Degrading her.

Oliver left shortly after their conversation. 

Kyra decided to meet her high school best friend, Jennifer. However, not immediately but after some time. As Jennifer has changed a lot character wise, she wanted to observe her friend, find more about her before meeting. 

Oliver wanted to stay for more time but he had back on back meetings in his company and besides that, Kyra had other work to do. 

Sophia's father, Mr. Richard is coming and she wants to meet with him. He didn't ask her much as he wanted to respect her privacy but something felt fishy. Sophia doesn't know that her father is coming. And, Kyra lied to Sophia that she has some other work. 

Oliver didn't butt in. Maybe they are planning a surprise for Sophia and that's why she lied. 

But why did she lie to Lisa as well??

'Don't think much, Oliver. Give her time.' Oliver told himself.