33. Honest To Me

"Still lucky you weren't fooled, Ger. Next time, if you can't speak English, don't go alone. Bring your sister, or come with Grandma." Caroline reminded.

"Besides, why are you in such a rush to go sightseeing that you go alone. Why not just wait for me, there's still plenty of other time. Could it be tonight or tomorrow?" Clarissa asked.

"Precisely because of that, Riss. So that I dared to go alone, "said Gerry.

Clarissa frowned slightly, "What do you mean? Because of what?" Clarissa asked. Gerry's words sounded so ambiguous in his ears.

"Because ... Because tonight I have to go back to Indonesia," replied Gerry. Now his face turned sad and pitiful.

"What? Go home? This evening?" Clarissa asked wide-eyed perfectly. She was so surprised to hear that Gerry would be home so soon.

"Gerry, are you serious? Why so suddenly?" Carolin also asked, she stopped her activity of knitting clothes to hear her granddaughter's explanation.