Chapter 1: Kayden Break

'Thinking' Example: 'I turned into a cat?'

"Talking" Example: "Silence kid! I can't think!"

[Ability]: [Barrier!]

Chapter 1: Kayden Break.

Jiwoo POV:

I walked outside with cat food and saw there were three cats. One was a black colored, and the second one was brown. The third one was white and black. "Hey everyone! You must be hungry! Here have some" I put the cat food on the ground "Sorry i was late, me and Hyung saved a kid today!, And we were buying some treats for you!" I boop the cat's nose "Do the three of you always stick together?"

"Meow" The cats meowed at me, Like they are telling me to follow them?, "What's wrong?" I said, "Why aren't you all eating?" I asked, "I even use Hyung money to buy new cat food.." i said to myself

As I was watching the brown cat, I noticed that the black and white one suddenly went somewhere near the door, I followed them and saw a cat that was covered in blood "HYUNG!" i scream to let Hyung-nim know that there's something happened




Dal POV:

I was browsing movies on Netflicks to watch some movies later, Jiwoo asked me today if we can watch some movies.

As I was browsing, I heard a scream "HYUNG!" It was Jiwoo's voice. 'There must have been happened, Did someone discovered Jiwoo's abilities?' I thought and shook my head 'No no, That shouldn't be possible, we are careful' I came to this conclusion. I hurriedly stood up from my seat and quickly ran to where the voice came from.

I ran and saw Jiwoo in panic, I approached him and saw the cat. It had yellow stripes, and was covered in blood 'Kayden!' i thought to myself, I was quite surprised but didn't let Jiwoo see it, Because he finds me the relax big brother type.

"Quick Jiwoo! Get the first aid" I said, Jiwoo quickly ran back and prepared the first aid, I picked up the cat "Damn, How much does this cat weigh?" I said to myself, I stood up and started to walk into our house with the cat in my arms.

Jiwoo quickly approached me and said "Can you put the cat near the sofa Hyung? Ill treat him"

I slowly lower myself and put the cat on the cotton chair. Jiwoo treated him and said "When did you find this cat?"

"Around this time, The stray cat was meowing, And led me there" He said while wrapping some kind of bandage onto the cat.

"We should go see the vet just in case" I said to Jiwoo, Jiwoo nodded and continue to treat him.




Finally the cat was treated.

Kayden PoV:

'Huh, Did I lose consciousness?' As i think this i saw a cat paws lying on there 'Where am i?' I lift myself up and see that my hand turns into cat paws, "This is?.." I lifted my legs and moved my ears. How? I don't know how to myself either, it just came out naturally.

"It's a cat" I said to myself 'Right, It happened that time.'

In an alley you can see many houses, You begin to see a light, It was blue and greenish. It was a kind of thunder light. A man landed and appeared full of wounds, "Hah.. Kuhk" he said spitting some blood he barely can stand up because he wounds all on his body, "Ugh.. Damn, To think that me! Kayden Break, Would be reduced to this state… This wouldn't have happened if those betraying bastard didn't attack me all at once" Tch

I walked slowly, Touching my wound and applying force control on it so that the blood would slow itself down. "Keuk" I jolted at the pain but I just ignored it. I was breathing heavily. I need to hide my body, And recover my strength for now.. If I keep running they will catch me' I walk and see a cat in the box it was yawning 'A cat?, yeah.. That could work' I thought to myself and approached the cat. The cat stared at me for a while, and I touched the cat and transferred my consciousness into it. It was a weird feeling. After that I walk and walk, until I pass myself out.

Flashback Ends.

'Does this mean it was a success!?' I was shocked because I thought it wouldn't work.

Dal POV:

I walk and go to the room where the wounded cat is. "Huh? He's awake" I pretended to not know that the cat was Kayden "Hey JIWOO! the cat is awake!" I screamed.

Jiwoo quickly ran to me and saw the cat and said "Oh! He's awake!" He approach the cat with a smile "I'm so glad, When me and Hyung found you, you were covered in blood"

I approached the cat and said "You should be thankful to Jiwoo, Not me, He was the one who found you" and squatted down so I could be in the same position as the cat.

He lights up and looks at me with an adorable face "Hyung.." I simply chuckled.

"I was quite worried you know" i said to Jiwoo "I thought the cat died" I pretended be worried 'Well, He wouldn't, He is Kayden afterall' i thought to myself

"I was too! I thought he would die because of wounds I found in him, And not to mention he is covered in blood!" He said genuinely worried about the cat "Ahh, Don't be scared"

'Who are these two idiots..' Kayden thought to himself. With a distrustful look

'So these two are the ones who brought me here huh?' he thought in a curious tone

"It's okay.." I said.. "I think he's quite passive right now" "Wait, Let me get some cat food so he can eat" I walk out and go to the kitchen where the food is.

As I put cat food on the pet plate after I put the food in, I once again hurriedly got the plate and went to the room where the cat is, And at that time I saw Jiwoo digging his grave.. He was checking the cat's genitals "Okay let's see, are you a girl or a boy?" He lifted the cat "Let's check it out" he said, I froze in place.. 'Ahh.. Jiwoo.. Even god can't save you now.' I think to myself with a comedic reaction.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Jiwoo looked around and said "Hyung, did you just speak?" He said

"Umm, No?" I replied and putted the plate down

"Did I hear something? It was deep and man voice" he was getting scared. "Did you leave the TV on Hyung?" He ask "Uhh no?, You must have been imagining things" I pretended confused

"Release me this instant!" The cat shows his claws, I was quite surprised too, because it was kind of weird to see a cat talk other than meow. "Huh?" Jiwoo said surprised and froze in place. "Are you deaf!? Do you want me to claw your eyes out" I stared at the cat. "JIWOO! release the cat! It's dangerous" i said, Jiwoo instantly get back to himself and releasing the cat. "Get behind me!" I activated my telekinesis and pretended to fight the cat.

"Don't!" Kayden said to me "AHHH!, THE CAT TALKS!" Jiwoo screams and is scared and panicking 'Oh this two are awakened huh' he sense 'Then this would be easy to explain' Kayden thought to himself, Jiwoo screamed once again "Silence! You're too loud!" The cat scream at Jiwoo "Didn't you hear!? If you don't silence I will claw your brains out!" He shows his claw.

"Jiwoo, Please Quiet, You are literally screaming near my ear" I said to Jiwoo in my back scared "And you can get out of my back"

"S-sorry, Hyung" Jiwoo sits down quietly.

"Finally, That's better, Now i can hear myself better" He said approaching Jiwoo, "Look here, What are you two names?"

"What?" I replied

"Didn't you hear? I'm asking for your names."




Silence.. (Insert cricket noise)




"Are you going to make me repeat myself again!?" He screamed and once again showed his claws

"Umm, My name is Jiwoo Seo.." he said scared

The cat looked at me, "And You?"

"Me?, My name is Dal Seyoung" i said

"You seem to not be scared of me, May I know why?" He ask

"Oh, Its just that this is the way i am" 'Ooor not, fuck Kayden is more scary in real life'

Kayden looked at me with a distrustful face.

"Right, Dal, Bring that chair over there" he pointed at the nearest chair, I quickly brought it to him.

Me and Jiwoo sit in front of it.

The cat climbed up in the chair "That's strange, Why is it so difficult to climb up here?"

Me and Jiwoo look at each other. And both think 'Cute'

"Is it not because i'm not used to this body? Still.. To be this difficult" he said

'Oof, That's kinda adorable' i think

"Hmm, Ah right" Kayden grabbed us by the collar and said menacingly "You two listen to me, If the two of you tell anyone about me.. You're D.E.A.D"

"Yessir" we both said not looking at the cats eyes.

"Tsk, i found out too quickly" He said and looked left and saw a mirror "Huh, who's that fat cat?" " Check out that double chin.., Is that even a cat?.." He grab his belly and came into realize "This is!?" 'That dirty fat cat is me!?' He said dumbfounded.

"Me kayden? Has it turned into!?"


Word count: 1610

Author note:

Ill write again tomorrow bye bye! And give me yall stone so yeah. bye! Vote okey?