Chapter 21: About old time

Bai Yi Yang return to the Main house and the children are lying on the bed but they are not sleeping. Bai Yi ling seems to be telling them something and the children is listening attentively.

'Oh, what a rare sight' Bai Yi Yang thought. Bai Yi Ling and the two little one rarely in calm mood like this since the two likes causing trouble for Bai Yi Ling.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Yi Yang sat down and wipe her hair with towels.

"I am telling Fang Fang and Xiao Mo about mom and dad. They still cannot remember since they were to little." Bai Yi Ling said.

"Ohh.." Bai Yi Yang isn't interested anymore. She is sure that the Bai parents in this world treat all their children equally good when they were alive but her memories about them is only from the other world, she doesn't have any affection towards them.

As for the Bai parents in her previous world, they bring her into the world but immediately abandoned her, so how can she feel grateful? Fine, maybe grateful for giving her a life.

When she was 25 years old in the other world, she found out that she is from the Bai family from the Principal of the Orphanage she lived in, that was after she gave him a lot of money, there were no such thing as telling her out of goodness.

And she did that wasn't because she wants anything from her family, she was just curious about them, she feels like her life wasn't complete without at least knowing who her real blood family was.

But when she know about it she was quite shocked and she don't understand why she was abandoned.

The Bai family at that time was already prosperous, the Bai parents are famous researchers, their children are geniuses. She also know that the Bai family has a long history of being highly educated, the institute she was working, the Bai grandfather was one of the founder. There were many Bai family members working in the institute.

So why can't they afford to raise an extra person?

She contemplate for a long time before she went to meet with Dr. Jiang, her birth mother and the Bai siblings mother. She introduced herself and asked her straight away.

Dr. Jiang was shocked at first but then she just smile without feeling guilty as she explained to her about the reason she was abandoned. The reason was because when the twin was born which is her and Bai Yi Chen, Bai Yi Chen was a healthy baby whereas Bai Yi Yang was born sickly, the doctor even said that there is a high probability that she may grow up with learning disability.

"We cannot let a disable baby ruin the Bai family name." That's what Dr.Jiang said to her that really breaks her heart.

"But it wasn't confirmed, you said it yourself that it was only a possibility…didn't I ended up growing well?" She said in a low voice, thinking that her suffering at the orphanage is because her parents doesn't want other people to mock them for having a child with disability.

"Yes, that is correct. Congratulations! Then you should be thankful to us for passing you our good genetic, I know that you are a talented individual. We can't bring you back to our family register but we can help you be adopted under other Bai family branch. No matter what, you still have the Bai and Jiang family blood flowing in you." Dr.Jiang said casually, she even continue typing on the computer while talking to her at that time.

At that moment, Bai Yi Yang feels so humiliated, Dr.Jiang made her sounds like she is begging to be taken under their hypocritical Bai family. As if she wanted to claim a place in the prestigious Bai family.

"No thanks. I don't want to be a part of a hypocritical family like yours which prioritise face then their own blood." That was the last word she said before leaving.

After that she never talked to her again or any of the Bai family, but her life in the institute also become a bit unbearable because she can see the Bai family anywhere. In the morning the Bai family arrive together from home, at the research institute cafeteria, the family will sit together and eat their meal, Bai grandfather the legend also boosted a lot about his family members who excelled in everything in front of them outsiders, Bai Yi Chen and Bai Yi Ling became the young geniuses that is so haughty and often look down on the people with slightly poor performance, the Bai Yi Fang who has princess syndrome wanted everyone in the institute to worship her when she came.

She wasn't jealous, instead she feel a bit disgusted with the whole family.

"Yang Yang, you okay?" Bai Yi Chen voice wake Bai Yi Yang from a trance.

Bai Yi Yang returns to reality and saw her siblings worried face. Only then did she smiled, they are different here, they genuinely care for her, even if she is sick and dying they didn't abandoned her. What use is name and and prestige if you need to abandon your child? That's what the Bai parents on the other world did.

"Jiejie, you blank out for a long time and we didn't dare to disturb you." Bai Yi Ling look at her worriedly.

"I am fine, just deeply thinking about a few things." She smiled.

"En, good. They want me to tell story about our parents." Bai Yi Chen also joined to sit down with his siblings.

"En, ge you tell." Bai Yi Yang said before pretending to be interested too.

"Our parents are both school teachers, mom is a high school teacher, dad is a primary school teacher. They met when they were teaching in City Bei and got married, they have me and your sister after married for two years. Then they had Xiao Ling after 6 years, followed by Xiao Mo and Fang Fang. That's how we 5 siblings came together." Bai Yi Chen said.

Bai Yi Yang listen carefully when it comes to their birth history. So, Bai Yi Mo is really their blood sibling, where were the loophole that Bai Yi Mo is not there in the other world?

"Ge, when I was born, was I really weak and the doctor predict that I may not grow up normal?" Bai Yi Yang asked.

"Yes, that is true. Mom only told it to me, she don't want you to know since you may be sad. You stayed for a long time at the hospital, mom also went to the hospital a lot to send you for a check up. Luckily you were okay, you grow up normal like other kids." Bai Yi Chen smiled and caress her head, messing up her hair.

This precious twin of him is really a bit difficult to raise. He was left alone at home with his dad a lot because their mother need to bring Yang Yang to the hospital.

Bai Yi Yang nod in understanding. So it was really similar, just the outcome is different, the Bai parents in this world didn't give up on her while the other didn't hesitate to abandon her.

"Really? But sister is so strong now." Bai Yi Mo comment.

"She is actually well, there were just suspicion because she was born very small and have some breathing problems. Mom said that that you don't want to come out so you nearly drown in her stomach." Bai Yi Chen add which made the children laugh in response.

"Then how about Xiao Mo, was he unwell too?" Bai Yi Yang suddenly asked.

"Xiao Mo? As I can remember back then no. He is very healthy too." Bai Yi Chen said.

They were 11 at that time, they can understand a lot of things already. But it is natural for Yang Yang not to know, she was very quiet, only when mom talks a with her then she will talk a bit, she rarely talks a lot and rarely have interest.

Bai Yi Yang frowned. Then the same reasoning as her is not applicable to Bai Yi Mo case. This is really a mystery

"Ge, why does I slightly remember something about our aunt and uncle from mother side coming over when Xiao Mo was born. I remember it because they have a big car and also brought a lot of gifts." Bai Yi Ling comment.

"Oh that.." Bai Yi Chen looks a bit flustered. He is not sure if he should retell the story or not.

"Ge, tell us." Bai Yi Yang interest was perked, this must be it.

"Alright, I will tell. When Xiao Mo was born 5 years ago, mom's older brother heard about it. Eldest maternal uncle has been married a long time but they still don't have children by that time so they came not long after Xiao Mo was born and wanted to adopt him as their son.." He said. The siblings mouth was wide open, including Bai Yi Yang.

So this is the mystery, in the other world, Xiao Mo must have been given to other family to raised. Why does the Bai parents there likes giving away their children? She really cannot understand what's going on in their head.

"Then, then?" Bai Yi Mo was invested hearing story about him that he didn't know.

"Eldest uncle is quite well off, he has shops in City Shan so he begged mom to give Xiao Mo to them, promised that they will take care of him well. Eldest aunt(eldest maternal uncle wife) is also desperate at that time so she also begged mom to give Xiao Mo to them. Actually, mom told me that they were also aiming at Xiao Ling too at first but they were stopped by our maternal grandparents while they were alive. Xiao Mo was born after our maternal grandparents passed away, so that's why eldest maternal uncle dare to bring it out." Bai Yi Chen continue. He remembers that it was quite chaotic, both side cannot get to an agreement.

Bai Yi Yang nod. Even in the other world, Dr.Jiang family is quite rich, with Dr. Jiang crooked character, she must have given Xiao Mo to her brother by getting a lot of benefits in return.

"How can mom and dad be willing, so they had a fight, Eldest maternal uncle was emotional at that time since they were too desperate for a child so they end up having a big fight, mom and eldest uncle break off their relationship and they never meet each other again. Since then we also lost all contacts, during the funeral, I tried calling their old numbers but it wasn't able to get through." Bai Yi Chen sigh.

"Why don't they just took child from the orphanage?" Bai Yi Yang ask. Is there really need to fight to thus extend?

"Our grandparents from mother side said when they were alive that they don't want to pass their property to a child that doesn't have a drop of their blood. Eldest uncle and eldest aunt is also pitiful, only because of old-fashioned mentality. A child will become their own after being raised for years, is there such thing as only blood relatives will be filial?" Bai Yi Chen said. Bai Yi Yang likes his words a lot. His older brother thinking is so open ah.

"This house is also build by grandpa?" Bai Yi Yang asked.

"Yes. Mom was actually pressured when she took this house, she knew that maintaining house this big is very difficult, what more a courtyard house at a countryside. What more our grandparents also only live here for 3-4 years here, since it was too far from hospitals, they live with Eldest uncle at their old age, this mountain and house is just something that grandpa build at his last few years of being an architect." Bai Yi Chen said again.

"Isn't that a bit wasteful?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"Yeah, when mom is still alive, she also never planned to return, she was going to sell it later. But because of this land, at least we have our own house now." Bai Yi Chen smile bitterly as he remember the Bai family in City Bei, their so-called closest relatives.

"En, I like this house too." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Fang Fang has fallen asleep." Bai Yi Ling said as she point at Fang Fang who is sleeping on her stomach. Bai Yi Chen came over and lifted her up to her sleeping spot on the mattress.

"We are all tired today. Xiao Mo, lets return to sleep too. You two sleep too." Bai Yi Chen hold onto Bai Yi Mo and return to the East house.

Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Ling lied down to, Bai Yi Yang sleep in the middle and on her left is Fang Fang and on the right is Xiao Ling. Xiao Ling quickly switched off the lamp before returning to her spot.

Bai Yi Yang open her smartphone and decreased the brightness.

"Ohh, the flower shop grandma son texted me the receipt, there seems to be 92 type of succulents that going to be sent tomorrow." She said to Bai Yi Ling.

"Really? That much? That must cost a lot jie." Bai Yi Ling turn towards her.

"The price is actually quite reasonable, it will become more expensive in the future if you sell it. Do you want jiejie to teach you business?" Bai Yi Yang suddenly thought of something.

Bai Yi Ling eyes widened, even by growing plants that she likes she can make money? She nodded a few times, immediately agree.

"Nowadays, there are more people who own smartphone, and in the future there will be much more who have one. Social media will become a big thing in the future and it will continue to rise. How about jiejie open an account for you, you take pretty picture of your succulents and post it on social media. You can add people so that they can see your little flowers, then naturally someone will ask if you are selling them or not. Growing new succulents is actually very easy as long as you already have one type of it. You can just search online and you will be able to grow them, its just that many people rather buy then growing them from scratch. What do you say?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"Isn't social media where you take pictures of you and your friends then post it? We can also sell things?" Bai Yi Ling said.

"Yes. Social media can be your advertisement, when you have a lot of customers, you can link it to an online store. Of course this is for a long term plan. For now you just take care of you flower, then try to grow them yourself, only when you have a lot of flowers of one variety, then you can start selling. When the time come, jiejie will teach you more business trick that makes your succulents business different than other people. Understand?" Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Ling nod excitedly.

"For now, you think about a suitable name for your social media account, that will also be your brand in the future." Bai Yi Yang said.

She then went to settle half of the accounts. There are 40 type of seedlings which cost 60 yuan, then the succulents, there are 92 variation, the shop was originally a flower shop so they have a lot of these things that many people find useless, the total was 668 yuan. The total came out as 728 yuan. So as promised, Bai Yi yang payed 364 yuan first, the rest will be settled tomorrow.

Then she received a reply from the flower shop son and he even mention about giving them two packet of free fertiliser.

Bai Yi Yang seen it and send an emoji then she turn off his phone to sleep.