Chapter 44: Xiao Ling little drama

After that they talked for about 10 more minutes about all sort of things, Bai Yi Ling seems to be interested in English a lot, that was because while reading about succulents, she stumbled upon a lot of English articles, so she ask Bai Yi Yang to explain words that she didn't understand.

"Excuse me.." A boy voice suddenly came from the door. Both sisters turn their head and look at the door. Isn't this the Bo Yuan boy? Bai Yi Ling immediately looks unhappy.

"Ohh, how can I help you?" Bai Yi Yang asked, she still have a small smile on her face unlike Bai Yi Ling who is frowning.

Bai Yi Yang doesn't have impression on this boy other than her younger siblings stories, so she didn't discriminate. What more, she saw him as a good boy at heart that act like a bad guy. If someone guid him correctly, he is the type that will definitely change towards the good side.

"That.." Bo Yuan looks awkward, he gripped the smartphone in his hand tightly.

"Say it, if we can help then we will help. Right Xiao Ling?" Bai Yi Yang said as she look meaningfully at Xiao Ling. If she guess correctly, he came here at the first place to look for Xiao Ling.

"En.." Bai Yi Ling didn't have choice but to agree unwillingly since her older sister has open her mouth. Bo Yuan saw hope and come forward, he give his smartphone to Bai Yi Yang.

"I called my parents and told them that we are staying at a close friend house since they are worried that I may feel down with the flood and staying with grandma and grandpa. But they keep asking me to take photo with that friend as a proof, so.." He said as he look at Bai Yi Ling, when their eyes met he quickly avoided it.

"So you want to take picture with Xiao Ling to send to your parents?" Bai Yi Yang almost cannot hide her smile.

This Bo Yuan, other than always looking gloomy and unfriendly, he is quite a good looking boy. Bai Yi Ling is a neat person, even though not as pretty as Bai Yi Fang, her eyes is big and bright and her skin is white. They will look good standing next to each other.

"That's the story.." Bo Yuan nod and lowered his head. Bo Yuan seems to fear Bai Yi Ling angry and dissatisfied glare, and this is what her siblings called as little gangster? Bai Yi Yang wanted to laugh aloud. Isn't this just a boy acting shy and awkward in front of a girl?

"Then we really need to send them one, lest them become worried and unable to sleep well. Right Xiao Ling?" Bai Yi Yang ask as she smile.

Bai Yi Yang took Bo Yuan smartphone and search for the camera app. Bai Yi Ling wanted to reject but after hearing that his parents may get worried, she don't have other choice. What more, her sister already took his phone. Just take this as her doing good deeds bah.

"Then let's take one quickly." Bai Yi Ling stood up and stand next to Bo Yuan. Bo Yuan cheeks turns red like a shrimp, he couldn't even look up.

"Okay, smile, 1,2,3.." Bai Yi Yang start taking photo.

"Too far..Xiao Bo Yuan why do you look at the floor?"

"You two look like enemies in war zone now.."

"Xiao Bo Yuan, Xiao Ling smile brighter…more sincere.."

After a few flawed takes, Bai Yi Ling lose her patience at the uncooperative Bo Yuan. She put her arm around his shoulder to get it over with.

"Jie take it now." She fake a big smile. At the same time, Bo Yuan was stunned, he turned his head and look at the shorter girl holding onto his shoulder. Bai Yi Yang perfectly captured the moment.

'Ah..what a beautiful picture..when Xiao Ling grows up, I will tease her with these photos.' Bai Yi yang laugh like an evil witch in her heart.

"Done! Good job. Xiao Bo Yuan, can I send this to my phone?" Bai Yi Yang ask. Bo Yuan nodded, still absent minded, then he can feel the arm leaving his shoulder.

"Thank You Yi Ling.." Bo Yuan muttered a soft thanks to Bai Yi Ling.

Bai Yi Ling doesn't seems to hear it and return to her seat. She didn't even look at Bo Yuan anymore after that. She totally ignore Bo Yuan and continue writing.

Bai Yi Yang left the kitchen as she hummed. That was an interesting events. But she was already delayed with her work, so she can only stop teasing the two.

Bai Yi Yang make another sketch again, this time for the Main house door, she wanted the Main house door to be traditional, just like the gate door, she wanted it to be sturdy.

'Since it is the Main door, should I add some carvings on it?' Bai Yi Yang ask the system.

The system who logged out just now is now back online, it hasn't even been 1 hour but it got excited seeing Bai Yi Ling and Bo Yuan drama in the kitchen just now. So it also joined Bi Yi Yang gossiping about the two.

'Host, should I activate your wood carving skills?'

'Yeah, do it. Just Level 1 is sufficient. I am just going to add some plant inspired pattern later' Bai Yi Yang said.

[Successful. Skills-Wood carving Level 1. Total points: 120 points]

Bai Yi Yang then make sketches for the bedroom door. She wanted a standardised style for all bedroom doors so she doesn't have to think much. When she remember her finished West house door modern design, she was tempted to make similar doors for the bedroom since it looks pretty.

'TongTong, this stupid brain of mine actually is tempted to make a similar design for the bedroom door.' Bai Yi Yang sigh.

'That is a good idea. If it is too hard, just do one side is also okay. Anyway, the plain door that you make will still look beautiful' The system said, it seems to accept the name TongTong now.

'Then just make it bah. The points for that is also higher.' Bai Yi Yang start sketching the bedroom door, she need to make 5 identical door, since it will be smaller than the West house door, Bai Yi Yang also cutting smaller random geometric shapes.

Bai Yi Yang then head out to take woods, she repeated the same process. She won't be able to finish assembling them this morning so she stopped doing her works at 11.30 am.

Her workshop is in a mess. Each cut woods was separated into portions, they were cut specifically for each door. If Bai Yi Yang didn't do these, she may get confused when she need to assemble them. As a result, the workshop floor is full.

Bai Yi Yang then close the workshop door after she went out, she didn't lock it though. The children already knows that they shouldn't come into this room since they may get hurt or damaged things.

Bai Yi Yang is sweaty and dusty, so she quickly went into the Main house to take towels and changing clothes, she is going to take a quick shower. There is no need of hot water when she is already this sweaty.

"Yatou, you are quite skilled. We saw the doors from afar and they look good." Grandpa Bo said when he saw Bai Yi Yang come in.

"Just some simple skills." Bai Yi Yang said.

"What simple? We adults can't even make our house door looks like that one." Second Uncle Li said. He is full of praise towards Bai Yi Yang, even when they can only seen it from afar, they can see that the craftsmanship is more than just simple. It can pass as the work of a professional.

"It's really not that great. I just wanted a sturdy door, that's all. Then." She nod at the two people and enter the bedroom before going to the bath room. She really cannot sit around with these sweat and dust, she will entertain them later. Bai Yi Yang enjoy the cool shower and only come out after she finished wiping her wet hair.

When she came out, there is only her two younger siblings and Li Su Nuo lying around looking at picture books at the living room, then Bo Yuan with his smartphone at a corner. The bedroom door at the left is open, Li Su Ning is taking care of her little sister Li Su Nian inside. They only smile at each other when their eyes meet. So Bai Yi Yang just enter the bedroom to look at her phone, Bai Yi Ling is also in the bedroom now.

"Where is the adults?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Grandma Bo went to the vegetables farm with Aunt Li, Grandpa Bo and Uncle Li was looking at the newly made door with gege at first, but then they all wear raincoats and head out. Probably went to look at the flood." Bai Yi Ling said.

"Ohhh.." Bai Yi Yang nod.

"I'm going to the kitchen to cook, you just rest.." Bai Yi Yang said. Now there is Grandma Bo and the Li family mother and daughter helping her in the kitchen, they can manage the meal. Bai Yi Ling nod, she also thinks that she cannot help much compared to the adults.

Bai Yi Yang enters the right room to take some more Chinese sausages that is still in the packaging and also a few sachets of fruit infused tea, she choose a passion fruit flavour this time. The children eyes was on her when she came out, hoping for snacks.

"No snacks before meal, if you all behave then you will get some after lunch." Bai Yi Yang said. The children immediately cheers and return to looking at the pictures book.

Bai Yi Fang was so passionate in showing off what she had learned, so she became the teacher of the two child older than her. Li Su Nuo has started first year of primary school, so she also knows one or two things, it becomes two girls teaching Bai Yi Mo instead.

Bai Yi Yang enters the kitchen and the two lady returns with a basket in their hand. They quickly took off their raincoat and put the umbrella aside.

"We heard your Grandpa Bo talks about your little vegetables farm, so we became curious. At the same time we also pick some matured vegetables. There are a lot of plump eggplants, large red chillis too, we were almost carried away with picking them." Grandma Bo said smiling.

"Just perfect, I was thinking of cooking eggplants with garlic and dried shrimp." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good, good. We will help you cut and fried them. We are not as good cook as you, you can do the final step." Aunt Li said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod. She went to wash the white rice, this time she immediately use the big pot that Grandma Bo wash this morning to cook rice with, after filling in with enough water, she replace the iron pot with it then finally close it and start cooking the rice.

The two woman who was casually chatting and cutting vegetables on the table look in awe, she lifted the iron pot single handedly? They didn't even have time to react before she was done with it.

"Yatou, you should have call us to help.." Grandma Bo said.

"No problem.." Bai Yi Yang smile. She proceeded with cutting the Chinese sausages into slices, there was a pile of it, she was going to cut some more when the two lady stopped her. Saying that she is using too much of it, it is so precious and the one she bought also looks expensive, how can they eat their food at ease. Bai Yi Yang actually doesn't mind, she bought a few packets of it, it was only 30 yuan per 0.5 kg.

"Then let me finish these, it would be hard to store later." Bai Yi Yang agrees on cutting up only two packets. If it were too little, then it won't taste good too.

After that, when the rice is halfway cooked, she add the sausages slice onto the top. She didn't mind arranging them prettily like when she make a small portion, as long as they tasted good it was enough. Bai Yi Yang then proceed to make her siblings favourite sauce added to rice, they soy sauce based sauce to be eaten with warm rice later.

"This is just simple ingredients but it tasted so good, its not very spicy, only Xiao Nian can't eat this one." Grandma Bo praise after she tasted the sauce made by Bai Yi Yang. Now she is convinced that this girl is really good at cooking.