97. The Insults

"Aunt Rissa, but promise, later I can come to play with Auntie here again," Evans interrupted their words.

"Yes, Evans. I promise," Clarissa replied.

"Okay. Uncle Gerry, I'm going home first, we'll play again later. Thank you for the chocolate, next time buy me more candy and chocolate than this," Evans said, smiling showing his missing teeth.

"Don't worry, if Evans comes, here again, I'll buy something more expensive than chocolate later," said Gerry, stroking Evans' head so gently. There was a great vibe that Gerry felt in his heart as if he was filled with feelings of affection that managed to make him calm and comfortable. A feeling he had never felt for anyone.

"Okay, I'll come back here later, uncle," Evans smiled feeling so comfortable when Gerry stroked his hair like that. Unexpectedly the boy rushed into Gerry's arms before he left.