The time my heart got stolen...

"Sir, Mr. Miller has again gone to meet Ms. Kyra.", a call disturbed Oliver's grandfather from playing his evening golf. 

"Again?" Oliver's grandfather frowned. 

"It looks like they decided to meet everyday outside of work, sir. Ms. Kyra is currently taking a holiday, so they are meeting in her house for now.", the person from the other side said. 

"What is Oliver's schedule this weekend?", his grandfather asked. 

"Saturday, he has business meetings on and on. And as of Sunday, he has to work on his research all day but, Roger just informed that Mr. Miller asked to clear his whole schedule on Saturday and a half day of Sunday." Oliver's grandfather heard from the other side. 

A frown appeared on his lips after hearing it.  

Why should his grandson be so adamant to woo this woman??

There are many beautiful, rich and smart women outside, ready to devote all their life's to him. But, why should he select a specific woman who can make his life a living hell?? 

The worst thing is, no one can tell that to Oliver and make him leave her. He has to learn it by himself and, wouldn't it be too late by the time he realizes it??

However, all they could do is to try their best to break them apart. 

And, it's not that easy as Kyra has Collin's unwavering support and protection. If they find out what is happening, Collins' family is not going to leave it alone till they dig everything out. 

Digging the past could only complicate things and make it more dangerous for everyone getting involved. 

"Schedule a meeting with any overseas branch and create a situation there, so that he will be left with no option but to go there this weekend. Do it quickly!!", Oliver's grandfather ordered before ending the call. 

"Discussing something so seriously. Is it company related again?', his old friend asked as he golfed. 

"Yes. Our grandchildren chose other career's, making us work even at this age." Oliver's grandfather swiftly lied. 

"What can we do? We need to respect their choices. At least your granddaughter Nora is there to help you. My granddaughter Jennifer wouldn't even care if my company goes bankrupt.", his friend said, complaining about his granddaughter. 

"Though I have a granddaughter who can take care of the company, she is weak physically. I feel worried to pressurize her with the responsibilities.", Oliver's grandfather said, worrying about his handicap granddaughter. 

"She is not a weak girl, old man. She has the capability to shoulder the company. About her physical disability, aren't your grandson and my granddaughter working on a cure for her?", his friend comforted him.  

"Yes, they are trying their best. I should really thank your granddaughter Jennifer for being there for my grandchildren.", Oliver's grandfather said. 

"She is family. No need to be thankful.", his friend said, making Oliver's grandfather smile. 

"Isn't she in Australia now, doing her fellowship? How is she?", he asked. 

"She came back yesterday. Her fellowship is finished and this time she seems to be confident about helping Oliver with Nora's research.", his friend answered. Jennifer went to do fellowship in Australia hoping to learn more about Nora's condition so she could help. 

"She came back? I have always wanted Jennifer and Oliver to marry, you know. But, it's a pity that your wife doesn't agree with it.", Oliver's grandfather said, disappointed. 

If Jennifer's grandmother is happy with the alliance, he wouldn't have sent Oliver to all these blind dates at all. Jennifer and Oliver are the perfect pair and moreover, Oliver owes Jennifer for helping him in Nora's condition. And, Jennifer is his only female best friend with whom he goes along pretty well.

"I am trying to convince my wife. If she agrees, it won't be a big deal." his friend assured Oliver's grandfather. 

Oliver's grandfather smiled cunningly. Oliver owes Jennifer so much and it would be easy to break Kyra and Oliver with Jennifer's help. 

"Why don't you ask Jennifer to come for lunch the day after tomorrow? Oliver will be there too.", he said. 

"Sure. I will ask Jennifer about it.", his friend agreed. 


Meanwhile, Kyra and Oliver walked to his car as they talked. 

"Twins will be really excited for tomorrow.", Kyra said. 

They decided to take Addison and Aiden for camping tomorrow as they didn't spend the last week's camping with them. The only difference this time is, it will be Kyra and Oliver alone with the twins. 

Though they asked Sofia and Ryan to come with them, those both have cleverly rejected. It is obvious that they are giving him private time for Kyra and Oliver to bond up. 

"For sure they will be.", Oliver agreed. 'But, I am the most excited one.' he thought. 

"Then, meet you tomorrow afternoon," Kyra said, smiling at him. 

Oliver nodded his head and patted her head before getting into his car. 

Later, Kyra went back to painting. As she saw the painting that was half way, she sighed in relief. 

She is actually painting the moment she and Oliver had yesterday evening.  

The background was filled with golden orange sunset and there was a sea, illuminated by that warm light. And there are silhouettes of a man and woman standing at the railing with their foreheads touched. She finished it in a day as she had only been painting since last night. Only the finishings are left. 

She even named it 'The time my heart got stolen..' 


Meanwhile, in an old yet big palace, a woman in her eighties is sitting on her balcony, looking at the sunrise. 

Her wrinkled skin and big round glasses are not enough to reduce her natural beauty. Despite being rich and having power to do what she desires, her eyes are filled with sorrow and loneliness. 

"Madame, we came across something you might be interested in," a polite voice disturbed the old lady from seeing the sunrise. 

Using her control panel, she moved her wheelchair to see the man who just spoke now. 

The middle aged man slightly bowed in respect before passing the iPad he is holding. 

The old woman took it and saw the picture. 

"You can leave.", she said before going back to see that photo. 

"Where did you get it?' she asked immediately. 

"Our people find this getting shared by some scientists in the USA to other two people, one in the USA and other in Australia.", he answered. 

"You can go now." she said and after that man went, she moved her wheelchair towards a secret door and opened the digital lock. As soon as the door sprang open, she moved her wheelchair inside and stopped at the old painting. 

It is the exact mirror copy of the photo but painted. 

The name of the painting was written in small fonts at the left bottom corner. 

 'The time my heart got stolen..'