For their own good.

"It's not your-" she stopped in the middle as she heard the deep, husky voice of a man standing at the door. 

"Kyra, I missed you!!" an excited voice boomed from the other side, making Oliver narrow his eyes. 

Kyra didn't know what to say. Infront of her stood her bestest friend Luther and her second and third brothers Walter and William are standing at the door. 

The one who spoke now is her bestest friend Luther. 

"Ky? Too shocked to see me..hmm? I know you missed me." Luther said as he chuckled. 

Kyra felt tears brimming in her eyes. 

She didn't expect these three to come as well. Why do they love her so much that they have traveled for long, long hours and came here just to see her. 

Meanwhile, Oliver could hear Kyra's breathing pattern from the call. He could tell that she is pretty emotional now. 

Who exactly has come that she is going through all these emotions??