108. Struggle For Love

"Riss, wait. Clarissa!" cried Billy as he chased after Clarissa. But the girl instead chose to remain silent without saying a word.

Until finally they arrived in front of Jessica's room when Kanaya realized that Kena was still following her.

"This is your mother's room?" Billy asked, looking around.

"Yeah, so what do you want to come here for?" Clarissa asked back.

Billy's brow furrowed, "I'm here because I want to meet your parents, and at the same time I want to visit your mother," Billy answered honestly.

"What?" Clarissa jumped in surprise. "What did you say? Want to meet my parents? What for?"

"Yeah, I want to meet your parents because I want to be serious with you. That's what I came here for," explained Billy.

Clarissa was even more surprised to hear that, the first thing that came to Clarissa's mind was her father. She didn't know what would happen if Billy met his father. Clarissa couldn't imagine it.