Chapter 12: Buying things like buying vegetables

"What is true?"

Bai Yi Chen is now standing at the door of the bedroom ask.

Then not long after that, two children wrapped in towels ran into the bedroom giggling, one chasing the other.

"Change your clothes first.."

Bai Yi Chen said patiently.


The two children nod but then continue to play on the bed spread on the floor.

Bai Yi Yang doesn't mind because they already took bath but she went over to take Bai Yi Ling clothes that she has folded neatly from under the playing children.

"What is true?"

Bai Yi Chen also let them be and took the notebook on the table where Bai Yi Yang wrote her list.

And as expected, there is a frown on Bai Yi Chen face.

How can he not frown, even when their parents were still there, their washing machine is only about 500 yuan and their big refrigerator is less than 1000 yuan.

What with this exorbitant budget price?

"This is too expensive, 500 yuan is enough for a washing machine and there are even refrigerator less than 1,000 yuan." He said.

For the other things on the list, he will ask the price in town.

"No. I already know what I want, I already surveyed Brand P washing machine and fridge, I like the one they sell. The washing machine comes with a dryer and the fridge is the two doors type, we can keep a lot of things there." Bai Yi Yang explain.

"But isn't that too expensive? What more there are no Brand P store in our town, they only have it in the city." Bai Yi Chen said again.

"Ge, about that you don't have to worry, I already register for a membership. I can get many benefits by being a member, then if the purchase is more than 2000 yuan, they will deliver it for free. I was going to ask your opinion first about which one to pick so I haven't order yet." Bai Yi Yang said.

Bai Yi Chen silently sigh, since when did his sister pursue this kind of luxury items?

Of course they are not the most expensive out there but for a poor households like them, Brand P is too expensive.

No matter what he says, she seems to have decided on Brand P, so he can only persuade her to buy the least expensive one.

Bai Yi Ling step into the bedroom wrap into two large towel, one around her body and one around her head, only her eyes is peeking out, seeing her brother and sister discussing something seriously and the two children struggling to put on their clothes. Pants become shirt, shirt become pants, it was a mess.

She was amazed that the twins wasn't distracted even a bit.

Bai Yi Chen saw Bai Yi Ling enter and call his twin to continue talking outside.

Bai Yi Yang said a few words to the children before walking out with Bai Yi Chen with her phone. They are going to choose things to buy and she is feeling excited already, who doesn't like shopping right?

They only sat on the mosaic floor and Bai Yi Yang show her the one she already screenshot, the few things that she is interested in, the one that she thinks is suitable for the family.

"Ge, look. These things has two function, washer and dryer, it came in set, the different thing is the design and capacity. At first I wanted the smallest capacity which is 7kg but then I think 15 kg is a better option since there are a lot of us and we can even wash thick quilts in it. As for the dryer, it is a 9kg dryer. About the design, I like this one better, it can be placed on a sturdy table instead of on the floor so that it won't get dirty easily."

Bai Yi Yang point out one by one model and explain.

She really like this brand products.

Bai Yi Chen actually thinks that her points is very reasonable, she thinks about these details and wasn't making a rash purchase, but when he saw the price of the product that match their criteria is so expensive, he immediately think that they don't really need it.

"Actually the small one is also alright, we only need to wash clothes more often. It won't be harder than washing clothes using hands." Bai Yi Chen said.

If he have money, he also will choose the bigger one.

"Ge, think about it. If we buy the bigger one, we only need to do laundry once every three days, whereas the smaller one we must do it everyday, how much electricity will be wasted. I read the power usage each time and calculate, we can save half of the power used in three days of the smaller one by using the bigger machine for one time in three days. What more, I think the dryer is very necessary, if we don't buy it now we also need to buy it in the future. See, if we buy the two of these together, we can get it for 7233 yuan but if we buy it individually, it will be more than 8000+ yuan."

Bai Yi Yang presented her theory in one breath.

She really isn't making rash decisions alright.

Bai Yi Chen want to applaud at this moment. Bai Yi Yang is smart in her study, they are both smart actually but he didn't know that Bai Yi Yang is this smart in real life skills.

"Then buy that one."

Bai Yi Chen even thinks that he is a fool for even considering to buy the small one with the size of their family.

How can he win against Bai Yi Yang reasoning, it was very expensive but it was also her who earned the money.

Bai Yi Yang happily put it inside her cart, two items is added in her cart now.

Then she ask Bai Yi Chen about the refrigerator, she also have a bit of hard time choosing one. Actually she had wanted a side by side double door fridge but it was a too expensive.

If it were her alone making decisions then she will just buy it but just now she already go above her budget. So she ask him to look first.

"Let me hear your points." Bai Yi Chen said.

He can see that the girl is feeling a bit reluctant now.

"Personally, I like this side by side double door fridge. Look inside, on the left is made for raw materials, half of it is a frozen section for meats while the part below is for vegetables and other raw materials. I know that we have our own vegetables farm, and I also have plans to expand it so that we don't lack fresh vegetables to eat in the future, but there are also some things than need to be store such as fresh mushrooms, or vegetables that is not available here. Then, I also doesn't have plan to raise livestock, they are to difficult to raise and there are also hygiene issue so I plan to buy all of our meats in the future. Then on the right side, the children will like it so much, so do I. There are frozen section to store ice cream, then edible ice maker, drinks, fruits and other snacks. It is unhygienic to mix raw food and things we directly eat, so I like this fridge a lot. Oh, its energy saving too."

Bai Yi Yang explain one by one including her future plan.

Don't know when the children is already outside listening to them, they immediately clap their hands after Bai Yi Yang finished speaking.

They can only heard about those delicious things Bai Yi Yang mentioned.

"It is reasonable, show me."

Bai Yi Chen gave her the phone back.

Bai Yi Yang scroll a few moments and then show him the fridge she was talking about. It was a very big refrigerator, but as she said, it was a side by side fridge and the reasoning is also good.

Of course the price is also very good, it was 6,788 yuan.

But what can he say, when she point it out, now he really thinks that mixing food in the fridge is really quite unhygienic.

"Then buy it." Bai Yi Chen toughen up and said.

Bai Yi Yang didn't wait long and put it in her cart. She want to proceed with payment immediately so that Bai Yi Chen don't have time to change his mind. The total came out to be 14,021.

Bai Yi Chen look at the astronomical price and Bai Yi Yang just buy it like it was nothing.

Bai Yi Yang look at the balance, it was still enough to buy a few more things in town later, especially their roof tiles.

And her carpentry tools and wood cutting equipments, should she buy a chainsaw too later? That would be the best.

Well she will see again later tomorrow.

She didn't even feel heartbroken when she pays it since they are going to use it in this house for many years. She trust in Brand P products, they really last long even in the other world. There are also Brand P with slightly different logo, but the things they sell is the same.

However, she indeed go way too much over her budget. No problem, as long as it is good.

The payment was successful and delivered is going to be made within 3 days.

Bai Yi Chen then left to go take a bath, he let them chat with each other.

His heart is still bleeding a bit because if the amount Bai Yi Yang spend, she buys home appliances like buying vegetables. And she doesn't seems to be affected even a bit.

He knows that the money is earned by her, but still it was a bit too expensive in his standard.

Whatever, the money is already spend, so be it.

The children sat around her and ask about the expensive things she bought.

It was still a few years before this things become common, no wonder Bai Yi Ling is still thinking that she shouldn't have a smartphone.

Well she understand, these should be common in other people house, but they are used to living a poor life for 2 years, what more, their parents are also barely in the middle range category, they can be said to be comfortable.

They were even staying at a teacher's quarters with no house on their own, so this alone can tell the siblings exposure to this slightly expensive things.

Bai Yi Yang tell them one by one and they cannot stop being amazed especially Bai Yi Ling who understand a lot of things, in her class, there is only one person who owns washing machine with dryer, that classmate father is a businessman so she is quite rich.

She remember when they live in City B, they also have washing machine but that was also sold by Second uncle family.

When she was about to stand up and go to take a bath, her phone rings.

The children froze and anticipate about the caller, they rarely got a call, what more it was Bai Yi Yang new phone.


Bai Yi Yang pick up the unknown number and put it on a speaker to satisfy her curios younger siblings, it looks like an office number.

"Good evening Miss Bai. I am from Brand P customer service, out company is glad that you made a big purchase from our store and since this is your first purchase, we would like to offer a free gift which is a pressure rice cooker worth 250 yuan. A new member usually get a regular rice cooker worth 130 yuan but since Miss Bai has made such a big purchase, the Manager in our City N branch has decided to gift our latest product."

The customer service staff sounds very friendly.

Usually company who also sell things online are still active in the chat until 10.00 pm, it is only 8.00 pm so it is not uncommon.

"Then I will gladly accept your company good intention." Bai Yi Yang reply.

She haven't seen the pressure rice cooker in their page, so it really must be a new product.

"Let me send some of the colour available in the chat. And..sent."

The customer service person said.

Bai Yi Yang open the chat and saw 5 variety in colour, all colour are beautiful and the design looks like the one she saw in K-drama.

This brand is really quick in catching up with trend, by the time this kind become popular, they will be the few first company that sells this.

She end up choosing the white colour one.

She already has a plan to rebuild the kitchen top into a modern kitchen top, build in stove, as for the fireplace, she is going to demolish it and build an open air area with a roof so they can cook using the large iron pot. She just doesn't want the kitchen to be filled with smoke every time they are cooking but that doesn't mean she won't use the iron pot again.

"How about the delivery date? Do you want to move it forward? We can make exception for Miss Bai."

The customer service said.

"No thanks. I am not in rush." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Very well. Then have a nice day Miss Bai. Do shop with our brand again."

The customer service said before hanging up.

"A rice cooker is that expensive? Isn't it the same as a bicycle?" Bai Yi Mo said. What more, they are giving it to them free.

"This kind is still very rare now, and it is very high tech, the water won't overflow, it has heating system without adding water or anything, the rice won't go bad even if we leave it for a day. Our life will be much more easier." Bai Yi Yang explain

"Jie, I never heard of this kind before, the price is expensive too. The one we had in City B before also for cooking rice but it doesn't seems to be the same."

Bai Yi Ling said as she wonder.

"When it arrive, I will teach you. No..jiejie will teach all of you. As long as we have rice, then even if Fang Fang and Xiao Mo are alone in the house, then you won't starve." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good!" The children cheer.

"Then, does it mean that we don't have to go to Grandma Zhou place anymore? I like Grandma Zhou thought." Bai Yi Fang add.

Bai Yi Mo is also quite conflicted. He usually play around in the village when his siblings is at school, since they can cook their own food now, then they don't need Grandma Zhou help again?

"They eat at other people house?" Bai Yi Yang know that these two stay at the Old Zhou family, but they also eat there? Isn't this asking too much help from outsider?

"Jiejie forgot again. Of course we eat at Grandma Zhou house during lunch, we bought rice and vegetables and eggs." Bai Yi Fang said.

If they don't eat there then where? They all go to school until the evening, they only eat dinner together when school starts.

"I was confused.." She awkwardly laugh.

When she woke up she told Bai Yi Ling and Bai Yi Fang about her forgetting things.

"Jiejie attend extra classes at school at the evening too, as for lunch, since we eat at school, Fang Fang and Xiao Mo ate at Grandma Zhou house." Bai Yi Ling answer.

"Really? That will trouble the Old Zhou family family. No matter how kind they are, they are still outsider." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Grandma Zhou said that they are family. She and our grandma is blood sister, like Fang Fang, er jiejie and jiejie ah." Bai Yi Fang said.

"Grandma Zhou last name is the same as our maternal grandma?! What is her last name?" Bai Yi Yang asked in shocked.

They have been calling her Grandma Zhou and she actually never know who she is and never ask her last name.

Actually, she bet they also don't know what her maternal grandmother's last name too.

"Ah..that..Fang Fang doesn't know.."

Bai Yi Fang then look at her Xiao gege.

"Why look at me? I also don't know.."

Bai Yi Mo pushed her sister forehead with his finger.

"She said she is really our grandmother sister, but I also forgot Grandma Zhou full name and surname."

Bai Yi Ling said awkwardly.

As expected, Bai Yi Yang thought.

She only knows that her maternal grandfather is a Jiang, because her mother last name is Jiang. Other than that she also don't know.

"Oh, alright got it. Anyway, I never seen them this past two days.." Bai Yi Yang ask again.

If they are this close, then when they heard about her get well and also sold an expensive fish, they must have came to their house at least.

"That's because after the holiday start, they went to the town to live with their son who is working there. Because of helping our family, they rarely left the village." Bai Yi Ling explain.

Bai Yi Yang nod in understanding.

That family is really good then.

She will surely get close to this kind of family and repay them, it's really hard to find sincere relatives like this.