Manaka 'Plays' with Lancer

"This Tokyo Holy Grail War is going to be exceptionally profitable for me," I said as I walked alongside Assassin and Aisha as we climbed the tallest building in the city.

Serenity looked at me for a moment, not bothering to say anything. Aisha raised her eyebrows at my uncharacteristic talking to myself as we all approached the edge. We looked down the side of the multistory apartment building and into a park where Arthur Pendragon and Brynhildr are currently battling it out.

Neither one of them is fighting with 100% of their power, however, their movements are extremely refined and precise. The masters of the Spear and Sword are currently moving at speeds incomprehensible to the naked eye of a regular human and only the eyes of magus, who have magical senses and use reinforcement on their eyes, and other servants are capable of following them.

"Aisha take a look," I say, pointing to the two servants. "when I made you, I made you capable of fighting at exceptionally high levels like that, however, you've only received magecraft knowledge and training until now. You should use this opportunity to gain experience in melee combat."

"If that is your wish master," Aisha said as she focused more and more on the fight.

I had tweaked her brain when making her to have exceptionally high thought processing abilities and to learn things at an inhuman rate, so in the few skirmishes she would witness in this war, she could gain a level of skill with weaponry and martial prowess that would make even the martial geniuses in fiction seem like children floundering about with toys when compared to her.

It was actually extremely impressive that she was able to pick up on magecraft as quickly as she did. While she doesn't have Mystic Eyes of Comprehension like me, she is still able to almost instantly comprehend any technique she has witnessed once or twice and master them in only a dozen or so shots. I was so impressed by this, I had to actively use Magic to reinforce her absolute loyalty to me for fear of her becoming so much better than me she found a way around my magecraft and betrayed me, though now with the Concept of 'Loyalty' engraved on her soul, and transforming her Origin from 'Servant' to 'Loyalty', I don't have to worry about that.

I was even convinced to use a similar procedure to the one I used to create her when changing my own body to further increase my capabilities in the future. I'd have to wait until I was undergoing puberty though, as changing my body when I was young wouldn't allow it to reach its complete potential.

"Master, should I eliminate them?" Assassin asked after we watched for several minutes.

She asked this when the two separated for a moment and were talking to one another. They were too far away for us to hear the conversation, but I vaguely recall something from fanfic that Brynhildr drinks a love potion at some point during this fight and falls in love with Saber. Originally, before I met Manaka, I wanted to use this moment to get her as my subordinate by having her fall in love with me.

It was a bit of a scummy solution, however, if she was going to forcefully fall in love with anyone, I wanted it to be me and use it to my advantage later. I could also gain access to primordial runes from her that only Odin and her would have known about, but now that Manaka was on my side, I could just ask her for the info and she would easily give me an entire encyclopedia worth of Runes using her connection to the ROOT simply if I asked and bribed her with a kiss.

Shaking my head, I turned towards Assassin to answer her question.

"Not yet. When the first Servant is defeated, I'll follow the mana returning to the Grail to find its location. I could just ask Manaka, but that'd be boring. Then I'll use my eyes on a second servant to eliminate them and gain knowledge on how a Servant's body, personal skills, class skills, etc work. My method wouldn't have the servant's mana return to the grail, so I can't use it here." I explained.

"Then why not have me defeat one of those two?" She asked.

"I already know which servant's gonna get deleted with my eyes, but I haven't decided on whether or not to get rid of Brynhildr yet. Manaka seems to have some business with her too." I stated.

Serenity didn't say anything more and simply looked back at the two as Lancer brought out a potion of some sort, though just as she was about to drink it, Saber disappeared.

"Huh!?!" I had to do a double-take to see what just happened.

"Did Mistress recall Saber using a command seal?" Aisha asked, seemingly just as confused as me, though the one most confused had to be Brynhildr, who I could tell was frozen at the scene that just took place.

(Manaka POV)

Well, that was close. I was too busy watching husband enjoy the fight between Saber and Lancer from a building nearby that I almost missed the timing.

'It can't be helped! He's just too charming! He may be a shota right now, but he still gets me so excited.' I thought to myself with flushed cheeks. I quickly shook my head after a moment and allowed myself to gather my thoughts.

I had to focus on the task at hand. That woman Lancer was a bit troublesome. She was definitely beautiful and would make for a fantastic concubine and servant for my husband and me, however, her pathetic excuse for a sob story background would inevitably get in the way.

Who cares if she was punished by the gods or if she was forced to marry someone she didn't love. It was much more unfortunate for me to be unable to see husband for the remaining duration of the war. Father worries too much, he wouldn't have to worry about me bringing harm to husband via being the master of Saber. I wouldn't allow anyone to bring harm to him. Normally, I'd get rid of such a pest obstacle that gets between husband and I. Unfortunately though, husband isn't stupid. If I got rid of father, he wouldn't love me anymore, so I have to suffer through this isolation.

'My pain is a thousand times more painful than that Valkyries'! She has the gall to show that face of sadness while I suffer without husband for three whole days' I thought, getting worked up again before the image of husband came to my mind.

"Don't bother getting yourself worked up over every little thing. As far as I'm concerned, your mine now, and nothing will change that." He had said to me when I nearly killed Arthur for not being summoned as Artoria. At least Artoria would be easy to manipulate into falling for husband and becoming a concubine.

I walked into the center of the park's main path and revealed myself to Lancer. I, of course, made sure to be fully visible to husband by standing in a well-lit area and at an angle where he would see me from. I want to show off my new dress to him! It's a lovely baby blue color with white frills.

"Who are you," Lancer asked me.

"How rude, it's common courtesy to introduce oneself before asking someone's name," I replied.

"Unfortunately I am not in the position to do such a thing. Are you the reason why Saber disappeared?" The bit- I mean Lancer asked impatiently.

"Yes, I am Saber's master and I will soon be your master too." I replied matter of factly.

"What are you-"

"I really don't have time for this to be honest. Husband snuck off when he was under house arrest by father to witness your battle, however, it won't be long until he is forced to return. I want to be able to cuddle with him while he has time." I said as I looked towards the fallen goddess of war with cold eyes.

"Such a young master... It shames me that you'll die here. perhaps I can use you as materials for an experiment." A male voice called out from the shadows.

"Nigel, I know your projecting your voice from the alleyway two blocks down. There is no need to act mysteriously." I replied with a sigh.


"Don't bother to ask how I know. You should me more worried about where I sent Saber right?" I asked with a smirk.

I had used a command seal to force Saber to go after Nigel just now. He should have no issues carrying out this order, though the cheeky familiar might complain a bit later. Something about a knight's honor and not interrupting any duels. I'll use the time between when Lancer's master dies and when she disappears to contract with her. Lancer doesn't have battle continuation, so she'll only have a few seconds before she disperses.

Lancer seemed to have gotten alert to the news her master was in danger and hesitated for a moment. She was easy to read. She wondered whether she had enough time to intercept Saber or if her best chance was to kill the master in front of her to force Saber to disperse before he killed her master. While she normally would have attempted to kill me, my childish appearance made her estate just long enough for me to have won this 'fight'. I raised my arm in front of me and used Gravity Magecraft from my husband's family line.

"Reverse Double Gravity"

Instantly Lancer was thrown into the air as she 'fell' straight upwards towards space at an astonishing speed, twice that of Gravity (19.6m/s^2). Of course, being that she had a Mana Burst skill, especially because it was the 'Flame' variant, it only took a few moments for her to use it to propel herself back towards me. Brynhildr had no more hesitation and attempted to run me through, however, she would never get the chance.

As she approached me at lightning speeds, she was immediately interrupted as her mana supply was cut off. Her reserves of mana were already low from fighting Saber and using Mana Burst (Flame) to propel herself like a rocket back to earth was incredibly mana intensive, as she was never meant to use it in that way. It's meant to add explosive force to a weapon in a close combat situation, especially since Brynhildr was summoned as a Lancer, so the efficiency using it as she has was diminished.

To add insult to injury, I undid Reversed the Reverse Double Gravity, throwing off her trajectory and causing her to slam into the ground at exceptional speeds. Normally for a servant, an attack of this level wasn't as big of a deal, however, Lancer had no mana to reinforce her body and she was rapidly losing strength as she began to disappear.

"Now then. You have a nice face and your love obsession is useful. It'll be good to break you." I said as I walked towards the valkyrie who lay motionless in a small hole in the ground.

'I hope husband will give me head pats for this. Maybe I'll even get a kiss!' I thought while smiling happily.


A/N: How's the chapter? It's a bit hard writing a Yandere character that essentially 'acts' like a Goudere. Hopefully, I demonstrated that while Manaka definitely doesn't prefer 'managing her husband's harem' she still will go out of her way to build it for him.

Remember, her whole plan with summoning Beast 6 was to use its power added onto her own to fulfill Arthur's wish for an eternal Britain. Its not that she couldn't fulfill his wish any other way, as she basically has infinite power, it's just that if she granted his wish herself, the world's 'Quantum Time Lock', basically the thing that ensures the flow of the Greater History of Man continues and doesn't become a lost belt, would prune the world if she did so.

I figure anyone willing to kill 666 innocent girls and summon the literal beast of the apocalypse, causing doom to the entire world, JUST to use as fuel to power a spell the Counter Force doesn't/isn't able to undo, put her efforts into making a harem for her 'husband', this is how she would go about it. A little mind control isn't even slightly off the table for someone like that.

Obviously, it's a bit difficult to write a character like that, so I need opinions and feedback. Remember, the MC isn't remotely a good person either, so he won't react as negatively as a moral character will, but I am still willing to take constructive criticism.