Secret Room

"Yes, Doc. Everything is in order," Vanya answered with a little nervousness.

"Okay, now please call the patient and her mother," Billy ordered.

"Okay, Doc," Vanya rushed out to call Rossa, she was grateful that she didn't have to linger alone in the room.

"Gosh, my heart must have burst for a moment because I can't stand Doctor Billy's handsome looks," Vanya muttered while patting her forehead.

She also arrived at Rossa's room because her room was not too far from the X-ray room, Vanya immediately entered after knocking on the door once.

"Vanya," said Risma.

"Yes, Miss," Vanya nodded her head respectfully.

"What is it?" asked Risma.

"So this is it, Mrs. My arrival here is to call you and Rossa on the orders of Doctor Billy because he will immediately conduct an initial examination of Rossa, "said Vanya.

"So the doctor who treated me was Doctor Billy?" Rosa also asked.