Protective of his girlfriend.

When Kyra heard the doorbell, she panicked. What if it is his family and they misunderstand her? 

Oliver could tell what was going on in her mind. He chuckled and held her hand in his. 

"My family won't visit me here. It could be my assistant or Jennifer or Daniel." he said. 

If he is staying in this penthouse, no one dares to disturb him. When he decides to stay here, that means he has important work to do and is busy. It is like a tacit understanding between his family and him. 

"I will see. Wait." Kyra said and went to look at the video doorbell and just like he said, it is Jennifer. 

'What is she doing here this early?' Kyra thought, a little jealous. 

'She is just a friend to him, Ky. You shouldn't misunderstand.' she spoke to herself and walked back to his room. 

Oliver was leisurely eating the porridge she made for him and when she returned he looked at her. 

"It is Jennifer." Kyra said.