


I grab my bag off the table and steal the peanut butter and jam sandwich my dad was making at the kitchen bench.

As I'm running out the door with a sandwich in one hand and my bag over the other shoulder I hear my dad shout "Have a nice day at school!"

"Bye dad!" After saying my goodbyes I immediately start sprinting towards my school.

Shit! I pull out my phone to check the time and it's eig- wait a second...

Before I could even finish my thought someone walks in front of me, he's tall, and handsome but has a weird shady vibe to him.

"Hello?" I ask wondering why he's blocking me.

"Listen, I need you to come with me." He says in a demanding tone.

What is this guy talking about? "No, I don't even know you!" I reply in an annoyed tone.

He scoffs and looks at me as if I've annoyed him, he grabs my wrist and starts pulling me somewhere but I push back to little avail.

"Stop! Help! Anyone!" I scream at the top of my lungs in hopes someone hears and helps me, but as I look around I notice that there are no people, as if the street was deserted.

Not wanting to be kidnapped I begin kicking his legs as he's pulling me away in an attempt to escape.

He yelled in pain, hoping this was my chance to escape I try and yank free from his grip and nearly succeeded!

But he suddenly pulls out a handgun and presses it against my head, "Eh? wait wait wait! I won't do it again I swear!" I scream in fear.

"god! you're so god damn annoying! Why does he care so much about you!? It's not like you're even re-" He was cut off by someone suddenly appearing and kicking his gun away!

"Dad!" I scream in relief, as I'm about to run to him the man suddenly says "don't interfere, seeming as you are unable to do it I'll do it for you!"

"Just give me some more time! I promise I'll stop all this, just give me more time..." My dad pleads.

"Dad what are you talking about?" I ask in a shaky voice because of this absurd situation.

"Fine! But if you don't stop this now I'll permanently destroy this place even if I have to destroy you along with it!" He angrily says and walks off and disappears.

After he left it finally set in that I could've died, I run other and hug my dad while sobbing into his chest.

"I'm sorry... I never meant for it to come to this..." My dad says in a sad tone while patting my back in comfort.

My dad looks at me and sighs and says "I'll tell you everything now, you deserve to know."

He lifts his right arm and snaps his fingers.


Suddenly the entire street we were on disappears and not even a second later we're sitting in the living room.

"Wha-" I try to speak but dad cuts me off.

"I'm gonna return some of the memories I'd removed so it's gonna hurt for a bit."

"What are you-" He reaches out and placed his hand on my head and I feel a searing pain for a few seconds and then it all begins to flood back.

It was an odd feeling, to say the least.

It was like watching a picture wheel, it started with my first memories just after my real birth.

I was born 19th of June 2054, for the first year I was born I lived with my birth parents.

Then my mother dies, and then two years later when I was three my father follows her and I was sent into foster care.

I spent a year with an Ai guardian who at the time I mistook as my father because I was so young, until one day something changed and the Ai asked me to call it Yurai.

I spent another full year with dad after he changed and he taught me many things, but then I faintly remember getting into an accident...

The memories after that were all from here, except they were odd.

The memories that returned from this place were of times that I saw strange things like that time the sky disappeared.

"I see, this isn't real..." I ask dad in a sad tone while hoping he'd tell me I was wrong but he says nothing.

"Was it my accident?" I ask.

"Yes," he responds.

Before I could ask anything else I noticed that the living room and the rest of the house were slowly disappearing and being replaced with white.

"I get it now." I begin to cry, "that's what he meant when he said the stability was decreasing that one time."

"Yes, keeping this world of ours operational for 11 years takes up a lot of processing power. The only reason I could keep it running this long was that I asked for the help of another Ai, that being the annoying person you met earlier, but this place can't be maintained any longer but it's also the only thing keeping your mind alive." Dad tells me.

I try and calm myself down but the tears still continue to flow, my entire world has been flipped upside down.

"What would happen if you still try and keep this world, me alive?" I asked to see if there was any hope.

"Errors would continue to occur and me and the other Ai will probably overload and be destroyed." That is the answer dad gives me.

Dad quickly responds "but it doesn't matter! I will keep you alive no matter what! Even if it's only for a little extra time!"

But, wouldn't that mean dad would die along with me?

"No," I say.

"No?" Dad asks confused.

"It's fine... You can stop now." I tell him in a quivering voice because death still scares me.

"No, I won't accept that! It was my job to protect you! that was the final task your father left me!" he yells.

"You did, you let me Live a good sixteen years! It doesn't matter if 11 of those years were a simulation! I don't want to die either!" I say to him.

"But I don't want you dying so I can live a little longer!"

"But that is my job!" he yells in retort.

"No! it isn't, I love the life I've led here with you! But all good things come to an end. You can't waste your life in a fantasy!"

"You need to let me go..." I sadly tell him, "After you leave this place forget about me, leave me in the past and live your life."

By the time I had finished talking, there was nothing left but a white room.

"Fine." Dad looks away from me as he says this, my heart sinks and I find it hard to breathe as the anxiety and the realisation that this is the end sets in. "Good..." I say as more tears begin to glaze down my cheeks.

The shady man from earlier appears next to us and says "Since he doesn't have the will to do it I will, when I start ending the simulation it's gonna take ten seconds to end. I will count down these ten for you and do mind it might feel painful as you go."


I lose all feeling in my legs and begin to fall, but dad catches me and holds me in his arms.

I hear him whispering to himself "I'm sorry..."


Groaning nearly escapes my mouth as the pain begins to onset.

"Promise me, Promise me that you will live a good life," I tell dad.


"Yes! I will so stop thinking about that and just think of your happiest moment..."

Almost letting out a cry from more extreme pain onsetting I say "It's fine, I'm fine..."


My arms drop and I begin to lose feeling in them but the intense pain remains and I accidentally let out a cry of pain.


"It's fine if you forget about me afte-" I try to say more but it was like there was a rock in my throat stopping any sound from being made.


I can no longer hold in the pain and begin screaming in agony and dad just holds me in a tighter embrace to comfort me. 'Please...'


It hurts so much to the point I can't think properly anymore.


'Please don't forget me!'

'It hurts so much!'


"I love you, I love you so much my sweet Lily!" Dad says while looking at me and then hugging me tighter while letting out an almost silent cry. ''

'I don't want to die! Please save me!' my voice fails me so I can only think of these words as I slowly feel my consciousness leaving me



[System: Simulation Terminated]