Impenetrable wall.

Yu Dong had expected a lot of things when she heard Xiao Hua's screaming voice but what she didn't expect was to find Xiao Hua on the verge of starting a brawl and from the looks of it he looked like he was going to win it too. As she walked to the scene of the fight, she looked around the Chen family and then turned to look at Li Hanjing who was holding Xiao Hua back while little Zimo was trying to remove all the dangerous things from Xiao Hua's reach, most probably he was afraid that Xiao Hua will use it as a weapon to start a war. 

"What going on here?" she repeated when no one answered her question as she took a look at the Chen family who seemed to have gone silent all of a sudden. 

Fang Chi, who was following behind her also frowned as he asked, "What's the matter with you all? What are you doing breaking into our property so late at night? Don't you know that you are creating a ruckus?"