Otherwise, he is dead.

Ryan nodded his head in agreement, secretly pleased that his sister is thinking rationally. He almost thought she would think with her heart and give Oliver all her trust and love.

"What is your current opinion on him, Ky?" Ryan asked his sister.

All he wanted to do is to prepare himself mentally so that, one day, if his sister introduces Oliver to him as her boyfriend, he would be able to judge whether to trust Oliver with Kyra or not.

For that he needs to do his homework on Oliver and his full background. The answer to his current question will make him decide whether to do this background check or not.

"My current opinion?" Kyra asked.

When Ryan nodded his head, she smiled to herself.

"He is a good person. He might look cold and indifferent but with me, he is kind and unbelievingly friendly. And, I feel like I can be myself in front of him. Honestly, I don't know why but I feel like I can trust him." Kyra said, remembering the moments she had with Oliver till now.

"His actions often touch my heart and his presence makes me feel blissful and serene. I smile more often with him and our conversation never bored me. " She continued with a pleasant smile dancing on her lips.

"I like his company and I actually look forward to meeting him. I don't know how but after talking to him all my worries and sorrows wash away and I feel refreshed."

"Sometimes we don't need any words to communicate. We just know what is going on in each other's minds and we are always in perfect sync while performing surgeries as if we were working together for years."

"However, sometimes I feel like this is too good to be true. All his actions and kind gestures towards me make me freak out. How could he be so good to me when it has been only a few weeks we have known each other?" Kyra asked, fear and anxiety taking over her.

It reminded of her time when her mother came to take her with her. Her mother's family were so good to her and their gestures and actions made her feel blessed and blissful that it was really too good to be true.

However, she thought she was lucky and didn't think much before trusting and loving them blindly.

Later it turned out they did all those for her because they needed something from her. Now, seeing Oliver be this good to her makes her feel like history might repeat.

Why would one person be so kind and caring to a stranger and not ask anything in return?

'It's because he likes you too,' a voice in her mind said. But Kyra's past is complicated enough that she lost faith to believe in things like this.

"So, you are saying that you like being with him but at the same time you are afraid that this could hurt you?" Ryan asked and Kyra nodded her head and leaned on his shoulder.

Now, after talking to her brother, she realised that her past is still affecting her life tremendously.

"It's okay to be afraid sis. Don't panic and do what you feel like it's right. This time history won't repeat itself because we are there with you this time, unlike before. We wouldn't let you get hurt", Ryan comforted his sister, kissing her forehead.

"Before he could hurt you, he has to get past us and I can confidently say that he wouldn't be able to make it. Rest assured, history won't repeat again." he said, brushing her hair affectionately.

"So, my little, sweet sis, we will be always there for you in every step if you want to try getting together with Oliver, if it is what you want." Ryan told her.

Seeing her helpless and scared, makes his heart restless but he knows that this is something his sister should face in order to let go of her past and the traumas it brings along. All he and others in the family could do was to stand with her.

Kyra nodded her head, gratefully and continued to stare at the firepit. Even Ryan stayed calm, his fingers brushing his sister's silky hair as she rested her head comfortably on his shoulder.

Sofia who just came down to check on Kyra saw this heartwarming scene and smiled. One is her best friend while the other one is the man she loves.

She got tempted to join them and rest her head on his other shoulder but she controlled herself.

Sofia stood there for a few minutes and smiled sadly before going back to Kitchen to boil some milk for her best friend, Kyra.


"I want you to put all your focus on Kyra and Oliver from this day forward. Update me with each and every interaction they have." Oliver's grandfather told Rogue, Oliver's personal assistant/ secretary.

"Sir, she is from the Collins family. It's… difficult", Rogue said.

"What if she is now a Collins? I don't care! If you can't do it, you better resign." he fired up on Rogue.

"Remember one thing, Rogue. If Kyra and Oliver will get together, you know what will happen. Do you want that history to repeat?" Grandfather Miller asked.

"I am giving you the last chance to prove yourself worthy. Now, get out of my room." He said while making a call.

Rogue nodded his head, politely and left the room. When he was leaving, he heard a female voice.

Rogue could right away tell who she was and a chill ran through his spine.

Yes… he should never let Kyra and Oliver get together. Otherwise, he is dead.