Don't Come Here

"No, don't come any closer!" Tristan snapped, cold sweat was starting to run down his body. He walked back little by a little while looking for an opening to escape. However, suddenly Tristan tripped over a tree root and he fell to the ground.

"Ow, dammit, my ass hurts," Tristan moaned.

"I told you before, humans are very weak," said one of the werewolves who was already in front of Tristan. His tall body bent down to approach Tristan, seen up close, the werewolf's face was more sinister, it made Tristan even more frightened.

"I told you, don't come any closer. Let me get out of here, I'm not bothering you, why do you want to hurt me?" Tristan asked.

"Since you are a delicacy to us, there's no way we'll just let you go. We haven't eaten human flesh in a long time," said the werewolf, sipping his almost drooling saliva imagining how delicious Tristan's body was.