Chapter 51: To Bifang restaurant and Pet’s shop

Zhang Yong is a frequent visitor of Bifang Restaurant, and today they also came to buy food from here.

The waiter that greet them also remember Bai Yi Yang, he immediately greet her enthusiastically.

"Our Boss Sun is not in today, little miss do you want me to contact him?" The waiter ask as he seated them at an empty seat.

"No. I just came to buy food here today." Bai Yi Yang smile.

Zhang Yong also didn't say anything, he can guess that the person who buy the mushrooms is this Boss Sun.

"Good, good. Little miss please take a look. Mr.Zhang also take a look." The waiter show them the menu.

Zhang Yong is used to this place, so he ordered a few dishes while saying a few words to Bai Yi Yang, he is saying that this and that dishes is good. He ordered a big portion of Chinese barbecue pork, kung pao chicken, sweet and sour fish fillet, a medium size of cooked lettuce with oyster sauce and garlic and lastly a large portion of pork soup with carrot and yam.

"Today I will pay." Zhang Yong close the menu book and said.

"No, we pay half." Bai Yi Yang disagree. It's not her alone who will eat, there are also her siblings.

Zhang Yong saw the determination in her eyes and nod to agree, he is afraid that he cannot beat her.

Zhang Yong payed the bill first and promised to return later, he will bring Bai Yi Yang to the pets shop first before they take the food and return.

Zhang Yong has a workshop in this town, so he know almost all the shops.

"Which one would you like to go? The old pet shop has much more customers but they mostly buy stuff for their livestocks, the newer one is not really thriving since they focus a lot on pets and they have a veterinarian there. You know how this town is." Zhang Yong said.

"Then let's go to the newer one, I also need to ask a bit about vaccination." Bai Yi Yang said. The moment she agree to take in the puppies, she need to provide at least this much, food and drinks, place to sleep and basic health care. As she said, it was like taking care of another child.

"You look a bit troubled." Zhang Yong said.

"Not really. I am just thinking about how to raise the two puppies at home. You know that it's not easy to have pets." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Ohh, when I see you like this, I am actually thinking..are you raised in the city? No offence but people in the village, no one think that raising pets is like raising a child. Even in the city, not all are thinking like you. Most people will say, if they live than they live, gave food and drinks is enough." Zhang Yong smile.

"I am not good too..I am thinking to just provide the basic, the rest let the puppies grow up first bah." She said.

"Its better than majority of pets owner.." Zhang Yong said and smile.

"You think much more matured than your age." Zhang Yong add.

"Hey..hey..say the young man in his early 20s.." Bai Yi Yang laugh. Excuse me, her mental age is most probably older than Zhang Yong.

"I am not, I will turn 25 at the end of the year." Zhang Yong said. Bai Yi Yang didn't answer, it's still younger than her ah.

"So which city did you grow up?" He ask.

"City Bei. Our father is native there, mother from this town. My mother followed my father there after they married and we all grow up there until 2 years ago. Then we siblings move here." Bai Yi Yang said, her tone is calm as if she is telling other people story.

"Why? How about the relatives there?" Zhang Yong can smell a not so simple backstory.

"Alive..but its worse to have them than not." Bai Yi Yang release a small laugh.

" it.." Zhang Yong said.

After that Zhang Yong didn't ask about her family again, he ask about schools, the siblings, their incomes.

"You didn't know this but a few days before we met, I almost went to the other side." Bai Yi Yang said when Zhang Yong praise her strength. His team can see the twin working at the farm from the kitchen window, and they were ashamed about their weak body.

"You..are you sick?" Zhang Yong cannot believe it. She is as healthy as bull, how can she be sick.

"Yeah, but recovered now. Luckily I woke up fast, if not then we all would have been in the orphanage by now." Bai Yi Yang laugh. She told him about the doctor diagnosis while she was sick, making him gasp a few times.

"The doctor must've said that to scare you siblings. Orphanage is no good, if you really need help in the future, just find me. Its better to ask for help than you all going to orphanage." Zhang Yong said.

"When I see the doctor in the future, I will say a few words with him so that he stop tricking children." Zhang Yong frown.

Bai Yi Yang laugh.

"He is just telling what he saw. I heard it was quite bad." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I was born premature too, the doctor scare my family with this and that, but see, I also grow up this healthy. There is no sure thing until the last breath." Zhang Yong said before stopping in front of a pets shop.

The two of them enters the shop and Bai Yi Yang immediately ask the salesgirl which immediately bring her to the puppies formula milk section. Bai Yi Yang briefly said a few details a bout the puppies such as they just found them and they looks like a few days old only.

The salesgirl immediately recommended some goat milk brands. She said that the puppies can start eating solid food by 4-5 weeks, she can mix their diet with milk too.

Bai Yi Yang didn't really know about these things, so she just choose whatever milk the salesgirl recommends that sounds good. The salesgirl also choose milk bottles for her, and two sets of dog bowl worth 72 yuan per set. Bai Yi Yang only bought those, as for food, she planned to buy them later when the puppies start eating.

While paying for two can of formula milk worth 135 yuan per can and two milk bottle at 26 yuan and also the dog bowls, Bai Yi Yang ask about the vaccination.

"Ohh..we have a vaccination package for puppies on their first year, as for rabies vaccination, that has to be done yearly. When the puppies are about 2 months, miss can bring them over if you are interested. These are our shop pamphlet, you can see all the services that we provide." The salesgirl hand out a pamphlet to Bai Yi Yang. This is one potential customer they have. Just look at her purchase, she didn't even hesitate to buy two can of expensive formula milk brand.

Bai Yi Yang said her thanks and paid a total of 440 yuan. Zhang Yong took the package and bring it into the car before they head back to Bifang restaurant to take their takeout food.

Bai Yi Yang immediately scan Zhang Yong code and paid 113 yuan.

On the way back, they have a chat again. It was very different compared to when they first go, now they are much more closer. Zhang Yong open up about his life too, Bai Yi Yang didn't hide anything from him so he also didn't hide anything.

Listening to Zhang Yong story who come from a totally different background, Bai Yi Yang found it interesting that there is no much different. Unlike the rich lifestyle portrayed in drama, Zhang Yong life is quite ordinary, other than not having to worry about money, he also went to normal school, have friends, hang out to common restaurants, go to field trip and so on.

The elders in his family are strict, if they cause trouble they need to handle it themselves. One time, he said that his older cousin was involved in a car accident because he drive pass a red light, so he was detained at the police station. But Zhang Yong uncle just come to the police station to scold him and ask the police to punish his son according to the law. There are no such thing as using money and power to cover their children bad deeds. This is why Bai Yi Yang think that the Zhang family is a decent one.

Bai Yi Yang and Zhang Yong return when it was a few minutes passed 12 pm.

The group of young people is really casual, after working they feel they wanted to bath, so they took their bag from the car and enter the bathroom. Bai Yi Yang and her siblings is cool about it, these gege and jiejie treat them like younger siblings, so they also become close with them.

Bai Yi Yang didn't wait any longer, she immediately make two bottle of milk for the puppies, she tested the temperature and make sure that they are only warm. This is something that she learn from Second Aunt Li, she also read the directions on the formula milk can properly. When she bring over the small milk bottle, she tried giving it to the two puppies. As if starving, they eagerly suck from the milk bottle. Bai Yi Yang was touched, she pat the puppies head gently before asking Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo to hold it. In no time, they finished drinking the whole bottle and snuggle with each other comfortably on the towel bed. They are quick to fall asleep.

Before lunch, Bai Yi Yang ask her siblings go wash the milk bottle and also wash their hands properly. Hu Yu Guang took to much time to bath so Zhang Yong ends up bathing after Zhang Li Li.

By 12.30 pm, all of them are already feeling refreshed..well..except for Bai Yi Yang since she didn't take a bath, and Bai Yi Yang already distributed the bowls of rice when Zhang Yong sat down. They are all eating on the floor on the living room today.

"Bifang restaurant?" Bai Yi Chen ask as he took the first bite.

"Yeah..these dishes Zhang gege choose is way better right?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"En." Bai Yi Chen agree. Last time, Boss Sun gave them the expensive dishes but they didn't know these common dishes taste the best.

"These Zhang Yong basically eat there all the time.." Zhang Li Li comment. Hu Yu Guang nod in agreement.

"I don't know other place to eat.." Zhang Yong awkwardly laugh.

"Gege and jiejie, you house is in town?" Bai Yi Fang asked. She is slowly chewing the soft fish fillet.

"Not really, but your Zhang gege have a place there. We all live there when we are in town. We all came from City Nan." Zhang Li Li said.

"Amazing. When I grow up I want to see City Nan too." Bai Yi Mo said.

"One day, this jiejie will bring you there." Zhang Li Li likes the two children, so she is very enthusiastic too.

They quickly finished their lunch before 1 pm. Bai Yi Chen collect the dishes into a basin and bring them outside the house, there is a pipe head behind the kitchen, it was for watering the vegetables farm. He will do the dishes there.

"We have extra empty room, its just that they are really empty. If you don't mind, you can take a rest there." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Gladly." The three grown up said. Bai Yi Yang let Zhang Yong and Hu Yu Guang use the room in the East and Zhang Li Li at the room next to the girls bedroom. After settling them down, Bai Yi Yang went to take a shower and send her siblings to take a nap first.

"Jiejie, why must we take a nap every afternoon? I want to play with the puppies." Bai Yi Fang ask when she entered, she is not yet asleep. Bai Yi Yang laid down on the bed before answering her.

"Taking a nap is good for physical and mental development, especially for kids. If you don't take an afternoon nap, you may feel sleepy in the evening and if I let you sleep, you will not be able to sleep at night." Bai Yi Yang answer.

"Physical development? Then, will I become tall like gege?" She ask.

"Most probably no. You won't be, but, it's possible to be taller than jiejie." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then, I must become taller than jiejie." Bai Yi Fang released a chuckle and then close her eyes.

'What's that supposed to mean?' Bai Yi Yang frown, is this little bean sprout teasing her for being short? She pinched her youngest sister nose then turn her back to sleep. After that she felt a soft small hug behind her and she immediately stop sulking.