Numerous love confessions

The camping went pretty well. 

Kyra has always thought that Daniel is some serious, no fun guy but it turned out he is an exact opposite. 

He is a jovial, humorous person just like his cousin Sofia. 

After their little talk about Oliver and his relationship with Kyra, Daniel didn't risk bringing it up again. Kyra is already suspecting his actions. 

The day soon passed and by the next afternoon they had come back. Kyra was about to get ready to go to the research facility but she decided to give a call to Oliver once, before starting. 


Meanwhile, Oliver is still in a meeting. He thought he would be able to solve this problem by night but he didn't expect it to stretch this long. 

He personally has to go and check on the situation though he didn't have to. His sister was so upset about what happened, so he didn't have another option but to promise her that he would take care of everything personally.