Chapter: Back From The Grave

I stared up with my eyes widening.

No, I can't die here!

I just awakened my ability!


Why'd this happen to me?

It's not fair...


Staring into the sky, I awoke.

This was day 14 of me falling off the cliff.

Over these past few days, I've realized something.

Turns out in this place, you just fall forever and you cannot age.

You don't require food, you don't require sleep.

Sure you can choose to sleep which is what I did most of the time.

Pretty much, it was an eternal punishment.

I was going to be subjected to this for who knows how long.


I've been here for god knows how long.

Slowly going insane, I had one faint hope.

My ability has slowly grown over time.

It's accumulated strength while I've been falling.

Now I can combine 2 materials together as well as split the air.

This was what I was waiting for.

When my ability reaches a certain threshold, I could get out.

Reaching out my hand, I grabbed some rock off the side of the cliff.


It hurt, it hurt a lot.

Holding the pain in, I started using my abilities new skill.


With this, I had gained a new material.

[Aero Stone]

{This rock has been combined with air to create a lightweight object that when has accumulated enough air, will be able to float in the air.}

This was enough.

I had prepared for this day.

"Heave Ho!"

I smashed into the side of the cliff.

It grinded on the side before slowly coming to a halt.


I succeeded!

Grasping the rock, I began to dig.

Combining the rock with other pieces of rock allowed me to make a material named [Heavy Might]

It basically had twice the density of a normal rock and was stronger than iron.

Collecting these in my pocket, I continued to dig.

I dug for hours and hours without taking breaks.

Was there any hope?

Could I actually make it out?

No! I mustn't think of negative thoughts!

