest house nearby.

He saw it when he came here last time. His sister told him that it was a small and old guest house and she insisted on going there as there will be fireflies at night.

So, he remembers the way and it is around a quarter of a mile from here. Although it is a little far, it is the only choice they have.

First of all, they need a roof on their heads and secondly, he needs to bandage Kyra's and his injuries. Later, he needs to examine whether Kyra has any internal injuries or not. Then, they had to wait patiently for his rescue team to arrive.

Yes, his rescue time.

The jeep had a tracker and it should have already alerted his people before blasting. They will be here anytime soon. But he could only hope that the network didn't go down because of this rain.

However, it would take a minimum five hours to reach here by road. Because of this weather, they can't use choppers and have to take the road.