Cannabis, the Holy plant of the Fox part 1

I have to wonder, how did this happen?

I ask myself as I see a women who looks like a Milf with her child reverently kneeling before me, asking for my blessing and for the good of her child.

"O venerable Fox, please grant my daughter your blessing!" She stays kneeling with anxiety, shifting my tail I take a look at the child and hold back my surprise at how adorable it looks.

"My~ isn't your daughter quite the adorable looking thing" with that being said, what do I do now? If I half ass this…hmm, fake it till I make it is it? "Fine, I'll humor your request, be grateful for it"

Chuckling I get her daughter and hold her with one of my arms while the other one I use my nails and make a small wound on my finger, letting the blood drip to the child's stomach and chest before slowly infusing her with Qi, making sure it's gentle as a single fuck up can kill her.

After an excruciating hour or two I start circulating it and watch in slight fascination as she starts falling asleep from the exhaustion of having to endure such actions on her fragile body. So I guess I did well?

Taking one final look I kiss her forehead for good luck and give it back to the mother who reverently looks at me, making me chuckle as she starts leaving, praying my name.

Once that's done I hear the townsfolk begin throwing a celebration at me blessing one of them.

Hmm…I wonder, considering how religions work, does that make her royalty in the eyes of my followers?

Whatever "Cmon Tanuki, we must enjoy the food that they brought us" he happily growls as he starts feasting.

Mhmm, if I'm a God(fake), does that make Tanuki my holy beast?

Taking a bite at the well roasted and seasoned meat along with some vegetables to give it flavor.

Being worshiped as a god is nice, alright, back to cultivating.


Six months have passed since the baptism of the kid, what have I done? Nothing much really other than sending Tanuki to go hunt down some beast that start getting a bit to uppity for their own good, granted I'm not hunting down all of them as that could hurt the ecosystem and the villagers would have no chance of getting meat.

How can they hunt down monsters? They don't, they only hunt down the weaker variants that can be killed by their own hands. Luckily they posses a few weaker cultivators for that so eh, take my evaluation with a grain of salt.

On the other hand I notice that the outside of the place of my home seems more…religious as their practically building a shrine for me. Granted it's still far from finish but hey, it's a nice boost for my ego.

Getting up from my cultivation I stretch till my bones pop and let out a content sigh. "Well, time for a walk I guess…what? I'm tired of sitting on my ass doing nothing but cultivating, I get tired too" Tanuki ignores me in favor of eating.

Gluttonous fuck.

Walking down I watch the trees move with the wind, leaves coming off and blowing with the air, the sun piercing through cracks of the forest illuminating some shadows, it was a nice and content walk till my nose picked up something, the smell of blood along with my ears twitching at what can very well be fighting with steel clashing against steel.

Looking at the small currency that I've gotten from the townsfolk, I use my nail and make a head or tails before flipping it up and watching it descend into my hand.

"Tails it is, time to see what's going on" and I start rubbing to where the noises are coming. Deciding to try it for the first time in a longer hole I get down on all fours and start running while doing parkour.

Yes I am in fact bored sometimes that acting like a monkey in crack is my only source of entertainment.

A few jumps and dodges I squat down on my legs and watch the battle between a handsome looking fellow and a shady assassin looking guy.

The assassin has some knives and is using them dexterously, the other dude is using a sword and is bleeding with a wound to the shoulder.

"The outcome is clear, but why are they fighting?" Watching things go my ear twitch as I see at a little girl watching this go down, all the white hiding behind a tree. "I see, family situation?" I mutter as I continue watching it.

"Hahahaha! It's seems your about to fall, seventh prince!" My eyes widen. "Now why don't you hand over the Princess!" He says before charging in.

Holy shit what a development. Hmm…I see, okay, now that I take a closer look he does look similar to the little girl. Can I have them owe me a debt if I save him?

Let's see, to do or to not? What do you think instincts of mine?

I wait, and wait, and wait till I give up and just decide to enter uninvited in this cock fight.

"Why hello there?"

"Wha-! Who are you!" He spouts before I kill him, literally, I just shove my hand straight into his heart and pull it out mortal kombat style.

"Fatality!" Tossing the heart away I look at the dude and he stares at me in shock before focusing on my ears and tail in rising horror.

"Hmm, aren't you hurt rather badly?" I question to which he breathes in and starts circulating whatever remains of his Qi and flares it up against me.

"Even if I'm to die today, let it be known that I Wu Linglong have not died without a fight demon!" He shouts before charging at me with his sword in hand, naturally dodge out the way and leg sweep him with some amateurish moves that work due to being more powerful then him.

Well at least I think I am. Before he can continue I kick him in the stomach and watch him hit a tree with his back taking the full brunt of the impact.

Walking closer I watch in slight amusement as his finger twitches showcasing his will to live, or just pure stubbornness.

"Hmm, I'll let you live if you answer me a few questions okay?" Grabbing him by the hair I squat down till we're at eye level, and all I see is fighting spirit. "If you don't then do it for your little sister?" Now that has an effect as he glares at me.

"W-what did you do!?" I chuckle a bit as he continues glaring at me.

"Who knows, but she's still alive, aren't you little girl?" I call out to the tree she's hiding in and see her body twitch in fear "Oh come out unless you want your precious brother to be killed" a second, two seconds and more until finally she slowly comes out.

"See? I didn't do anything" yet, but that was left unsaid as his eyes once again widen.

"What do you want?" His voice is hoarse but some semblance of hope along with fighting spirit is still there.

"Didn't I say it? What are you doing here mister prince?" I curiously ask as the little sister steps in closer, that is until I grab her by the waist and push her to my side just to headpat her.

Of course he glared at me until he realizes I'm just affectionately playing with her head.

"My sister and I escaped the palace but were chased down by them" and so I let my body go on autopilot as I just focus on playing with the little girl.

That is until he starts thanking me and I take a look at the small silver ring her has on him.

"Hmm, is that your storage ring?" I curiously asks and he nods. "Then as compensation for your survival I'll take it" swiftly taking it from his hands I back away and start playing with it, that is until I realized that it's user locked.

So I go and take a bit of his blood and Qi to attain access, taking a look I swallow my rising bile as I stare at a certain plant which I take out, it falls into my hands.

"And this is?" I curiously asks as it resembles something I once saw.

"It's a type of herb used for relaxation"

"So it's weed…Marijuana, Cannabis…this is enough compensation" I take out all of them before putting them back in.