They are fans of each other.

For the first half of the movie, Kyra and Oliver continued to exchange glances and smiles as they peeked at each other once in a while. 

When she second half of movie was playing, it is only when Oliver realised that Kyra has king slept, leaning her head comfortably on his shoulders. 

Oliver smiled as he suppress the cough that is trying to make its way out. 

He gently caressed Kyra's face, taking in every detail of it. Still, unconvinced, she could only click the picture of her sleeping face. 

He couldn't resist it because of the cute, peaceful expression she is wearing. 

After having his fill, he held her cautiously and then moved her head to his lap, so that Kyra could sleep properly on the couch. 

He continued to watch the movie as he caressed her hair. Nevertheless, it didn't take him much time to fall asleep as well.

First of all, the movie is sleep inducing and given the tablets he took, it didn't take him much effort to sleep.