Falling in love

Oliver chuckled, noticing the silent conversation between Kyra and her best friend, Sofia. He could tell that Kyra is blackmailing her best friend in order to send her away.

"Sofia is childish. Don't take them to heart.", Kyra said, hiding her red cheeks. Sofia made it sound as if she fantasizes about Oliver all the time!

"Then why are you blushing?", Oliver asked in his teasing voice.

Kyra felt heat rushing to her face. "It.. it's just cold here.", she said, taking a sip of her hot chocolate to hide her embarrassment.

"Really?", he asked, chuckling.

"Of course.", Kyra answered.

Oliver took pity on her and decided to let go of this topic. Nevertheless he can't deny that he loves teasing Kyra. He felt all his lethargy washing away looking at her peaceful and vibrant face.

Talking with Kyra even if it is for a few minutes reduces his exhaustion and makes him energetic.

'How good it would be if we could do this everyday after work' he thought inside.

'Then get into a relationship with her', his subconscious talked to him.

Oliver actually felt that it's not bad.

Though he got hurt by his first relationship and decided never to get into another relationship, it didn't feel repulsive to think about being together with Kyra.

In contrast, he felt excited and it gave him joy thinking about the future they might have.

However, the wounds from his first love are still fresh that he subconsciously decided not to think about this now.

"How was the surgery?" Kyra asked as the silence took over.

"It went very well. We removed ninety percent of his tumor and we were able to spare the patient's musical talents."

"He is now ready to begin his radiation treatment and it looks like we can eliminate the cancer completely", Oliver said.

The patient is a music prodigy and that was why they opted for awake craniotomy surgery to preserve his music talents.

"I was worried before.", Kyra said.

"For me or for the patient?" Oliver asked playfully, which came naturally.

Kyra was taken off guard but recovered soon. Though he is playful with her she is yet to get habituated to it.

After all, she has known him only as a serious, strict person all these years.

Seeing her dazed expression, Oliver laughed. It seems like he is addicted to teasing her and enjoying that blush.

"Of course the patient! You were exhausted and the surgery was complicated one." Kyra played along, embarrassment evident in her slightly angered voice.

"If so, the patient is doing well", Oliver said, deciding to let go of teasing her.

"And, here is the footage of the surgery. You can see it when you are feeling bored.", he told her, diverting the topic as he handed the pen drive to her.

"You really brought it.", Kyra said in surprise and took it, before slipping it into her pocket.

"Of course. I keep my word and I know how excited you were for this surgery. I wanted to compensate somehow" he answered her, giving a warm smile.

"Thanks Oliver.", she thanked him as she looked at his flawless face which was being illuminated by the warm golden light from lanterns.

"Don't mention. Just get well soon and come back, okay?" he said with a doting smile and leaned forward to pat her head affectionately.

Though they have been working together only for a week or two, a day without her presence made him feel empty and dull.

He was habituated to working alone without much interactions but, Kyra changed his priorities.

He really missed her a lot…

Kyra nodded her head, her face brimming with happiness. She couldn't help but feel touched by him again and again.

Getting permission to have a video of surgery that too of a VIP is not an easy task, especially when that patient wanted to keep it hidden from the media and public.

Oliver should have gone through a lot to bring this exclusively for her.

"Then, I will get going. I have some other things to take care of.", Oliver told her, raising to his feet.

Though their interaction was only for around an half an hour, they felt refreshed and blissful. Talking like this with each other, all those small yet warm gestures were enough to rejuvenate their exhausted souls.

"I will walk you out," Kyra immediately said, standing up.

Oliver nodded his head, his smile intact. They walked in total silence, occasionally looking at each other.

However, the happy bubble around them was obvious as it can be seen on both their faces.

"I never saw her this happy!"spoke Ryan as he peeked at them from the huge window connected to the garden.

"I told you she likes him. Have you seen her getting close to a person in a short span like this?"Sofia asked, taking a look at Kyra and Oliver.

"I didn't believe it when you told me that my sister is falling in love. God! That's big news!"

Ryan exclaimed looking at Oliver and Kyra who were walking at the same pace with their hands brushing each other but neither of them tried to move away. This is enough to tell...

Because, his sister, the one who hates physical contact and is extremely scared of getting close to a person, is actually breaking her base rules with Oliver!!

Ryan couldn't help but get envious of Oliver!

She took literally months to get comfortable with him. And another few more months to talk casually with him and it was overall a one and half year journey from stranger to making her treat him like a family and trust him.

But this Oliver is already past the seventy percent of this journey that too just in this few days!!

"Don't get jealous, you idiot actor! You should be happy that she is trying to fight her fears. Oliver must be the cure.", Sofia said watching how Kyra was happily smiling looking at Oliver.

"I am not jealous, stupid model! I am just afraid. What if he is not the cure but poison? What if he breaks her heart?? She is already a broken soul.", Ryan said, his eyes filled with concern.

"Ryan, you shouldn't be overprotective. You should let her do whatever she desires. Only like this can she have a breakthrough and let go of her past.", Sofia argued.