I like him more...

At last the clock ticked six and by then Oliver had made sure that he finished all his work. This week was relatively less hectic compared to other weeks as he has not scheduled many surgeries. So, he was able to leave early.

He quickly freshened up using the personal room that is attached to his office in the hospital and then directly drove to Kyra's house. And, by the time he reached her house, it was around seven.

Like always, Sofia greeted him at the door.

"Ms. Richard," Oliver greeted politely as Sofia opened the door for him. .

"Mr. Miller," Sofia imitated his formal greeting as she welcomed him inside.

"Kyra is at her garden house like always, painting. By now you should have remembered the way there." she casually told him.

Though Oliver was slightly taken aback by the sudden change in her tone, he didn't find it repelling.

By now he realised that Sofia holds an important place in Kyra's life. So, it is inevitable for them to become friends and he knows that.

Moreover, seeing Sofia take care of Kyra like a mother Hen protecting its babies, he started to respect her. Which friend would be this caring and protective?

Sofia is a supermodel, renowned across the world. Her schedule should be pretty packed but she gave her first priority to Kyra and stayed behind to take care of her.

What else is needed to prove that she is a good human?

"Should I take a blanket for her?" Oliver asked, trying to converse casually.

He has noticed that Sofia always brings a blanket for Kyra whenever she sits outside with him.

He doesn't know how but he knows that Kyra prefers freshly washed blankets everyday.

Meanwhile, Sofia smiled hearing his question. She should say that she is impressed by Oliver's insightfulness towards Kyra's preferences.

Not everyone notices tiny details like these.

This is part of Kyra's trauma post effects that she needs fresh blankets and fresh clothes every time.

The reason behind it is, she was kept captive in an untidy and shady place for a few days after she was betrayed by her mother. That experience was a nightmare for eighteen years old Kyra...

From that time, whenever she was covered in some old, used clothes or blankets, it triggered her trauma. She starts to remember that place, that stinky smell, those people and that triggers her trauma.

"Please sit down for a minute. I will bring her blanket" Sofia said with a smile and then walked to Kyra's room.

"Hi, Oliver." Ryan, Kyra's second brother, greeted as he walked inside with twins already sleeping on either of his shoulders as he carried them in both arms.

Oliver smiled and nodded his head, not wanting to wake up the devil's from their slumber.

"Don't worry. These devil's played in amusement parks till they dropped out because of exhaustion. Even if you play their favorite cartoon, they are not going to wake up." Ryan proudly said.

Oliver chuckled.

"So, you found the trick at last," he said.

"At last, I did. Let them tire themselves out." Ryan replied with a grin

"Exactly." Oliver agreed with a smile.

"I will put these both to bed first. They gained weight after getting pampered by their aunt Ky. " Ryan told him and Oliver nodded his head.

But before Ryan could come, Sofia had already handed a blanket to Oliver and he left the main house to meet Kyra at her garden house.

"I like him more than your brother Matthew or Kyra's best friend Luther." Ryan commented when he saw Sofia staring at Oliver's receding figure.

"I prefer-" before she could finish, Ryan interjected.

"Oh please. Don't tell me you still prefer your brother over Oliver." he mocked.

"I was about to say Oliver too." Sofia said and then angrily walked away.

Luther is Kyra's best friend and is also one of the people who stayed with her from the start.

He knows her the best, excluding the Collins family and Kyra's best friends Sophia and Chloe. But till now, he never showed any love interest towards Kyra but there are people who ship them as he and Kyra make the best partners during surgery and also during the fun times.


Meanwhile, with a blanket in his hand, Oliver walked towards the garden house.

Like always Kyra was painting. This time, she was not wearing her night clothes but was in a comfortable woolen, turtle neck dress that reached her knees.

Her hair was tied in a messy bun and her hazel eyes were intently focussed on canvas as she gave a nimble strokes to her painting.

'She looks more beautiful when she is serious' Oliver thought and walked to her.

The small porch that was connected to her garden house was warm as there were heaters installed and it was filled with Kyra's painting stuff. He could clearly see that Kyra spends most of her free time here, painting.

"Hello…" Oliver said from a little far itself. Although they are close now, he knows that he should respect her privacy.

He didn't want to sneak into her work without her permission and, most importantly, he didn't want to disturb her. So, he waited till she put her paintbrush down.

Kyra was startled by his sudden deep, husky voice but recovered very soon.

"You are early." She said as she hurriedly stood up in an attempt to hide the painting she was doing.

"As I promised, I came here as soon as I finished my work." he told her, pretending to not notice her unusual behaviour.

Why is she trying to hide her painting? Did she not want him to see it??

Although he is disappointed, he hid it well from her. By now, he realised that Kyra is not someone who gets comfortable with people easily, let alone share her personal space with them.

So, he is well aware that he has to be patient in order to let her allow him into her personal life. And, he is willing to do it as Kyra is worth his time and patience.

"I was only joking when I said that. You should have rested before coming." Kyra said, guilty.

Yesterday, she asked him to come as early as possible. But she didn't think that he would take it this seriously.

It is sweet of him but rest is very important for surgeons.

"I rested in the office. Don't worry." Oliver told her as they walked to her garden patio.

After they sat down, Oliver immediately handed her the blanket so she could cover her bare legs with it.

Kyra smiled but the surprise in her eyes was hard to ignore. Her best friend usually brings it herself if she forgets to take it with her. Sofia would never let a guest bring it for her unless Oliver himself reminded her of it.

So, Oliver knows about her weird habits?

Even when they had an accident, he told her that he knows about her habit to wear fresh clothes only. Even now, it seems like he knows about her habit to use fresh blankets.

But how?

It is explainable when it comes to this blanket thing. We can assume that he is a very good observer and has noticed before. But how can we explain the fresh clothes thing? At that time, they are not even close and, moreover, it is impossible to notice even if they were close.