111. The Fact Of Johan

Clarissa took another deep breath, she was about to reveal everything in front of her parents and grandmother.

"As long as Daddy knows, that Johan is my ex-girlfriend."

"What? Ex-lover? So you and Mr. Has John ever dated? Why did you break up with him and instead choose the boy earlier? It's the same as giving up gems just for pebbles," Bram responded with a bit of anger. While her mother and grandmother just listened quietly, if they had to give advice they might wait after Clarissa explained everything.

"Daddy's wrong. Instead, I let go of pebbles to get agate. I'm grateful because I've been separated from a playboy like him. As long as Daddy knows, if the person whose name is Johan is the one Daddy always praises, he is nothing more than a Playboy. Not only that, but he's also one of the craziest men I've ever known," explained Clarissa.

"What has he done to you?"