Hold on

" Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold up! Time please!" Yu Dong felt her temples throb, she was responsible for Fang Chi? Because she was somehow entangled with him in an affair? And she and Fang Chi had a thing going on? When did that happen!!!!??? Why didn't she know of it - no, wait. That wasn't what was important, she never met with Fang Chi, so how can they have an affair - that means the rumours from months ago haven't been cleared up? If it wasn't cleared up and was still circulating around then how did she not know such a big thing being one of the protagonists of the drama? Was she this oblivious to her surroundings? 

Shen Li, Ye Liu and Chen Mi ( including the secret admirer): Yes you are!!

" I - I had an affair with Fang Chi?" asked Yu Dong after trying to get all the ifs and buts and all the twists and turns of the rumours " how can that be possible! I can't even have an affair with my husbands!"