Chapter 2 : 'The Sun sleeps'

"Hey Jared, What do you think the world before the calamity looked like other than our parent's description.?"

"I guess it might have been cool as fuck."

"Yeah right. Oh, also there are rumours of a building Crawling with infected but has tons of resources and memories of the past heck even an Abandoned supply drop. It Might give us some goods."

"Nah I'll pass Will. We don't know if we might run into Stage 3s or 4s in an unidentified place besides I am not in a very good state so nope."

"Okay FINE. guess I'll Go Alone then."

"Don't die I guess. I'll Ready some food for you."

"You bet."

I took my Knife, Some water and snacks, Wore my Shoes, and took my special nailed barb wire Bat I made by myself and headed out of the Towns Gate.

After leaving the forest, I found a Town Named Kin.

It was an individual Town Without being under Any faction and Received guests with open arms. No local faction targetted this town as it acted as a market to Benefit many people.

There I found Jared Kingston and his father James Kingston, They were kind enough to take me in and sheltered me after they knew I was an orphan who survived in the Forest.

Jared's father taught me how to Fight and knowledge about the current world he knew After the calamity, to me he is a father figure in my life.

the first time I went out of the Gates with Jared and his dad was a terrifying sight.

Random infected Chewing on the intestine of a dead human, severed Body parts on the ground, mysterious blood-soaked places with pieces of flesh all around. It made me sick

But now I got used to seeing the terrible sights after Countless ventures.

I set off into the Wilderness all geared up.

I got Hands on a survival guide not too long ago.

the information Was very useful and helped me a lot.

"Here's a simple guide to taking down infected and some of my observations I noted while surviving.

firstly information on stages and how to take down stages of the infected.

Stage 1: A Freshly infected Zombie.

These infected usually have a weakened body and bone structure than an average healthy Human, I suggest going for their Heads as their skull is weak.

Stage 2: An Infected that feeds itself regularly.

These Infected are on par with the Human physique, They can run as fast as an average human being but their strength and bone strength are low. A Gun and sharp weapons can take them out easily but the Blunt blades and any other blunt weapon need some work.

Stage 3: An infected with a strong physique

A stage 3 infected is basically a Stage 2 with Extra steps. It depends on the host its infected if it is A fat person or a person with a solid physique their speed and strength will increase if they feed more and thus Evolving into a Stage 4 which is Rare, Thus making it a big menace.

Stage 4: The hardened infected

It's as simple as it is, These infected have hardened skeletal bodies, strength and faster speeds than a stage 3. But a perk is that they have a Weak spot behind their head only which stuns them for a while, making them vulnerable. normal bullets and sharp swords don't work against these bastards, but a heavy melee can crack them open or an enhanced bullet from a rifle.


A stage 5 is usually an animal getting infected but it's the same as fighting a Rabid animal, just make sure you aren't bitten.

Stage 6 are still yet to be spotted or unidentified but their Existence is Confirmed.

The nighttime makes the Zombie's more Agile and Alerted so I wouldn't recommend going outside at night.

Well that's about it fellas until next time"

I headed towards the direction of the place with reference to my map without alerting any Infected on the Way.

when I reached the location I found out it was a three-story building crawling around with stages 1 and 2 infected.

I armed myself with my Nail bat.

Went towards the east of the building to Set up Something and Scanned the Horizon.

I had to take out some Infected to get inside the building that was getting on my Way.

"Well, here I go."

I sprinted towards the infected and swung my bat.


It fell down in one hit with blood oozing out of its Head.

then I took my knife out and stabbed the next infected on its throat.

This attracted more infected towards my Side.

Two-stage 1s Came towards me so I immediately grabbed my knife and Bat.

I swung my bat across and smashed their skulls in a row.

one Stage 2 was behind my back about to bite me

So I spun and swung my knife behind my Back and pierced its Throat and beheaded it.

I immediately took off inside the Building.

when I went inside it was All quiet and Dark.

I took my flashlight out, Stayed low and silent.

I came to Across a Zombie Feeding on a fresh corpse very shortly. this Suggested that there might be People still left in the Building.

I silently Took the Stairs Towards the First floor.

But suddenly *Snaps* I stepped on a twig.

"Oh sh-"

a Zombie woke up and Jumped at me making me lose my balance and fell from the stairs.


I grabbed its throat and slit it open before it bit me.

"Gosh was a fucking mess, gotta do some laundry later."

Suddenly Every Zombie on the Floor got Alerted and Came in my Direction.

"oh, fu-, Fuck it guess I'll do this My way."

I ran up the Stairs with a Knife in my Hand and Alerted a lot of Zombies in the Building.

I reached the First floor where every zombie got Alerted and came following my Ass.

A Stage 3 came out of a room and Appeared in front of me. it was a Fat type Stage 3 so I couldn't just get past it.

I sprinted straight towards it and Jumped with my knife in hand.

I landed my feet on its chest, making it lose balance and fall, I stabbed its throat repeatedly with speed until it Died.

Immediately, without wasting time I got up and made a Run for the stairs before they crowd up in the Hallway.

3 stage 2s were in the way. So I took out my bat and got ready to swing it.

the first infected came rushed toward my side with his almost tripping I swung my bat and hit it right at the back of its head.

*Cracks* I could hear its skull-cracking and its blood oozing out.

the next 2 infected came at me fast so I took my knife out.

the first one jumped at me so I ducked and rolled sideways and stabbed the other infected,

I took out my Bat and swung it toward the other zombie.

*Cracks* *Splashes*

a clean hit and, it died.

I immediately headed up to the Second floor and luckily the Second floor was quite empty. Taking this opportunity I rushed up to the Second floor with multiple zombies behind me.

Suddenly 2 Stage 4s Appeared behind me coming out of the Rooms.

"Holy shit, I can't fight them Now I need to Run."

I Ran like my Life depended on it and Reached the Third Floor.

When I reached there, a stage 4 was feeding on a body. I immediately took out my bat and smashed the back of its head stunning it.

I stabbed it with a knife Behind its head and smashed it again with the bat knocking it Out.

Grabbed my knife and headed towards the Terrace with Zombies chasing my Ass.

Shortly after, I finally reached the Terrace and saw the supply drop.

I closed the door and put a wooden plank to Prevent Zombies from breaking in but it won't last for long.

I checked the Supply drop and Got Pretty much good Valuables.

A Sniper rifle with a Pouch full of ammo,

Two Assault rifles with two extra magazines each fully loaded and 3 bags of AR bullets

5 pistols with 1 extra magazine and 2 bags of 9mm rounds.

"Nice valuables, guess I'll give Jared his first gun."

Suddenly the plank broke after a stage 3 rammed it.

it looked as if there was no Escape

But I Already Came here with a plan.

I went to the edge of the building and looked at those Bastards.

"Sayonara suckers."

I jumped off the Edge and


I landed on the Spot I wanted to, it was a Pair of mattresses I set up beforehand if things Went to Chaos.

"that was a Wild Mission, but I guess it was Worth it."

But suddenly it was About to be the night before I realized it...

