Chapter 24: Wild Monsters

Running through the forest, I have encountered some monsters.

They're rather small wolf like creature's that don't deal much damage yet are extremely quick on their paws.

With pure white fur, I bet I could make a killing selling their pelts.

I didn't take the risk though as there were more than one.

With me not knowing much about them, I tried to sneak past them.

When I attempted it, my sheath accidentally hit the tree that I was hiding behind.

Oh crap...

Noticing me, they snarled menacingly.

Hastily, I began to run.

With their superior speed though, it only took them a few seconds to catch up.

Panicked, I swung my sword around wildly.

As I was still not used to it, instead of helping me, it became a hinderance.

After a few more minutes of trying to escape, I was rather worn down.

Escaping couldn't save me in this situation it seems.

Looks like I have to fight.

Sheathing my sword, I raised my bare hands.

The wolf like beasts pounced at me. ( I'll call them wolves for now I guess )


I ruptured the ground underneath me and dashed away.

The wolves landed in the crack with a thud.

Their legs were dangling in the empty space below the fissure while their bodies were stuck above.

It worked!

Preparing to cut them in half with split, I thought against it.

Why not use Fuse?

See if I could fuse the monsters together.

Sadly, I could not combine more than two with the one pitiful copper coin I had left.

Well it's better than nothing I guess.

Still, If I killed it.

I'll be able to gain more coins as the fused animal would probably be a rarer breed of the same one.
