
"It was true. A pill that kills emotion. It was really true.. What do I do to reverse the reaction?"

"Ike. It won't work, whatever you try. Theoretically, the human body gets used to change pretty fast; One day. The day we took the pill should have been the day we threw it up too. It is too late now.. So you get an idea; I lost my 'Envy' and 'Anger' in the process. The effect is dissipating, sure, but I will lose two more emotions before it's over. What about you?"

"Sadness, anger, happiness and five more that I didn't know I had to begin with. Because I took an incredible amount that day, things ended up really sour for me."

"The why you killed Ann. I get it now."

"You sure you do, Faze?? You keep bullshitting me about how much you understand my position. Fuck you and fuck the pills. I made a mistake by trusting myself, because I met you."

At the moment, we were three stupidos heads down with people hunting our tails.

"And I will Forever regret it."

That happened and one other incident happened too. A few hours after the meet up with Faze, I met Ann's vengeful ex husband. And that was what decided my fate. Because what followed off of this was The World.

"Criminals, you are.. And deaths, you deserve. But before that, I will make sure to rape every state of your fucking lesbian mind, you Anomaly!!"

"...Looks like I lost one more.. Even insult won't reach me. And yet, he's throwing homophobic insults right at me. Should I run awa--No. I shall just retaliate. I can't run away.. Ann is already dead. My friends have turned their backs on me. All I have to do now is to take a deep dump on these bitches..."

"The hell you talking about--Hey!! Look at me when I'm talking to----??!"

"Your name is Johnson? Can you try to FUCK me? I will call two more guys... I feel like I need a shake-up. And I've always wanted to try three dicks in my mouth--What the hell am I saying?"