Chapter 7: Signing In

"Let's see."

"What's the best way to make money?" I asked myself.

That's it!

I'll become an adventurer.

All it requires is for you to put your life on the line and you get decent pay.

Not a bad job.

Yep, that settles it.

I'm going to be an adventurer.

Got to find a town first though.

I started sprinting through the lush forest marveling at how much more beautiful it was now.

With no location set, I camped in the night and ran in the morning.

I wandered aimlessly for quite a few days.

With me living in the rift for so long, my sense of time was completely destroyed.

It took me awhile, but I finally found something.

A towering wall covered me with it's shadow while I stared up.

"I can't climb that." I jokingly said.

Beginning to lose hope, I suddenly saw a gate in the distance with a long line in front of it.

Oh, I see.

It's not a castle, it's just a city.

I went to the back of the line and waited.

It was filled with many citizen's and a few dozen adventurers most likely coming back from a job.

When it was finally my turn, I walked up to the gate.

They began searching my body.

When it was done, they gave me entry in.

I finally made it to modern society.