She fell for him long back.

Just after her brothers finished their discussion, Kyra, Luther and Chloe returned. 

"Why are you guys sitting with that long face? Did something happen??" Kyra asked as she sat on the arm of the couch, wrapping her arms around her second brother. 

"Nothing Kyra. We are talking about business and stocks." Walter answered as he ruffled her hair. 

"Oh." Kyra said and looked at Sofia who was having a blank face. 

"What happened to you?" Kyra asked. She could feel that something was off. The vibes in this room are not cheerful and lively. 

"What else would happen? My dear devil mother sent a warning to me, asking to get married soon." Sofia lied. Although it's a lie, her mother is actually pressuring her to find a husband. 

"So, what will you do?" Kyra asked. If Sofia and Ryan don't get together, her mother would surely force Sofia to go to blind dates with others.