Chapter 14: Bai siblings heading to town

They explore a few more areas nearby and once in a while Bai Yi Yang will change her direction out of nowhere to pick Matsutake mushrooms.

By the time they think it is enough foraging for today, the small basket at the size of a medium size bucket is filled with Matsutake.

If it was ordinary people, this result will be impossible.

But what is impossible for Bai Yi Yang when she has the biggest cheat in the world, at most, she can only suffer a bit going through the thick bushes.

Their baskets are all full too, even the basket behind Bai Yi Mo is filled with other type of mushrooms.

Bai Yi Yang finally decided to bring her siblings home.

They used the same road they came with and in the middle Bai Yi Yan have another big basket of morels behind her.

With a big harvest, even when they are a bit tired, they feel very happy.

They arrived at their house just 10 minutes passed 11 and Bai Yi Yang immediately asked Bai Yi Ling to bath with the two children then go take a nap.

They will be too tired if they didn't take a nap.

The children want to help dried the mushrooms but was rejected by Bai Yi Yang, she said they can help her by obediently taking a bath.

Bai Yi Yang also didn't waste time, she take another canvas from the store room and spread it next to the canvas with mushrooms that is nearly finished drying because of the hot weather.

Then she quickly spread the mushrooms to dried, only leaving some fresh ones to be cook later at night.

She finished it within 30 minutes and return to the house.

Then she saw Bai Yi Ling who already freshen up sitting at the dinner table while holding her smartphone.

She seems to be typing something and she blush when she saw Bai Yi Yang coming from outside.

"I was going to go outside after writing a reply to my teacher but it was quite difficult to make sentences." Bai Yi Ling said.

Feeling guilty that she is still not doing housework, she already put down her phone.

Bai Yi Yang sigh.

This child is too careful which makes her heart ache.

When they return to school, she will give lecture to her so that she won't get bullied or looked down at by her classmates in school.

"What are you talking about? I told you to rest, it was only a little work." Bai Yi Yang smile.

She also sat at the table and took a clean towel as she start wiping the dirt off the Matsutake mushrooms skilfully so that she won't damaged it.

"The two is asleep?"

"Yes. They were too tired." Bai Yi Ling smile.

"Oh right, did you say your teacher just now?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"En. Yesterday I sent a short text informing her about my phone number to my classroom teacher. She asked a few things about our house and wellbeing. She knows that we don't have parents anymore." Bai Yi Ling explain.

"Oh. Then quickly reply her. After that help me take a picture of these Matsutake and send it to my number."

Bai Yi Yang said as she continue cleaning the mushrooms.


Bai Yi Ling continue typing slowly and after a few minutes, she finished writing a reply after rereading it a few times.

Only after that did she take a few pictures and sending a few that looks quite satisfactory to Bai Yi Yang number.

Bai Yi Ling also finished up quickly and put the mushrooms back into the basket and covered it with big leaves so the moisture is retained.

"I will go wash up. You also rest."

Bai Yi Yang said and goes straight to the bathroom.

When she return to the bedroom, all three are sleeping soundly on the bed.

The two small one are taking the most space while Bai Yi Ling sleep straight neatly, just like her personality.

Bai Yi Yang is not tired or sleepy, so she went to the desk to revise her list while at the same time send an introductory text and the picture of Matsutake mushroom to the number Boss Sun gave her. She remember that he told her that his brother owns a big restaurant in the city and to contact him if she have good things in the future.

Fish are not the only good things in this world, the Matsutake in this mountain is all very good quality.

Maybe because the land is privately own so nobody ever come up here to look for mushrooms, if not, there is no way that there is this much mushrooms.

Actually, she can just try selling it to restaurants in town later but that will be too much works since one restaurant may not want all of the mushrooms she has, or maybe they cannot afford it.

Selling it to big customers like Boss Sun is a good choice.

And as expected, Boss Sun quickly reply her text message, almost spamming her as he sent a lot of messages, mostly about asking her not to show it to others and sell it to him.

Bai Yi Yang said that she will go to town later, they will meet at that time.

Boss Sun quickly set a meeting place, it was the name of a restaurant.

Later will use her navigation skills to go there, there was nothing to worry.

'Ooohh..Host is flexing' The system comment.

Bai Yi Yang cannot help but release a laugh.

She agreed with Boss Sun quickly and inform him about her estimated arrival time, also told him that she is coming with her siblings.

Boss Chen become enthusiastic and even offer to order food in advance.

Bai Yi Yang didn't reject.

She knows that Boss Sun can see that she is not simple.

Well, she also have intention to make more transaction with Boss Sun too.

She believes that he will have a lot of use if she want to earn more money.

Later she will also mention about selling the dried mushrooms to him.

Bai Yi Chen really returns at 12.30 pm.

He also didn't make a lot of sound while he go to take a bath.

After that he went to the Main house to inform his siblings to get ready since they need to be at the bus stop before 1.30 pm.

Bai Yi Yang forget about this fact that they need to walk for at least 15 minutes to the village.

She didn't waste time and woke the children up.

The groggy 4 and 5 years old kid was almost unwilling to get up but when Bai Yi Yang mentioned about going to town to buy bicycle, they immediately wake up, especially Bai Yi Mo.

He didn't even waited for Bai Yi Ling to go bring him to wash face before sprinting towards the bathroom in the West house.

Bai Yi Yang also changed into a simple jeans and clean white t-shirt.

This was the only choice she have, there weren't a lot of outing clothes in the cupboards.

The children was so noisy while preparing.

Luckily they cooperate well because Bai Yi Ling threatened to leave them at home if they wouldn't listen.

Bai Yi Yang have to say that Bai Yi Ling really have his way in controlling the children. She is almost as skilled as a mom.

Bai Yi Chen came to the Main House again when it was almost time for them to go.

Bai Yi Yang already put all the important document things in her sling bag.

Bai Yi Ling also wearing a sling bag to put her smartphone with.

They finally set off after making sure everything is complete.

They arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes before 1.30 pm.

They unexpectedly arrive early since the kids also didn't dilly dally because of Bai Yi Ling simple sentence; if you didn't stop playing around, then we won't catch the van.

So the children immediately stop playing around.

There are no other people at the bus stop now since people in the village usually go to town in the morning and the people working in town didn't go back during afternoon. What more, today is not the weekend.

So only some rare case like the Bai siblings is heading to the town at this time.

Since they haven't had their lunch at this time, the two children will sometimes said that they were hungry.

"Can we really eat in town?"

Bai Yi Fang asked for the Nth time to Bai Yi Yang.

"Yes. We can." Bai Yi Yang answer.

"I can't wait.." Bai Yi Fang said.

When the shuttle van arrived, there are already two people in it, a pair of mother and child.

They are sitting at the front seat with the driver, the boy is leaning onto his mother and sleeping peacefully.

The Bai siblings occupied two rows of 3 seater seat.

"Young man, you are bringing your siblings to town?"

The driver ask Bai Yi Chen.


Bai Yi Chen answer shortly. He was initially not chatty.

Because of his young age and good look, the driver remember him, Bai Yi Chen had ride his van a few times.

"You took a half day off today?"

The driver ask again.

"Correct." Bai Yi Chen answer.

Then it become quiet again, the driver uncle hummed a soft tune and continue driving.

Even Bai Yi Yang who is just a listener feel frustrated with Bai Yi Chen answer.

"Jie, I am hungry.."

Bai Yi Fang decided to say out her thought at that time.

Bai Yi Ling look dead embarrassed, she already told Bai Yi Fang to stop talking about it, lest people think that they are a group of pitiful hungry children.

"Little girl, you are hungry? Later in town, I can drop you all near a restaurant I know. How about that? The food is quite good and cheap too, uncle will especially ask the owner to give you a lot." The driver comments.

He saw that these group of children is not having a good life, even the teenager older brother is working morning to evening, so if he can help a bit then he will be happy.

"Uncle is kind. But we already reserved a restaurant, this child is being impatient since she is too hungry." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then that's even better, after I drop this pair of mother and child to their relatives house, I will send you to the restaurant. If you tell me the restaurant name.." The driver said

"It was called Bifang Restaurant. We were going to head there ourselves but then I will trouble uncle." Bai Yi Yang said.

The driver uncle then look at them a few more times through the rear mirror.

Bifang restaurant is not a cheap place, usually only the stable worker working in the office go there. People from the village think that the food there is too expensive.

Even Bai Yi Chen is a bit taken aback but when he remember Bai Yi Yang telling about meeting Boss Sun and the Matsutake mushrooms that he is holding, he feels that it is quite reasonable.

The shock that he has when he saw the Matsutake mushrooms was the same when Bai Yi Yang sold the fish she caught for 40,000+ yuan.

Boss Sun looks like he have an unusual background so the biggest restaurant in town shouldn't be a problem to him.

"No problem, no problem." The driver answer.

After that along the way the driver uncle talked with Bai Yi Yang about this and that, of course he talked most of the time, Bai Yi Yang will agree and add a few words.

He enjoyed talking with her a lot, she seems to know a lot of things and she is also curious about a lot of things.

So even after dropping off the mother and son and sending the siblings near the Bifang Restaurant, he still have a lot of things to talk to her about.

"Yatou, we are here, the building there is the Bifang restaurant."

The driver point at a building block in front. There are no parking site there so he can only drop them here.

"Thank you so much uncle, this is the ride fee."

Bai Yi Yang gave 15 yuan for all of them, she got it from Bai Yi Chen earlier, it was her snack money, the children also was given some 30 yuan. The ride to town is very cheap, 3 yuan per head.

"This is too much. Its enough to give me 6 yuan. Children under 12 don't have to pay." The driver said. He also only accept 3 yuan from the mother and child just now.

"How can that be? Uncle you send us all the way here too, and the children also took up a seat each."

Bai Yi Yang is always reasonable.

If the children sat on their lap, then she won't pay for them, but they were all sitting in empty seats, it was taking advantage of people if she didn't pay.

"Yatou, there are no people at the first place."

The driver uncle scratch his head.

"Then that is more reasonable to pay for the seat. Uncle, we may need a lot of ride in the future, and my brother also use your van everyday. We can't take advantage from you." Bai Yi Yang said.

The driver uncle laugh and finally accepted the 15 yuan.

He gave them his phone number and asked them to call him if they missed a scheduled shuttle van to return later.

The Bai sibling politely said goodbye to the driver and went on their way to the restaurant.

The driver uncle shakes his head, what a group of good children. Talking about it, he didn't even ask about their last name. Next time he will ask more about them.

Then he started the engine and drive away.