Chapter 4: Strong hearted Bai siblings

As promised, Doctor Huang came with his medical box with an extra file not long after the siblings finished their lunch.

He came with a four-wheel drive car that was parked in front of their house.

He first check Bai Yi Yang condition and found her as healthy as a bull, just like how she look like now.

That is why the examination takes longer than usual since he repeated it a few times. By the time he confirm his diagnosis again, he is still in disbelief about how quick a person recovery is. This challenged his medical knowledge.

Amongst the siblings, only Bai Yi Chen is unconvinced like Doctor Huang, yesterday Bai Yi Yang conditions was so bad that he also thought that they will lose her.

"Is there something wrong with my jiejie?"

The most worried Bai Yi Ling finally ask with a frown. As compared to her two younger siblings who is now 100% convinced that their oldest sister is recovered, she is also have a little doubt like Bai Yi Chen.

"There is nothing wrong. That is the weird thing."

Doctor Huang said as he think deeply.

"Doctor Huang, I know my body. This morning after waking up, I am indeed feeling uncomfortable, but then after freshening up myself and having proper meal, now I feel healthy like usual. So there is no need to repeat your examination."

Bai Yi Yang smile earnestly.

Doctor Huang thought for a while before nodding.

Even if he try to look for problem, there really is no problem with Bai Yi Yang body.

"Then, as I have talked with Yi Chen yesterday regarding you and your siblings, what if your decision? I have already bought the paperwork today. You only need to fill in your name and residence registration number, then sign the agreement, its about how the orphanage will promise to support you until you reach the legal age. What do you say?"

Doctor Huang said in friendly tone.

It is a good thing that Bai Yi Yang has recovered, but who can guarantee that things like this won't happen again, so he still suggest the orphanage issue.

This siblings matter has become an issue in the Qinfang Village. The villagers can help once in a while but they cannot help forever. If something bad happens with the children, what will outsiders think of people in Qinfang Village?

People in Qinfang Village had helped the siblings a lot when they first moved in, and throughout the two years they also help if they can, but they also have their own children to feed and pay attention to, there is a limit which they can give assistance too.

"Doctor Huang, me and my siblings have discussed about this matter. This time, we all disagree to go to the orphanage, instead, by the end of this year, if we still cannot provide for ourselves then we will seek help regarding the orphanage at that time."

Bai Yi Chen as a representative of his siblings said, this is the outcome of his discussion with Bai Yi Yang.

Doctor Huang sigh. He wanted to crush these children beautiful dream but he doesn't have the heart to.

"Yi Chen..Yi Yang is lucky to recover without going to the hospital this time but isn't it better if the children have access to hospital easily in the future?"

Doctor Huang try to persuade the eldest among the siblings.

"Doctor don't worry about us, by that time if someone among us get sick, then we will not hesitate to go to the hospital again."

Bai Yi Yang answer, she knows that people won't believe her now but she will prove herself later.

"Alright, I won't force you. You can always seek for Head Village Li to call me if there is anything. I will try to help as much as possible."

Doctor Huang tidy up his medical box and also the file that he didn't even have the chance to open.

"Thank you so much Doctor Huang." Bai Yi Chen respectfully bow towards him, followed by the other siblings. They indeed owed this doctor a lot.

"Alright. Then I will leave first." Doctor Huang said.

Bai Yi Chen went out to send the doctor out.

Only then did Bai Yi Yang sigh in relief. She manage to avoid going to orphanage this time.

When Bai Yi Chen returned to the dining room aka second room, the little ones are already debating about their plan this evening, something like going to the river first or the garden first.

"I am returning to work. Xiao Ling take care of your elder sister and the two little one." Bai Yi Chen said to the most reliable Bai Yi Ling.

Bai Yi Ling has stable personality, she is brave and quite strict, she can control the two troublemaker at home.

Since Bai Yi Yang just recovered, he doesn't want her to be too tired.

"Oh, got it gege."

Bai Yi Ling nod and gave a look at the two arguing children.

Bai Yi Yang feels that Bai Yi Chen treat her too delicately.

Why does she need to be taken care by a 10 years old kid? She sulk a bit. And since Bai Yi Chen won't even entrust the house to her, then if she tell him about going fishing to the river, he will surely object.

No matter what, she need to earn points. With every skills she unlocked, there are side tasks that she can complete to earn points. For example just now when she cooked the water spinach, she earn 1 point for cooking 1 dish. When she look at the Fishing category, if she able to get one fish of certain size, she will earn points too. Isn't that great?

After saying goodbye to Bai Yi Chen, Bai Yi Yang finally talk about her plans openly to her siblings. She want them to take her to fish at the river.

The two little one is so excited that they quickly went to change their slipper to shoes and take their equipments.

Well, in this house, only Xiao Mo have a fishing pole and it is also the type that can't withstand big fish. So how can Bai Yi Yang use this type, she is aiming to earn money ah.

Bai Yi Fang already imagine that they will get a lot of fishes so she push out a big pail from the bath house, it was used for fetching water for laundry, she told Bai Yi Ling to bring it for her.

Bai Yi Ling was speechless.

If can, she don't want to agree with her sister suggestion.

The elder sister just recovered, then she also don't want her and the two little one to be disappointed if they catch nothing.

But because it's the first time their eldest sister bring them to go fishing, something that the eldest sister usually never thought of doing, she agree and help Bai Yi Fang lift the empty pail.

"I am telling the truth, Shitou father own a real fishing pole, but Shitou said that his father has stopped going fishing these few years because it is wasting time."

Bai Yi Mo explain to his sister while they are on the way to Shitou house.

Shitou is just a nickname, his family is the Lan family from the village.

The Qinfang village is quite a large village, residing about 100 families and mostly own the land under their name, like the Bai family, the mountain that they are staying is passed down to their mother by their grandparents.

When their grandparents passed away years ago, they passed down the house and land to the Bai siblings mother and when the mother passed, the owner of the land and house changed to the Bai siblings, now it is under Bai Yi Chen name.

The Bai siblings is not originally from City N, they are from City Bei. Or to be exact, their father Bai family is from City Bei. The Bai parents are originally school teachers, one teach high school and the other primary school, life wasn't very bad, just like a normal family. They live in the teacher's quarters at City Bei.

But when their parents suddenly passed away in a car accident, they cannot stay longer at their old house.

Giving away half of the insurance money of their parents, the oldest amongst them which is Bai Yi Chen made an unwritten agreement with one of their uncle from the Bai family, the second uncle, he is their father older brother.

The passed Father Bai has a few siblings but the one who reach out to them is the second uncle. That is also with a premise that the siblings pay their accommodations and food cost.

That is only natural, how can they feed all of them when they also have their own children. So thinking about his siblings well-being in their relatives house, Bai Yi Chen gave half of the insurance money so that the second uncle family can take care of the three smaller children until he became an adult and independent, he and Bai Yi Yang stayed at the school hostel back then so they only need to eat at the uncle house during the weekend.

Bai Yi Chen is a sensible kid, other than the money he gave to second uncle Bai family, he also often buy things for the family, not letting the second aunt have the chance to say anything or complaint.

The first 3-4 months was fine, until one day, Bai Yi Ling who was only 8 years old at that time came to the hostel gate barefooted, crying her eyes out looking for Bai Yi Chen and Bai Yi Yang.

The reason was that the 2 years old Bai Yi Fang has been missing since the day before but the second uncle family didn't want to make a police report and just search the child on their own.

Why is that? Because they have been hitting the 3 children at home, so if they make a police report and the police saw the bruises on the three children, they will end up in jail.

Luckily they found Bai Yi Fang at one of a kind elderly neighbour house. She has been hiding here and don't want to return to her second uncle house. When she saw the second Bai couple, she was terrified.

There is no need to say anything, only by that, people can understand how she is treated at home. The kind elderly couple gave a kind advice to Bai Yi Chen. Even if they cannot meddle with other family problem, they can already see how these orphans are treated by the second uncle Bai family.

All of the things the Bai family do to the three children at home came to light, of course they denied all the accusations, calling the Bai siblings white-eyed wolf for not appreciating their care for the past months.

They falsely accused the children for being disobedient, stealing food at nights and label them with other bad behaviour.

When the other Bai family member is called, including their grandparents, all of them are on second brother Bai side.

They think that he agreeing to take in the children is already a blessing for the children, scolding the siblings to stop acting spoiled, especially the small Bai Yi Fang. They totally ignored the bruises on the three little children, saying that naughty children need to be punished and hit so they become obedient.

But how is that reasonable in this case? Parents is not a saint, they had been hit by their parents with rattan on their palms or buttocks when they messed around before.

But are they blind to see that these children is abused, there are bruises everywhere on their body, this is not what a sane elder will do.

What more two smaller one is only 2 and 3 years old at that time, and Bai Yi Ling is only 8 years old but she often need to be absent from school to take care of the house.

Its not like they are staying here for free, Bai Yi Chen gave half of the remaining insurance money, he make sure that his siblings never spent the second uncle money, he even help pay the water and electricity bills as an accommodation fee for his three siblings.

But what did the second uncle family do? Mistreat them.

What worse is that the other Bai family elders didn't even defend them.

That is how the siblings decided to break relationship with the Bai family. If not because of their previous good relationship when their parents are alive, then he would really have gone to the police to make report.

With the remaining money they have, Bai Yi Chen arrange their transfer to City N where their mother has left a house and land for them.

When they were leaving, the second uncle even hide in his room, afraid that Bai Yi Chen will ask for the money back, making the Bai siblings heart hardened further towards the Bai family.

All of these, of course Bai Yi Yang heard from Bai Yi Ling story. The other two children is too small to remember things from 2 years ago, but Bai Yi Ling keep it inside her heart.

Out of all of them, she held the most hatred towards the Bai family in City Bei.

She witnessed how her younger siblings are abused at home, then when Bai Yi Fang went missing, she cannot take it anymore and finally stage a play, she ran from the second uncle Bai family home barefooted to the school, let her older siblings and outsider see what is really happening.

Even if the second uncle Bai family is not punished by the authorities because the other Bai family elders wanted to protect them, other people still look at them with disgust after that and they are finally free from the Bai family.

A question about their house and land ends up like this, there is actually this sad and pitiful past of the Bai siblings. Making Bai Yi Yang feels sorry about the hard life of the children.

She thinks that Bai Yi Chen is truly a capable brother, it was only that he is too young at that time that they were bullied by their relatives.

They stopped talking about these matter after they walk down to the mountain, it takes 15 minutes walk to go down the mountain road before they arrive at the foot of the mountain.

Bai Yi Yang still cannot believe it that they own a whole mountain.

Is Bai Yi Chen a fool, if he sell half of this mountain they still can support themselves, why need to go to orphanage.

But she understand him a bit, they are underage, people can easily trick them and they won't only be tricked, they may even lose the whole property. Rather, he must have a future plan when he became a legal adult for her siblings.

Looking at the flat area of the village, Xiao Mo become excited again about going fishing.

The river is actually near their mountain but since they need to borrow Shitou father fishing pole, they need to enter the village first.

Borrowing the fishing pole doesn't take long, only Aunt Lan and Shitou is at home, Uncle Lan went to work at the field.

"I will return this later in one piece."

Bai Yi Yang smile kindly to Aunt Lan.

This is not the best fishing rod but it surely can withstand strong tug.

"Just use it. Shitou father have been keeping it for years, if not because little Shitou is too small, we would have given it to him to play." Aunt Lan also kindly said.

"Then I will use it with ease."

Bai Yi Yang replied.

Little Shitou joined the group and the two boys ran fast in front, when they met with other kids playing near the village gravel road, they mention about going fishing.

So at last, they end up with two additional boys in the group.

They were so noisy chatting with each other that Bai Yi Yang worried that they will scare away the fish later.