69. Call Or Not?

"Gosh, I already said that I've liked you since the first time we met on campus, Clarissa. Then when it comes to time, we've just been dating but we've been friends for a long time. Indeed, the three years were not for us to know each other. I think I already know what you are like. So, my heart is ready to go to a more serious level with you. I don't want to look for anyone else, I'm tired of having to start getting to know each other again. So, you have to allow me to come with you to Indonesia to meet your parents," explained Billy.

Clarissa could only remain silent, unable to confirm or deny Billy. The surprise is not over yet because now Billy is her boyfriend, now suddenly Billy wants to be more serious with her. Clarissa still needed time to think about all this. She hasn't found a way out of her broken heart yet.

"Riss, is it okay or not?" asked Billy again.

"Later, I have to talk to Grandma first," Clarissa answered.