Laughs and laughs. A bedroom where adult activities were taking place. A man by my right, too tired to reckon what is going on around. Me laying sit as a woman with bonde woman interrogates me. The night blooming at its peak and a sneeze of the wind refreshing our wicked mind. At this right moment, I wanna smoke a cig, even though, I never did before. I'm weird, aren't I?
"...Sorry to break in on you too, but I've got new intructions. W1*, Motherland needs us asap. GW5* came back with a spilled cup*..." Interrupts another woman but this one is covered from head to toe with a black suit.
"..Again? They piss me off being so incompetent. I told Motherland* that sugar caring new recruits will only lead to our demise. They can't do a simple objective like programming a nuke to fall on Amerixa.. Why are they within our ranks---Okay, we'll return to the HQ*. My headache is back.." Says the blonde woman but I hardly understands her at all.
"..And what about her? Is she a potential threat that needs to get erased or is she just a friend?" Questions the black suit woman as she starts to point a gun my way.
But I hardly react. I lost fear and self-awareness a long time ago.
"I have a question besides all that charabia.. A question for you, black suit. Your colleague told me earlier that I had a choice to make. She also told me that she was on both sides; The Good and The Bad ones. What do I need to do to be like her?" Says I with an indifferent face.
"..W1 is currently the closest person to becoming the Next Motherland*. She acts like an administrator* too. So, I'm afraid you are too old to even try. Just choose a side and try not to die, Hollow..." Speeches the black suit with a digusted tone.
"a side? If I KILL that Motherland* of Yours, What happens then?"