She decides (after consoling Manus on how these world key's work) she decided to go to a place she knew very well, and her being there won't be questioned among the chaos... at least until she did something insanely stupid.
She knew one that would be a smart idea, a Land of Swords.
She holds the Key in front of her, a door appeared before she began to speak, "Open the world, Sword Art Online, Start of Aincrad." the door opens and she turns to look at Manus, she comes over and gives Jeanne a quick kiss before she walks through.
Jeanne blinks for a few moments before finding herself in the middle of a town square, she glances around before looking at herself.
She had a brown leather chest piece with a black long sleeve shirt under, and brown jeans with oddly comfy boots, the starting armour of Aincrad.
"Well, at least it got my preference right..." she'd much rather wear pants then have the chance to have people look at what underwear she wears, she walks over to a window to look at herself, short black hair and red eyes, she looked to be around 18 even though she wasn't 15 yet.
She sighs before thinking of ways to kill time for the next... four to five hours? Seemed about right, it was 1 in the real world when SAO began and it was around sunset when Kayaba Akihiko announces he trapped the 10k players...
The levelling curve is gonna be a pain, but hey, she should be able to at least do some of the things she did before coming here.
She didn't read the Manga (probably stupid on her part) but she did memorise the on site SAO Timeline for a story she as writing before her first death.
She ventures out of town and looks around, the place sure was pretty, she un-sheaths her sword and walks around the fields, using her experience in combat to her advantage killing a good couple of Frenzy Boars and Dire Wolfs, which surprisingly due to her high EXP gain, gained her 7 levels in one session of grinding.
She didn't know the highest level someone can gain on floor one, so she'll only kill when needed to, although...
'How will I solidify myself in this world? I could be the mystery no one knows that hunts down Red Players, a PPKer I believe they're called, or I could the be symbol of hope that guides all to victory...'
Let's be honest, while she wants to play hero, it didn't really work out and she became the worlds enemy last time, maybe trying to gain a Charisma skill like Arturia? Sounds like a good idea.
She sighs, she didn't need to grind for cash, since her money converted to local currency (which she didn't know but now she did), which put her at a nice 94,780,605 Cor.
She was basically set for the first half of the game... considering the KoB's headquarter's cost 1 billion and she had close to a tenth of that, and it wasn't like she was going spend it on something so grand.
Although, grinding the Blacksmith skill to forge a more permanent weapon then this toy she currently held or a traced weapon... hold on.
She glances around and spots no one, so she decides to try tracing to see if she could while in game, and she manages to summon Fenrir's Fang, so that was useful.
Letting the Trace fade into blue mist, she looked around before shrugging.
It was around 15:53 PM right now, so about an hour or two now, she could... probably go to Horunka and start the quest for the Anneal Blade before Kirito does, namely cause after the announcement she would have to go against all the Beta testers and she believed only one person/party could take it at a time.
Plus, if she can't complete it she can meet Kirito early by helping him get it then doing it herself right after.
Question was...
Where the fuck was Horunka?
So after about 20 minutes she manages to find the town, it was northwest of the Town of Beginnings, she looks around and finds the place, she walks in and the Missus offers her a cup of water and that she didn't have any food at the moment Jeanne looks and see's a pot cooking something.
Jeanne smiles at the NPC, "Thanks, I am abit thirsty." she sits down and takes a drink, a few moments later she heard a child coughing, so she decides to speak up, "Excuse me, but is something wrong?" the NPC looks at her before speaking, "My daughter was suddenly affected by a sickness that we are unable to cure with medicine from the market..." Jeanne look's slightly worried, while it was a game, it would be her world for the next two or so years.
"Is there anything I could do to help?" the NPC smiles at her, "well, to the west of the village where is a plant like monster called a Little Nepenthes, the one with a flower atop its mouth, we would need the ovules of it to make a good enough potion for my daughter."
Jeanne smiles and stand, "Consider it done, I'll get it to you within the today." the NPC bows to her slightly, "Thank you so much for this, if you get it i will be willing to offer you a long sword handed down in my family as a reward." Jeanne nods before setting out.
She walks into the woods, she was level 26, so not alot could threaten her, kill her? - no way - injure her? - possible.
She walks into the forest and looks around to find some of the monsters she would hunt.
"Okay memory, work with me, normal ones have no distinct features, the one's i'm hunting has a red flower on it's head, and the one with the fruit on this head summons more and makes it a party... and they're around a meter tall..." she mutters the last part as she spots a Little Nepenthes, it was level 3 with the use of an observe, which she would need to grind again (joy).
She walks up to it, it wasn't special, so she chops it in half with one good slice.
"Man, being over powered it boring... although it seems the EXP I receive is fixed now, only gained 4 from that..." she goes off to hunt some more, after around ten minutes of grinding she managed to get lucky and spotted the Red flowered Nepenthes, she cuts it up and the item she needed drops, she puts it into her inventory before heading back quickly, she needed to hand this in before the forced teleport or it'll be a pain to get back.
After running there she speaks after pulling the Ovules out of her inventory, "I got the Ovules..." she walks over and plops it into the NPC's hand, "There you go..." The NPC was over joyed and gave Jeanne the Anneal Blade.
[Anneal Blade - Rank: E]
A long sword handed down through a family in Horunka.
Durability: 800/800
DMG: 50-100
Enhancements: None
Not a really good sword, but still for a starting sword it was great in SAO.
She sighs before putting it in her inventory, if she equipped it now too many people would accuse her of being a Beta Tester when the Death Game was announced, not good in the long term of things.
She walks out and rests up against a pole waiting for the forced Teleport...
her vision fades to a light blue before she closes her eyes, once she hears an abundant of voices she opens her eyes an look around, the sun was setting and she was in the town centre of the Town of Beginnings surrounded by thousands of other people, she looks around and spots Kirito and Klein Pre-Mirror, so she decides to walk up to them.
"Hey, you two know what's going on?" she ask, they turn to her before Kirito responds, "No, but if I had to guess it will explain why the Log Out button is missing." she looks mildly surprised, "Wait, it's missing?" she does the motion and opens her settings and see's Log Out was blank.
"Oh... Alright then." she mutters to herself, she also spots her name, 'Queen', fitting.
"Well, nice to meet you, I'm Queen." they nod to her, "Kirito." "Klein, 22 and sing-AH!" Kirito punches him in the dick and he falls to the ground.
"AGAIN!? WHY?" he calls out in pain even though they don't feel it, Queen gives him a light kick, "Already taken Virgin." she looks at Kirito for a moment before nodding to him, which he nods back, probably thinking she was a Beta Tester, which is what she wanted him to think.
Just then they hear an alarm of sorts and look up at the sky, Blood seeps out of the warning symbols in the sky and forms into the GM Kayaba Akihiko, who will be known as Heathcliff once the game begins.
"Attention, Players." he begins, "Welcome to my world."
"'My World'?" Kirito mutters to himself as The GM continues, "My name is Kayaga Akihiko. As of this moment, I am the sole person who can control this world." Queen (Jeanne) smirks slightly, let's see what you say when she activates one of her Reality Marbles.
"I'm sure you've already noticed, that the logout button is missing from the main menu. But this is not a defect in the game…I repeat..this is not a defect in the game. It is a feature of Sword Art Online." some people seem to be getting it.
"A feature?" Klein asked, having got over the dick punch by now, "You cannot log out of SAO yourselves. And no one on the outside can shutdownor remove the NerveGear. Should this be attempted the transmitter inside the NerveGear will emit a powerful microwave, destroying your brain and thus ending your life."
Klein speaks up, "What' that guy talking about, he's gotta be nuts. Right Kirito?" Kirito looks pensive, "He's right that the transmitter's signals work just like microwaves. If the safety were disabled it could fry a brain."
"Then, if we cut the power..." Queen (Jeanne) speaks up, "The NerveGear has an internal battery."
"But this is Crazy. What's going on?" Klein ask, Queen (Jeanne) looks up at the GM with a glare.
"Unfortunately, several players' friends and families have ignored this warning and have attempted to remove the NerveGear. As a result, two hundred and thirteen players Are gone forever, from both Aincrad and the real world." Kirito and Klein looked shock, but after a moment question why she wasn't shocked.
"I'm no stranger to death..." in more ways then one, but they didn't need to know she has killed possibly thousands and also died.
Just then pop ups appear around the GM about the news reporting the death.
"As you can see, news organisations across the world, are reporting all of this, including the deaths. Thus, you can assume that the danger, of a NerveGear being removed is no minimal. I hope you will relax and attempt to clear the game. But I want you to remember this clearly. There is no longer any method to revive someone within the game. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be forever lost. and simultaneously the NerveGear will destroy your brain. There is only one means of escape. To complete the game. You are presently on the lowest floor of Aincrad, Floor 1. If you make your way through the dungeon and defeat the Floor Boss, you may advance to the next level. Defeat the boss on Floor 100, and you will clear the game."
After a long winded speech, Klein speaks up, "Clear all 100 floors, that's impossible! The beta testers never made it anywhere near that high!" he was ignored, such a weak presence he had, Poor Klein.
The GM speaks up, "Finally, I've added a present to your item storage. Please see for yourself." everyone takes the item out and they get lightened up to reveals themselves as their real world counterparts.
Not much changed from Queen other then blue eyes and blond hair, she looks at Kirito and Klein, "So uh... This is happening..." the two boy's point at each other after figuring it out.
They start talking about how it was possible, but she was confused about how she got her original body, namely cause she never did the scan, unless Manus did it before she left, highly plusable given her playful nature to mess with her at times.
Kayaba gives a fair well speech before fading away, after a few moments of people freaking out Kirito grabs Klein and run out, Queen decides to follow them.
"If what he said is true, the only way to surv-... Queen?" he looks behind Klein to see Queen looking at them from around the corner, "Jiii...(Stare)"
"Okay then... The only way to survive in this world is by making yourself as strong as possible. The resources within a Virtual MMORPG, in other words, the money and EXP we can earn, are limited. The field surrounding the Town of Beginning will soon be hunted clean. To do this efficiently we should head to the next village now. I know all the paths and dangerous areas, even at level 1, I can get there safely."
Klein goes on about his friends and how he can't ask anymore out of Kirito, Queen decides to go to the other end of the Alleyway too meet up with Kirito.
when he comes running by she grabs him by the shoulders and spins him around slightly, "Hiya! mind if I Tag along?" Kirito thinks for a moment before nodding and the two head off towards Horunka.
They go through and complete the Quest for Kirito to have The Anneal Blade.
"Hey Queen, you're surprisingly good, you want to do the quest again to get you one?" Queen smiles slightly before equipping the Anneal Blade she got, "Oh, I already did this quest, I just wanted to help you out."
He looks surprised for a moment before sighing, "I forgot to ask, what level are you?"
Queen looks pensive, "Level 26..."
Next time on Fate of a Gamer
"N... Nothing! Nothing at all! Cross my heart, hope to die, please don't stick that needle in my eye!"
"Huh...? Am I late?"
"I could kill everyone one here in an instant, I'm not a Beta Tester... I'm a Monster..."
Name: Jeanne Skylark
Level: 26 (15,124/26,000 EXP to next level)
Prestige: 1 (Level 300 for next)
Title: [Ally of The Void] - Permanent, [Wielder of Cross-Calibur] - Permanent
Race: Eldritch Being/Servant (Caster/Avenger)
HP: 7,600/7,400
HPR: 500 HP/m
MP: 6,660/6,660
MPR: 1,000 MP/m
Magic Circuit: 370 (A+ Rank)
Affinities: Sword, Energy
Origins: Sword, Energy
STR: 100 (E Rank)
END: 100 (E Rank)
AGI: 100 (E Rank)
MANA: 100 (E Rank)
LUK: 66
N.P: 100
Points: 0
Money: 94,780,605 Cor
[Humanoid Eldritch Being] - Trait - Passive/Active
Type: Human/Dragon/Abomination
Due to your nature as a human turned Eldritch being, you can keep a humanoid form and can change into your Eldritch form.
You are immortal, while you can die you can always come back
Eldritch form: x10 STR/AGI/END, x5 MANA, gain [Incomprehensible Existence]
Passives: Mortals who gazes upon your Eldritch form will die from your very existence.
[Infinite Altereactor] - Trait - Passive
Keeps the user in top shape by burning calories into Mana, due to the nature of it becoming Infinite, an Infinite amount of power can be stored within it.
Stored Mana: 1,010,512 MP
Max Output from Altereactor: 20,000 MP per Minute (Level: MAX)
[Avenger] - Trait - Passive/Active
You are a being of hatred, and will stop at nothing until you get revenge for what ever has given you this hatred.
- +10% to all damage
- Alter Form effect x10
[Black Queen] - Trait - Passive
You are The Black Queen, and exist outside the concept of humanity, yet all will hear of you, your Tale is infinite and will allow you to travel to other worlds after death.
- Those who know of you as The Black Queen, will either have -100 or +100 Respect for you
- You can command an army of Void creatures
[Broken Bow - Rank: A+]
A Bow that is specially designed to launch Broken Phantasms over a great distance while they retain the power.
- Bow can only launch broken Phantasms under or equal to Bows Rank
- Bows rank can be upgraded (1)
- Adds 20% extra damage to the Broken Phantasm launched
- Requires Skill [Alteration] to shape Broken Phantasms into arrows
[Cross-Calibur - Rank: A+/A++]
Cross-Calibur: Twin Black Dragon Sword of Promised Victory, The Noble Phantasm of Mysterious Heroine X Alter, it takes the form of The Normal Excalibur but with a faint red glow around it's blade.
N.P Incantation
« I have been waiting for this moment."
"Altereactor, critical limits exceeded. Through my darkness's brilliance, return to elementary particles!"
"...Cross-Calibur! »
N.P Cost: 300 MP
Damage: 500~1,000
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1~99
[Oathkeeper and Oathbreaker - Rank: A/A+]
A pair of gloves that powers the wearers hand to hand combat.
- +10 Levels to Hand to hand combat when wore
- +50% Speed with Hand to Hand combat
Damage: 250~500
[Anneal Blade - Rank: E]
A long sword handed down through a family in Horunka.
Durability: 800/800
DMG: 50-100
Enchantments: None
[Gamer's Mind - LVMAX - Passive]
Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological mass effect
[Gamer's Body - LVMAX - Passive]
Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects
[Cooking - LV70 36.12% - Passive]
How good one is at cooking.
- +77% speed in cooking
- +154% in taste of cooking
[Patience - LVMAX - Passive]
In your infinite wisdom, you decided to learn one of the greatest virtues, patience, with it, you shall be able to put up with all the bullshit from those around you.
[Incarnation: Sword - LVMAX - Passive]
Due to your Affinity and Origin of Sword, you excel in every aspect of the blade.
- +1,100% Learning Speed of Sword Based Skill
- +550 Effectiveness of Sword Based Skills
[Incarnation: Energy - LVMAX - Passive]
Due to your Affinity and Origin of Energy, you excel in every aspect of Energy itself.
- +1,100% Learning Speed of Energy Based Skills
- +550 Effectiveness of Energy Based Skills
[Stealth - LV1 0.00% - Passive]
The ability to hide from others
- +1.1% chance to avoid detection if you are above their level
- -5.5% chance of being detected for every level they are above you.
[Alter Form - LVMAX - Transform]
Corrupt yourself and give into the darkness of The Shadows.
- Gain Alter Appearance: Bleached/silvery blonde hair, golden eyes.
- 0%(0%) chance of Alter Ego taking over
-+220%(2,200%) to all stats
Cost: 100 MP activation, 50 MP/m Maintain
[Observe - LV1 0.00% - Active]
Allows one to look into more detail about the subject their looking at.
- can see name, title, Current HP/MP to Max HP/MP, short Bio along with stats and status affects
[Energy Sense - LVMAX - Passive]
A skill that will give you a rough estimate on a persons energy reserves compared to The Gamers.
- Can Sense 200 to 3,000 MP from a person
[Sword Mastery - LV1 0.00% - Passive/Active]|
The Act of the Sword is difficult to master, but rewarding if done so.
- Passively grants +1.1% to STR and AGI when wielding a sword
- Increase Speed with sword by +2.2%
- +2.2% Damage dealt with Swords
[Bow Mastery - LVMAX - Passive]
A skill that allows user to freely handle bows.
- +220% Damage with bow and arrows
- +110% Accuracy when using a bow.
[Hand to Hand Combat - LV1(+10) 0.00% - Passive/Active]
The Art of The Fist, an Elegant yet deadly art to have a means to an end.
- +1.1%(+12.1%) to Hand to Hand Combat Speed
- +2.2%(+24.2%) To Hand to Hand Combat Damage
[Physical Endurance - LV1 0.00% - Passive]
The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken.
- 1.1% decrease in damage taken by Physical attacks
[Fire Resistance - LV1 0.00% - Passive]
The Body's resistance to the element of fire
- 1.1% decrease in damage taken by Fire based attacks
[Electric Resistance - LV1 0.00% - Passive]
The Body's resistance to the element of Electricity
- 1.1% decrease in damage taken by electrical based attacks
[Limit Break - LV1 0.00% - Active]
Allows the body to surpass it's own limit for a short time to boost the user, but has backlash.
- 10% increase to one stat
- deals 5% HP to user for every minute in use
MP Cost: 100 MP to cast/10 MP per Minute to maintain
[Unlimited Blade Works - LVMAX- Reality Marble]
The Reality Marble of Shirou Emiya and the Noble Phantasm of the Heroic Spirit EMIYA and his Fate/Extra counterpart, and now it belongs to you.
(due to nature of Reality Marble, can only be used as Alter: Avenger)
"I am the bone of my sword."
"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."
"I have created over a thousand weapons."
"Unaware to the pain."
"Nor aware to victory."
"Went through darkness to forge many weapons."
"My life is regret, my hate is all that's left."
"So as I stand alone, Unlimited Blade Works!"
- Reality Marble pulls in those in combat with the user
- User can store an unlimited amount of blades
Cost: 350 MP per Minute
[Structural analysis - LVMAX - Passive]
The First skill any Magus will learn, as it is the one you can't blow yourself up with, simple, right?
- Takes 0 seconds to fully analyse something if touching
- Takes 0 seconds to fully analyse something with sight
- Automatically Analyse any bladed weapon (wont cost MP)
Cost: 5 MP per Analysis
[Reinforcement - LV1 0.00% - Active]
A Skill that strengthens the the existence of an object, be it a blade, a building, or even air if you have a grasp of it.
- +11% sharpness to bladed weapons
- +5.5% Durability to items
- +2.75% to strength of object
Cost: 100 MP per Minute
[Alteraction - LV1 - Active]
allows one to alter the shape of an object depending on their skill.
- 1% change in shape
- 1% change in mass
Cost: 250 MP per change
[Projection (Trace) - LVMAX - Active]
Due to your Incarnation of Sword, you are able to Use Projection to equal the level of the real deal, is easier to trace blades, but other objects are harder.
- +1,100% effectiveness of Tracing Bladed Weapons
- +110% effectiveness of Tracing non-Bladed Weapons
Cost: 5 MP per Trace, 5 MP/m to maintain
[Unlimited Void World - LV87 50.00% - Reality Marble]
The Specialised Reality Marble that belongs to Jeanne Skylark, A world of infinite Magic,
"The Depth of Hated..."
"The Height of Darkness..."
- Copies Spells into the Reality Marble
- Drags those within a 500 m radius into the Reality Marble
- Reality Marble cancels all Magic minus the user's
Cost: 400 MP per minute
[Energy Perception - LVMAX - Passive]
A Skill that allows you to mimic types of energies you see or come into contact with
Types of Energies Mimicked: Fire (0.5), Electricity (2), Gasoline (25), Solar (10), Pure Energy [Red](20), Void (200), Spirit (175), Pure Energy [Green](40)
- Chance to Mimic Energy on contact: 100%
- Chance to Mimic Energy on sight: 100%
[Energy Empowerment - LV1 0.00% - Active]
Allows one to strengthen a type of Energy they can mimic.
- +11% Power to Energy
- +2.2% Effectiveness of Energy Type
Cost: 50 MP per minute
[Energy Creation - LV1 0.00% - Active]
Allows you to produce Mimicked types of energies from your body
- can produce 1-10 units of types of energy
- cannot select where energy comes from
Cost: [Varies] MP cost
[Alter Lightning - LV1 0.00% - Active]
Shoot out a blast of red lightning.
Chance to shock: 1.1%
Range: 1-10
Dmg: MANAx[Skill Level]
Cost: 50 MP per shot
[Alter Choke - LV1 0.00% - Active]
Allows the user to use Psychokinesis the choke one or more targets.
Targets: 1
Cost: 50 MP per second
[Image Fighting - LVMAX - Active]
Relive fights of your past to learn from even more experience.
- Can fight at original or equal level
- Will not gain any EXP minus Skill EXP
Cost: 0 MP per second