117. The Big Secret Of Nindy

Gerry immediately called Nindy, fortunately, Nindy picked up the phone quickly.

"Hello, who is this?" asked Nindy straight to the point.

"Hello, is this Evans' parents?" Gerry asked back.

"That's right, I'm Evans' mother. How is my child? I'm on my way there," Nindy asked, her voice sounding very worried.

"So you already know that Evans is hospitalized?" Gerry asked in surprise because Kanaya didn't say that she had told Evans' parents about this.

"My husband told me earlier, then I immediately went to the hospital. But by the way, who is this?" asked Nindy again.

"Oh, that's fine. I'm Gerry, I found Evans when he was crying alone in the hospital hallway," said Gerry.

"What? Evans crying alone in the hospital hallway? Is he alone? Isn't there someone accompanying him?" Nindy.

"Yeah, when I came Evans was alone, no one was there. She was crying because she was scared," explained Gerry.