Chapter 24: Cleaning again and Mr.Song proposal

Bai Yi Yang joined his siblings inside the house. Currently they are on the third room already, Bai Yi Chen is wiping the wall with wet towels, Bai Yi Ling with her mop and the two children is in each corner scrubbing any hard to remove dirt that will not go away after being mopped.

"No need to be that detailed. We will cover this with different flooring later. Just make sure that it is clean is enough. Ge, it's the same with the wall, we will stick stickers on it later. What more when Uncle Lu start working, there will be dirt again." Bai Yi Yang said when she saw her two sisters being too careful. They will even wipe the place they step on a few more times, they really are earnestly cleaning. The siblings attention immediately falls to her when they heard her voice.

"Jiejie, you discuss with the uncle for so long." Fang Fang said.

"En, it wasn't easy to plan." Bai Yi Yang said.

"When will they start?" Bai Yi Chen force went down a lot, now he is only wiping once, as long as it is clean.

"This afternoon, they will come again at 2 pm." Bai Yi Yang also start working on wiping the walls.

Their speed pick up much more since they don't have to clean too thoroughly. After wiping the floor dry, they move to the East house and repeat the same process. The little guy now take turn mopping the floor since their energy has been depleted. They finished cleaning the East House by 10 am.

"Let's move to the kitchen" Bai Yi Chen said after they get enough rest.

"No need, the kitchen can be clean later. I planned to make a countertop, it will be a lot of mess since they are going to demolish the fireplace." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Demolished the fireplace? Then how do we cook?" Bai Yi Ling was shocked.

"Lets cook outside for the 2-3 days time they are working. When the kitchen is settled, then we can build an outdoor cooking place using fire." Bai Yi Yang said.

"We'll listen to you. Then lets clean up your workshop instead." Bai Yi Chen said as he opened the storage that Bai Yi Yang haven't seen the inside.

Well, it was quite a suitable size as a workshop, it was the size of ordinary 10m2 room.

Inside there are not a lot if things, just some random rattan chairs that has holes and damaged. Basically it cannot be used anymore, so they decided to bring it outside the courtyard to be burned later. There are a few wooden stool that is quite sturdy and a wooden table that still look good.

Bai Yi Yang decided to make it as her working table at the workshop.

This room has a concrete floor, no wonder it became the second storage room. It also has a window which Bai Yi Chen open widely to let out the old smell of the room. Other than sweeping the floor and wiping the the wall, there really are no need in mopping the floor because it will be covered in wood dust too later.

She personally wipe the wooden table clean and let the children wipe the short wooden stool outside at the courtyard, Bai Yi Chen already went to clean up the toilet in the main house, there were no need to clean the one they used because it was quite clean already.

"Jiejie, the plants is here." Bai Yi Ling ran to call her sister excitedly.

A small blue truck is in front of their courtyard now and there seems to be plants in his truck. Bai Yi Yang came out of the workshop and greet the middle aged man who already came down from his truck.

"Hello, are you Miss Bai?" The man asked.

"Yes I am, did you come to deliver the plants?" She asked.

"Oh yes. Where should I place these?" He said.

"We don't have a proper place for now, but you can arrange it over there first." Bai Yi Yang pointed at the area in front of the storage. The middle aged man didn't question her and start lifting up batches of plants of various colours. Bai Yi Ling eyes seems to shine when she saw this sight.

"Was it hard finding this place?" Bai Yi Yang asked as she watch the man moved the plants from the truck to the side.

"It wasn't that hard, I asked a villager and they immediately pointed the road to the mountain. I was quite worried about the road but it wasn't bad." He answered.

"I am glad to hear that." Bai Yi Yang continue to talk as the flower shop grandma son unload the flowers. There are various sizes of vase used and the children is already squatting down to look at the 90 something flowers.

"Yang yang, who is this?" Bai Yi Chen came out after hearing the commotion.

"Ah, I bought some plants and vegetables seed. Me and Xiao Ling likes the plants a lot. Look at it, it's quite pretty." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Hello." The middle aged man carried the last batch and smile at Bai Yi Chen.

"Mr.Song, this is my brother." Bai Yi Yang introduced them with each other, they only smiled and nod. The middle aged man introduced himself as Mr.Song just now.

"I have transferred all of it and this are the vegetables seeds." Mr.Song hand over a paper bag with the vegetables seed in it.

Bai Yi Yang briefly look through it and nod.

"Then I will settle the rest of the payment now." Bai Yi Yang took out her phone and transferred another 364 yuan to Mr.Song.

"Its done." Mr.Song smiles brightly. The business they are doing is very hard to get big order like this, when his mother told him about it yesterday, he didn't believe it that much that someone will spend hundreds of yuan in their shop but still arrange and contact the customer, it wasn't a loss to try.

But then after sending the receipt and their shop account, the customer immediately transferred half of the total amount, how can he not be happy? So this morning, he immediately moved the plants into the truck and head here. Their shop usually open at 10.00 am but he cane earlier than usual today.

"Mr. Song, I wonder if your shop also do have natural grass carpet, as you can see, the grass at this courtyard…is…dying." Bai Yi Yang point at the yellowish patches of unhealthy grass. Mr. Song look over and it is indeed in a very bad condition. The central courtyard is a mixture of grass and tiles, the original simple design can't be called pretty and neat anymore. Mr.Song eyes brighten, this is such a good space that he can put his knowledge in practice.

"Miss Bai, you are just going to replace the grass?" asked.

"Yes. That's the plan now." Bai Yi Yang nod.

"Miss Bai, to be honest, our shop doesn't have this service but I has study landscape design before, sadly in this town there is no one who needed this service so I end up working with my mother. If you trust me, I can show you a few design later then if you like any of them, I will help you find the materials and personally tend to this courtyard. You just need to pay for the materials, as for the labour fee, you can just give me 100 yuan. I will not ask more." Mr. Song said with passion, he is half begging so that he can take the job.

'Host, there is landscape design skills available' The system remind.

Bai Yi Yang know that but designing the central courtyard is not a problem, it was that it is not practical to look for materials. She bet that she won't find most of them in this town, she also don't have cars to transport them.

"I don't need a fancy design, I just want it to be neat and easy to move between the houses. Mr. Song, you make a few design for me first, then you can show me later. If I like the things that you design, then I will get the service." Bai Yi Yang said. She didn't promise immediately, she still going to consider the design.

"Miss Bai, do you mind me looking around so that I can make suitable design?" Me.Song ask for permission. Bai Yi Ling let Mr. Song look around until he is satisfied.

"Great, when I am done I will send Miss Bai the design." Mr. Song nod after looking around a few more times. He left with a big smile, seems like he really love landscape designing. Poor him that he won't be able to showcase his talent in this small town.

"Jie, I think our central courtyard is not bad. Why do we need to plant grass? Aren't we suppose to weed them out?" Bai Yi Ling asked. This makes Bai Yi Yang laugh with her naïve thinking.

"Yeah right. But this kind of grass will look very pretty, they have beautiful green colour, we can even lie on them, the three of you can roll over them without worrying that the dirt will get on your clothes." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Like the school field?" Bai Yi Ling asked.

"Yes. Do you think they grow naturally that pretty? That are example of planted grass." Bai Yi Yang explain.

"Jie, how come you know a lot of this things?" Bai Yi Ling asked. As they live in the village, they didn't think that this kind of pretty but useless thing is necessary. Why need to buy grass when they are supposed to be removed.

"The teacher once told me. Anyway, it will look pretty and plant will cool our house." Bai Yi Yang answer. She then return to clean the workshop. The faster she clean this place, the sooner she can start working in this and transfer her tool here, it won't need to lie around in the living room again.

Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo heard the conversation, so while they are cleaning the stool, they ask a lot if things about Bai Yi Ling primary school.

Schools sounds really fun, no wonder gege and jiejie only return late everyday from school. The most curious one is Bai Yi Fang. She likes the crowd, she likes befriending people and she heard school is a place where there is a lot of same age children, they also got to learn a lot of things together, doesn't that sounds fun?