Chapter 10- First Contact

Immediately, blood started flowing from her hand and down to the ground. She looked at the rock now in her palm, covered in her blood and said, "I now place a curse! For the eyes to be as black as the night sky, to be as black as a crow's beak, to be as blackened as this obsidian stone." Immediately, her eyeballs started to burn like someone had shoved two hot coals into her eye sockets. Shinju started to bite her tongue to ward off the urge to yell out as she clutched at her head between her hands. After a minute of silent agony, her eyeballs started to finally cool down. She stopped clutching her head and slumped down by the side of the pool, unconscious.

Years, hours, or it could be seconds pass by but the next time she sluggishly opened her eyes she was no longer in the cave. In fact, she seemed as if she was not even still in the same world. All around her, all she could see was stars and endless space. Her instincts as an assassin made her immediately jolt herself completely awake. Slowing her breaths to be slow and deep to mimic unconsciousness, she started to check the current condition of her body. Only once she was sure that her body was in great condition, and she was not restrained in anyway did she open her eyes. Crouching in a defensive position, she took a more through look at her surroundings. She definitely was not in the cave any longer.

After she took one look around, she figured she was in some kind of place that imitated space because all she could see was a sea of stars and she could see even a world or two near her location. Just as she was about to call out to see just why she was there; she heard the same silky voice as in the cave. "My daughter, it is so good to finally see you in person." Hurriedly she turned around to face the owner of the voice only to be stunned into silence at the beauty of the smiling women behind her. With long black hair that seemed as long and dark as an abyss, a long silky silver dress, and large silver wings the women looked otherworldly gorgeous. Shinju gasped as the unknown women opened her eyes to reveal startingly colored eyes that resembled molten silver. After a minute of staring in stunned silence at the figure, Shinju snapped out of her shocked stupor with a yelp. "Who are you?!" she exclaimed "What are you?" she asked taking a glance at the large wings.

Tinkling laughter started to echo throughout the seemingly endless space. "My dear child, why would you call upon a Goddess and not even know who she is." She said with an amused smile aimed towards Shinju. Shinju took a moment to reflect back onto the ceremony she performed before she lost consciousness. "The Goddess Nemesis!" she suddenly exclaimed. "That is one of my many names." said the now named Goddess with an amused tilt to her head. "I am known by many others too…"