She knows Oliver is special to her and it is mutual.

After a lot of discussion and convincing, everyone left for London except for Kyra's fourth brother Ryan and her best friend Sofia.

They stayed behind to take care of Kyra as she needed to take rest for a week. Everyone decided to leave only after they both assured them that they will take care of Kyra.

After having lunch, Kyra returned to her room to take a rest and it was her first time alone after meeting with an accident. The first thing she did is to text Oliver.

'How are your scans? Is everything fine?", she texted him as kept her mobile aside, deciding to sleep. She thought he wouldn't be answering anytime soon as he will be very busy to see his phone. However, she got a reply as soon as she left the message.

On the other side, Oliver was in his office room, attending his outpatients.

As soon as his mobile vibrated on the phone, he took a look at it and once he noticed that it's Kyra he unlocked his mobile to text back.

Attender was taken off guard as Oliver never checks his personal mobile while the patient is there in his office. He gives all his attention to the patient.

'My scans came normal. On the other hand, you need rest. Why are you looking at your phone?", he chided her.

He strangely felt pleased as Kyra asked about him first and not about the surgery the patient.

She was, after all, very interested in this surgery…

'I was very worried about you, so I couldn't help but text you. I will sleep now!" Kyra replied with a puppy eyes emoji, signalling that she has been wronged.

After seeing that Oliver smiled.

'Good girl. Now sleep. I will come to visit you later.' he texted her with a smile on his lips.

He used to think that texting is something idle people do…

Now he understood why many people are so addicted to texting others, mainly ones who are close to their hearts. It gives them a sense of happiness and makes them feel close to the person on the other side.

Kyra blushed as soon as she received the message from Oliver. It somehow felt intimate to her.

'Ok. Bye for now' she texted back with a smiling emoji and patted her blushing cheeks. She could feel her heart racing up…

At the same time, Sofia came into her room to check whether Kyra was sleeping and, of course, noticed Kyra's red cheeks and ears. She could see the warmth and happiness in Kyra's eyes.

'Someone is blushing again. I presume it's Oliver, the thief of your heart.", she teased as she sat beside Kyra and peeked into her phone.

Kyra, by reflex, hid her phone from Sofia.

'You became secretive! You never stopped me from looking at your phone. Kyra baby you changed.", Sofia got into her drama queen character, wiping her non-existent tears.

Kyra rolled her eyes and before she could lock her mobile and place it on the table, Sofia snatched it and glanced at it.

"Ooooooo.", she cheered.

"You both are chatting as if you are in a relationship.", Sofia said, giving a teasing look to Kyra.

"No! In my eyes it looks normal!" Kyra said.

"Says the one who is blushing furiously.", Sofia smirked.

"Sofi!" Kyra said. Her voice was chilly enough that Sofia immediately stopped.

"Kyra, you can lie to us but don't lie to yourself. If you like him don't resist it because you will regret it later, just like Chloe." Sofia said before leaving the room.

Kyra kept staring at the door and after sometime she sighed. Chloe, their best friend, fell in love with a man when she was in college, however, she didn't tell him about her feelings

That man soon got into a relationship with another girl and Chloe couldn't handle that. She got close to him intentionally and even he started liking her, making his girlfriend jealous.

It didn't end well for Chloe. Everyone started calling her home wrecker, bitch, slut etc, though she didn't try to harm his girlfriend. It was his girlfriend who smeared her name and made everyone hate her, even that man with whom she was in love

Now Chloe is still afraid to get into relationships and it became her trauma to get into a relationship

No matter how much Walter, Kyra's second brother tried to woo her, all his attempts were in vain.

"I will ask you one thing, Ky.' Sofia said as she came inside with Kyra's medicines.

Kyra nodded her head.

"Let's think that you like Oliver but by the time you realized that and could tell that to him, he got into a relationship with another girl. What will you do? Will you be able to let him go? What if you can't? Could you handle that?" she asked, giving the warm water and pills.

"You already went through enough and you deserve all the love. So, do what your heart desires, okay? Don't hurt it any more than this.", she said looking at Kyra.

"No need to answer to me, Ky. Answer to yourself, okay?" she said, before standing to leave.

"See me, I am getting too emotional", Sofia said, giving a small laugh before going out. But Kyra could hear the sorrow in Sofia's voice. Sofia likes Ryan, Kyra's fourth brother but because of some hurdles, they are still not in relationship with each other.

They are attracted to each other but are not brave enough to come clean with each other and are still playing around the bushes.

Kyra pursed her lips and looked at the ceiling, thinking about what Sofia just asked her.

She knows Oliver is special to her and it is mutual.

The chemistry they had and the interactions between them made Kyra realize that she likes him. But, she is not yet sure if she is ready to take it to the next level.

Liking someone is not the only criteria to take into consideration for getting into a relationship.

But how Sofia has put this made her think.

What if it will be late by the time she realizes?

Could she really handle it if the person she likes gets into another relationship?

She already knows the answer and it's a big NO.