Take Care

"You will know later, Nay," replied Reno.

"I'm relieved now. Finally, I can leave in peace because I have entrusted Nayla to the right person. Maybe it's time for me to go, goodbye, Reno. Goodbye too, Nayla. I love you both," said Arkan.

Maybe those were the last words Arkan said because after that Arkan's body faded and slowly disappeared, Arkan was gone forever. There are no more ignorant spirits that will disturb Reno, no more spirits who will always comfort him every day because Arkan has left. That's when Reno's crying got louder, he was sobbing because he was so sad

"Ren..." Nayla moaned, the girl couldn't see whether Arkan's spirit was still there or not.

"Arkan is gone, Nay. He's gone," Reno answered in between his tears.

"Arkan ...," Nayla cried more and more sadly, now she really has lost Arkan and will never see him again forever.