Hi!I'm back,my wife

Si Xiao's PoV

Well....The game is back...I should online..to communicate with him?again...should I?...I'm shy hehe...Anyway thanks to Chen..I know it...BTW since monday I didn't have a chance to see him..maybe he's at the EXD team base...and didn't got back here since then...I kinda miss his teasing a bit...hehe...but were all busy so...I understand it...well Let's open the Game!


Someone's PoV

It's been the time...should I get back to the game again or not?...should I?

Jingin:Genshin Ghost History?..bro your playing it again

:I'm still thinking about it

Jingin:Well,I also have log in to the game again!...it's literally goo!...much than before

:Ahhh*getting up*

*going to the bathroom*

(Should I or Not?...hayst Ke Vin Chen!...

Why are you hesitating just go!...okay?

It's also gonna be your advantage...

Its gonna be more fast to be more closer to her if you're going to)

*Getting out of the bathroom*

*Going sit*

(What?why is my account login in game?...I remember that I didn't login it before going to the bathroom?..)

*Staring at jingin*

*jingin smiling at him*


Jingin:C'mon bro let's play this again!

:Play it yourself!

(This boy!what did he do?...well he help me.....hahahahaha...is she online?...*seeing it*..owww!she is?

What should I say?...*think...thinkk...

think*...hayst nothing coming into my mind...why is mr.brain didn't workin!?.

Mr.brain!you're always active when studying...why are you not working right now?...what should I say?)

*On chat*



Small:Its been a long time



:I just thinking about it....we just know each other on game...what if the game gonna be gone again..forever...then we just know each other on game...but not on real life...

Small:I also thinking about it...what do you think?

:I don't know...hahaha...let's think about it while playing



Thirds person PoV

[On game]

(Si Xiao=small..someone=Ke Vin Chen)

Small:I will be the support

Ke Vin:okay...just follow me

Small:BTW...Its good that the game is back again...and they are also good to manage so we still can have our own account

Ke Vin:Yeah...but totally they didn't erase their copy of the game...so expectedly they still have it hehe...

Small:Good for you also...you're still a master

Ke Vin:your only master.your highness

Small:heh!so cheesy!

Ke Vin:let's kill this boss

Small:got it

*Concintrating*Fierce Si Xiao*

*Keyboard tapping sound*


*they kill it*

Small:Yeah!Sure with with you hahahaha...good for you...you didn't change

Ke Vin:Why should I be change?Did you not want my character anymore?

Small:You're really so cheesy today..

What did you it huh?...

Ke Vin:Am I?..well I eat so many sweets today...may be that's why



Si Xiao's PoV

We're back again hahaha....I'm kinda happy about...thanks...Genshin Ghost History my faveeeee...BTW...about Chen!Yu Shin Chen!he ignore me!

We have been bumping with each other...then he didn't even greet me

Just simply...hi! will make it...but he didnt...I think he's just ignoring me..

Anyway...let's just don't think about him...that feeling handsome idiot!


_days past_

I am still here on library...anyway what

do you think Ke Vin Chen looks like...


Oh my Goshhhh...why do I thinking about Chen!...ewws...yeah..they are both Chen...but they didn't have the same personality...duhhh..my Chen in game...is a gentlemen...caring...is just that I didn't know his looks...but I'm not base on looks...Anyway they are not alike at all...just the same name



Okay!hahahaha...I remember I'm still here on library I should go back now


*Going back*


:I'm back!

Bei bei:why are you so late?

:Me?I'm not

Bei bei:what are you doing outside huh?

:I'm studying in the library okay?

Bei bei:really?

:What's up with you today?...you just become like a mother

Bei bei:I just want an update okay?...

Maybe your dating someone!

:Me?what are you sayin?maybe you!

Bei bei:Hahahaha..youre kidding right?

Ji yan:wahhhh!*shouting*

:Goshhhhh...that startled me!

Ren ren:Ji yan!...what are you doin?

Ji yan:it's just that....

:That what?

Ji Yan:The basketball match are gonna start soon!

Ren ren:Just that?...

:What's with the basketball match huh?

Bei bei:in the basketball match the hottie guy in the campus going to play!

It's been a long time since he!...And also he's not always on campus...so it's also the time that you can see him!

Ji Yan:yeah!yeah!...he's really handsome...and also good on basketball...he's so hot!

:Whos that guy?...I'm really curious..

That you two being excited like that!

Jinyang:He's Yu Shin Chen...A highschool senior...also one of the hearthtrob here on campus..

(You mean him!...well..honestly he's really handsome...but I just hate his attitude..Mr.attitude..he's always teasing me....but he can passed the criteria of being hearthtrob..So,yeah I am a little agree to it)

Ji Yan:You know also him?

Jinyang:Yeah!...his my brother roomie

Ji Yan:oh my goshhhhh!...really girl?

Ayyyyiiieeee...I have a little chance!

Jinyang:don't ever dream on it

Bei bei:why not?...how about you?

Aren't you...even thinking of it...even one time?..huh?

Jinyang:Well,when I first time meeting him...when my brother...bring him home

Ji Yan:Bring him home?...oh my gossssshhhhhhh...bessy!....you're really so lucky!

Bei bei:So...when did you stop dreaming on him?...huh?

Jinyang:well...he said..he have someone he like already...and just waiting for her

Bei bei:ayyy...Im sad then!

(He has someone he likes?...who probably it be?....nevermind...I'm sure she must be pretty)

Ji Yan:don't lost hope guys!...maybe you know...the one he's waiting for probably not gonna come...

Bei bei:What are you sayin?...maybe he's waiting for the one okay?

Jinyang:You guys!...stop it...okay?

:What's wrong why are you angry?

Jinyang:nothing!*getting into bed*


Jinyang PoV

Why am I angry?...well..yeah there is a story...well,brother Chen (Yu shin Chen)...he is really so kind...he treat me like his sister...and that's the fact that I can't accept...that he treat me like his sister!...thats why I can't be dreamin about him...if others is got being friendzone...me I got sisterzone!


Third person PoV

Bei bei:why is she angry without a reason?

Ji Yan:time of the month?

Si xiao:Maybe

Ren ren:goshh...you guys...thats how she is okay?

Ji yan:She is what?

Si xiao:RenRen said your a pig!

Ji Yan:me?...I'm not?...you!

Si xiao:Hahahahahaha

Bei bei:your all a pig

Si xiao:You also!

Bei bei:ni!

Si xiao:Hehe...*going to the bathroom*

Bei bei:I'm gonna sleep

Ji Yan:me too

Ren ren:We should!


Si Xiao:*just finishing bath*...those girls...why did they go to bed so early?

Anyway I should finish this I still have to go online on game....


[On game]

Ke Vin:it's been a long time...how been youre doin lately?hehe just asking now I forgot it

Small:I'm good!I'm good!..just a little stress

Ke Vin:stress about?

Small:finding money you know?

Ke Vin:I thought you're rich?

Small:well...don't tell...anyone..that..

Ke Vin:that?

(Si Xiao's thought_should I tell him?..

Well..I think I should..it's better to tell your secret to strangers right?...And

I also need to release it...also I didn't even know him on person...but were close...he's also the one I'm saying my secrets...I think I should...I trust him)

Small:I left home

Ke Vin:what?!you girl!

(She really tell me about it?...what if its someone?...then...she's telling secrets to a stranger?...this girl...really?...so clumsy huh?)

Small:why is you're voice so loud?

Ke Vin:sorry...so...what's the story?

Small:well...me and my father got into fight...because he's always pushing me doin things I don't like...so..yeah I left home

Ke Vin:since when?

Small:since the start of school

Ke Vin:So,where are you right know?

(Why are asking have you known already huh?hahahaha...just asking

Its also it should be)

Small:let's play again I'm still thinking if I'm going to tell you?

Ke Vin:you don't trust me?

Small:not really...just hesitating

Ke Vin:okay game!


*Finishing game*....*victory*



Ke Vin:we have finished...


Ke Vin:What?

Small:I'm just staying here in school dorms...and

Ke Vin:What school are you in?

Small:Here in Wuhan University why?

Ke Vin:I'm also in Wuhan


(What did I just say??....I looked like excited because...you Si Xiao idiot)

Ke Vin:well,I know some job that you can apply here on Wuhan

Small:what kind of job?

Ke Vin:Dicent job as usual

Small:where is that?

Ke Vin:what is your skills?Im gonna know that first to refer you

Small:Well,I can cook a little...I can also write stories...ummm..*thinking*I'm kinda good at books..Well,totally I can do everything...but not sports and house chores

Ke Vin:ahhh...you ahh?...I can honestly say that you're from a rich family

Small:not really...not just expert

(Ke Vin:should I say it?...well I think it's the right time...let's not waste it)

Ke Vin:Well I have so many options for you then...but I can't explain it online

Let's meet

(Si Xiao:Shoul I agree to it?....well I think it's also good for us to know each other in personal...But...what if he is a scammer?...but...maybe not...

So,should I?...If the game is gonna be gone...I'm gonna miss him...and also hes been my long long time friend on game...so it think it's good that we can meet each other in personal)

Si Xiao:were should we meet?

Ke Vin:I think let's just met around the campus....so that you don't have to adjust that much

Si Xiao:it's okay...I can adjust...I'm the one who needs help right?...where are you here on Wuhan?

Ke Vin:I'm in campus

(Si Xiao:he's still also a student?...ayy hahaha why do I forgot about that?)

Si Xiao:then....

Ke Vin:I'm just gonna wait for in a cafe near your school

(Si Xiao:My school?...means where not schoolmate?...but it's okay)

Si Xiao:okay?...So,when?

Ke Vin:Are you free tomorrow?

Si Xiao:Friday?...yeah..yeah what time?

Ke Vin:lunch?kinda of 11...

Si Xiao:o-okay

Ke Vin:Okay this is my number

***********...I'm just waiting in the cafe call me if your there...okay?

Si Xiao:okay...see you


Si Xiao PoV

*Logging out*


We're meeting tommorow?....ha!


Wait!...What should I wear?...

*Going to the cabinet*

*checking her clothes*

My Goshhhh...my clothes are not kind of shabby....honestly,why didn't I pick the pretty ones on my closet before living home huh?...I litterally get the old ones...what should I do?

Bei bei:Xiao xaio what's wrong?

*Getting up*

:Im just sad about my clothes *whispering*

Bei bei:what about your clothes

:It's kinda old

Bei bei:Do you have something important to attend tommorow?

:I'm going to meet a friend

Bei bei:Boy or girl?

Si Xiao:Boy

Bei bei:really?....just a friend?

*Confuse look*

:Yeah!...my game friend okay?

Bei bei:then,I'm gonna doll you up tommorow

:Really?...is that needed?

Bei bei:yeah!...you need a little bit touch up

:But I'm just meeting a friend

Bei bei:yoy said it's an important matter right?...So you need to!

Si Xiao:O-okay

Bei bei:then let's sleep...we need a beauty rest!

:Okay.. goodnight!....





Third's person PoV

Bei bei:Xiao Xiao

Si Xiao:Why?...*just got up on bed*

Bei bei:what time you gonna meet your friend huh?

Si Xiao:Lunch...why?

Bei bei:ohhhh...I thought its early in the morning....then you should get up now

For you not to have puff eyes

Si Xiao:what time is it?

Bei bei:it's 7:30

Si Xiao:Really?

Bei bei:Yeah!

Si Xiao:then..I should get up I over slept...*getting up in bed*...where is everyone?

Bei bei:they have attended some errands together

Si Xiao:What errands?

Bei bei:I don't know what really it is....

But they said it's.....kinda...it looks like

a campus program...not off campus

Si Xiao:ohhh!...I got it!...but just can't remember what it called

Bei bei:Anyway...let's not stress ourselves...so,what do you want for your look?

Si Xiao:I just want a natural okay?

Bei bei:Ohhhh!I'm really curious who's that friend of yours?...just friends huh?!

Si Xiao:Here we go again...how many times should I tell you we're just friends...okay?

Bei bei:Mmmm?...Is he cute?

Si Xiao:Why are you asking that?

Bei bei:hmmm?

Si Xiao:Honestly...I don't know!...

Today is the first time we've gonna met okay?

Bei bei:Oh my Gosh!...you mean the two of you met each other online and after so many long..the two of you gonna met in person!...it is like a drama!*imagining*

Si Xiao:You gurll!...You do not have any things to do today huh?

Bei bei:Yeah!...I didn't have any class for today...just chilin!

Si Xiao:You...then...I'm just leave you here for a while...I'm still have a class

*Going in to the bathroom*

Bei bei:how about your meeting?


Si Xiao:I still can managed it *shout*


Si Xiao's

Glad...my class finish early...I still have time...*Phone ringing*....goshh beibei you have startled me!

*On the phone*


Beibei:where are you?

:I'm on the way

Bei bei:Hurry up girl!

:Okay...okay...wait for me!


(What is she having huh?...she's in a hurry!....my Goshhhh...it's exhausted

I'm tired...*enhale...exhale*....well it's also okay...atleast I'm not going to keep him waiting)


_minute past_

Bei bei:glad your here!

:What's wrong why are you in a hurry!

Bei bei:It's good to be early than being late okay?....in the first meeting your late....what do you think his expression on you huh?

(Well,you have a point...but you're making it like a business....your so excited...much excited than me)

*Doing the makeup*

Bei bei:a little bit touch up here

*blush on*....A little lipstick...should we put some mascara on?

:No...no..don't!...I hate mascara

Bei bei:then let's just curl you lashes

*Curling it*....then a little eyeshadow

What about your brows?....well it's good!...no need to...then just the hair!


*Combing it*

:What about my hair?

Bei bei:Let's curl a curtain bangs!


Bei bei:just curl here....1...2...3....good!

Another one....




Bei bei:Put this on...*clothes*


*Going to the bathroom*


(Well this clothes are so beautiful....

But does this are not sutable for me?

No...no...they are pretty...let's just put them on...I trust beibei...Anyway it's really so beautiful...who wouldn't want to wear it right?)


*Getting out of the bathroom*


You're so gorgeous!


Bei bei:Yeah!...I really my plan is so successful!

:Aren't I over dress?

Bei bei:No..no...your not!...put them on

Still!...were not going to be friend anymore if your not going to wear them

:your so over the top!

Bei bei:Anyway,Go!Go!...don'tet him wait!*pushing her out of the room*


Bei bei:bye bye...good luck!

*Shutting the door*


Hoooo!....I'm nervous!


You can do it Xiao Xiao!



*Entering the Cafe*

Waiter:Hello miss....who are you with?

:Is Ke Vin Chen here

Waiter:Yes mam he's here a while ago

But...left already..he said he have something to do for a minute


Waiter:yes mam...but he said he will be back...sit there while waiting for him

(What is he have to do...anyway..let's wait maybe just something important

But he can manage right?...but I'm just waiting here....I)

Someone:Sorry I'm late

(I'm I just seeing things?...why is it...)
