46. Feel Awkward

Seeing Billy's face so pitiful, Clarissa couldn't bear it. But she also had to reveal everything that was in her heart. Don't let this keep her away from Billy.

Clarissa took a deep breath then she said, "No, I'm not mad at you. But, to be honest, I don't like your behavior like that. You should know, Riss. Your attitude like that actually makes me uncomfortable being around you. If you're still acting like you used to, don't blame me. If I don't love you more, but more uncomfortable, "explained Clarissa. She told the truth without hiding anything anymore.

Clarissa felt that she should tell all these things to Billy, otherwise Billy would have felt that he had her permission to do such a thing. This can be a warning to Billy not to repeat the same mistake.

"Riss, don't talk like that. I swear, you just scared me," Billy said with a worried face.