Timeskip (Rewrite)

The next few years of my life were a breeze. I was picked up the next day by my mother and father. Turns out, they were simply on vacation in Okinawa when my mother was pregnant with me and she gave birth three weeks early.

Why she waited to take her vacation until she was only three weeks from childbirth is a mystery I may never understand, but what I was able to understand was that the moment my father saw me for the first time since my birth, he immediately ordered us to leave Okinawa.

My father was a rather tall man with a sturdy build who had a stoic countenance. He was very handsome with Short Black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Despite looking like he was around thirty-five, he didn't have even a single shred of facial hair, so I can assume that I won't either. That was fine since I don't plan on aging after I become 20 or so anyway.

My mother was a European beauty with extremely pale white skin and sky blue eyes. Her golden locks were tied up behind her head neatly. She too had a beauty mark on her face, though it was near her left eye rather than under her lip. She wore a pale pink lip-gloss that made her look more like a barbie doll than an actual living breathing person.

My mother was extremely excited to show me around the mansion when we returned, completely forgetting the fact that I was a child and that her tour would, under normal circumstances, go in one ear and out the other. It was probably a good thing she did give me this tour though. I was able to make note of some extremely notable items and even cleverly disguised Mystic Codes.

How do I know they were Mystic Codes? Obviously, because my mother told me about them. She really isn't the kind of person who can keep secrets, so I doubt father lets her out of his sight much.

All of the lore I had read in my previous life about the nasuverse and fate had told me that most Magus were immoral monsters who didn't have a shred of humanity in them so long as they acquired the result they wanted. Even Kiritsugu, who is someone with a childish dream to be a hero, plans to betray his wife and daughter, whom he loves dearly, in order to grant a wish for 'World Peace' or 'an end to Human Suffering' or something along those lines while failing to realize that even such a thing is impossible due to human nature.

Anyways, back on topic, my parents are actually GOOD PARENTS. They aren't like the Tohsaka's who would sell their daughter or the Matou's who would have their heirs tortured in worm pits to increase their potential, they genuinely love me and care for me.

I'll admit, I tried to not love them or see them as my parents for the first few months. I still thought of my mother in my previous world as my 'real' mother, but by the time I was two years old, I had already started thinking of them as my real parents.

During those two years, I learned a lot of information about both the Moonlit world and the Mundane World and the differences between my earth and the Fate Universe. The library quickly became my favorite place to visit in my off-time when I wasn't being lectured about etiquette or being a dress-up doll for my mother and the maids.

First, in the Fate Universe, the world's population is actually much smaller than it would be around this time in my world. It wasn't hard to see why though. Wars were bloodier here, as secret magus wars and thaumaturgical weapons were used alongside conventional weaponry during battles. Curses were implanted on bullets that made sure anyone even grazed by them would be seriously injured and unable to fight for the rest of the war, and wide-scale magecraft was used against enemy formations. Mustard Gas in my old world was already dangerous enough before the Germans began Enchanting it to pass through gas masks.

Of course, most of this information wasn't leaked to the public, as most soldiers who had to fight against enemies who were given Mystic Codes or cursed weapons didn't survive their encounters, and those that did either went insane or blocked out the memories. Big events, such as D-Day or the Hiroshima and Nagasaki still happened, but the details were different, and even my untrained eye could see a few 'records' that had to have been forged to obscure obvious thaumaturgical interference.

Another difference I found was that the number of companies in the world was probably around only 10% of that in my old world. The reason for this was obviously because ancient magus' families used their thaumaturgical abilities to amass exuberant amounts of wealth while also crushing the competition in most traditional fields. However, it seemed like most magus' were smart enough to not fall into stagnation, so despite the lack of competition, most companies still strived to make advancements in most areas.

I also found out a lot more about the myths and legends of the past. Most Myths from my world, like King Arthur, were actually confirmed in my world. The ruins of Camalot were even a tourist attraction in England on par with Stone Henge. Gilgamesh was confirmed to have existed and many of the Greek Heroes also had archeological evidence found about them. The ruins of Troy was discovered as well, which hadn't happened in my world, although Atlantis was thought to still be a myth, though I guess those events occurred literally tens of thousands of years ago.

Finally, the biggest two discoveries I had made were the most shocking. First of all, women were treated equally to men much earlier in history, even though there was subtle misogyny sprinkled throughout most works and academia. I could only assume this was because many important figures in the Fateverse, were actually women, such as Altera (Attila) and Artoria (Arthur). This was mainly a gimic due to Fate/Grand Order, but when translating into the real world, this was the result. It could also be because women were just as talented, if not more so than men in magecraft, and since the magus' secretly rule the world this slowly led to the equalization of rights a few decades earlier than in my world.

Oh yeah, I also found out the Rothschild's DO secretly control the world, or more precisely, they control the only bank in the Moonlit world with any credibility, serving humans, dead apostles, gods/goddesses, and homunculi alike.

'That's a scary thought, the conspiracy theorists of this world are actually right.' I thought.



It was in 1991, when I was four years old, that my first lessons in magecraft began. It was quite a shocking time, to say the least. I found out that my body was absolutely STACKED! I had a total of 80 Magic Circuits, all of A-Grade, giving me the highest output in the history of the Arcana family. Furthermore, just as my father had predicted, I had Mystic Eyes, though my eyes were not found anywhere on the record.

My father had me pass a bit of prana into my eyes to switch them on. The first time I did so, I immediately caused all of the Bounded Fields in the Mansion to vanish, much to my father's shock. That bounded field had protected the Arcana family residence for over 500 years and withstood attacks from dozens of trained magus trying to break in and a short siege during the second world war from both magecraft and conventional weaponry, so when it was immediately dispersed simply by me looking at it, there was a small incident.

At first, my parents thought that my eyes allowed me to unravel any thaumaturgical foundation I looked at while my eyes were active. I ran through dozens of mystic codes, from the cheapest of trinkets to even ancient relics that might have even become Noble Phantasms if they were ever used by a person of significance, however, after a few weeks, when my parents stopped experimenting with my eyes and it came time to actually teach me about how to create bounded fields, they were shocked once again. I started casting bounded fields at an expert level surpassing even my mother's ability. She, who was praised as an expert in bounded fields among the Mage's Association, couldn't compete to my own knowledge on bounded fields with 500+ years worth of mystery packed into them. Even when using the same spell, mine was significantly better, being more mana efficient and costing less to cast. It was after hearing this news that my father understood the true nature of my mystic eyes.

Mystic Eyes of Comprehension. A set of eyes that allow me to instantly analyze and comprehend the mystery in any magecraft so long as it is visible to me. As the 'mystery' was removed from anything that was completely comprehended, that magecraft would instantly be rendered inert as a side effect. Thankfully, despite the fact I completely comprehended everything there was to know about that a particular magecraft and dried up its mystery, since the supermajority of people who knew about that type of spell were not aware of the information I possessed, it could be considered 'mysterious' to them and thus, could be recreated easily.

Of course, I could disrupt it any time I wanted, and now that I knew how it worked, it didn't affect me at all. I was basically immune, whether I liked it or not, to that specific type of magecraft. While this was a good thing, it also meant I could never use Reinforcement Magecraft or healing magecraft if I ever saw them with my eyes activated. I'd have to invent my own version of those types of spells if I ever wanted to use them on my body.

As a consequence of this, my mother wanted ME to start teaching HER about bounded fields after showing me all of her bounded fields and having me analyze them. Father also had me help him comprehend other spells he liked. His favorite offensive spell was akin to an Ethereal Blade that Xemnus used in the Kingdom Hearts Series.

While learning magecraft instantly sure felt like a boon, it wasn't until it came time to transfer my father's magic crest to me did we discover both a blessing and a horrible curse. I had accidentally comprehended my father's Magic Crest and was able to successfully learn all of its techniques, however, now I could never possess it.

For a few weeks, we were quite devastated. My parents didn't blame me for its destruction, no. They knew it wasn't on purpose, but the fact that almost a thousand years of magic circuits, spells, knowledge, and legacies were erased in an instant; the fact that their status as a Noble Family in the eyes of the Mage's Association was lost, caused my father and mother to despair.

Finally, on my mother's 40th birthday, I gave her a shock that caused her to faint. I gave her a copy back our family's Magic Crest. My mother didn't originally come from the Arcana family or one of its branches, as all of our branch members died out in WW2. This meant I was able to grant a Magic Crest with over 1000 years of progress added to it to a non-blood relative.

The fact I followed it up by giving a copy of equal potency to my father only caused further surprise. Who knew understanding how Magic Crests worked on a fundamental level would allow me to completely break the system.

I hadn't even told my parents about my Magic yet, and they were already falling over themselves in praising me.

Also, I didn't realize that this action would spell the DOOM of the Arcana family in just a few short years.