Chapter 64: Bai parents resting place

Bai Yi Chen and Bai Yi Ling return together not long after. Bai Yi Chen sit with them and Bai Yi Ling proceed to wash the leek and cut it. After that she leave it to the side, her sister is the main cook now, she is just the assistant.

"Jie, I will cook the rice." Bai Yi Ling said, she wants to practice her theory and try using the rice cooker.

"Do it later, come here and eat first." Bai Yi Yang call her over.

Bai Yi Chen told them about town, where did he go and show Bai Yi Yang the wall sticker that is available in the warehouse. There is a lot of design but Bai Yi Yang doesn't really like it. Actually it is not that urgent, she can take her time with buying it so she just look at it and didn't say anything anymore.

Bai Yi Chen is a bit hungry so he ate a lot of the food he buy from the market while them who had late breakfast is still okay by 12.30 pm. Seeing this, Bai Yi Yang went to check the braised pork belly and since the meat is tender now, she increased the fire so the gravy will thicken. Then she stir fry the leek with oyster sauce.

[2 points earned. Total points: 218]

She waited another 15 minutes before scooping out the tender and glossy braised pork belly, then scoop out a lot of white rice for Bai Yi Chen. They start eating lunch before 1.00 pm.

"This is so delicious and soft!" Bai Yi Fang comment as she bite onto a big piece. Bai Yi Yang cook extra portion so that her siblings can eat a lot, even she loves to eat this, what more them who usually need to save money and just eat vegetables with rice.

"En, it's delicious." Bai Yi Chen said, half of his rice in the bowl is gone now.

"Jiejie is more talented than restaurant's chef." Bai Yi Mo praise. It is true, since she upgraded her cooking skills, she also can taste the difference. The system said that she is the best chef in town now, even one of the top in City Nan. If she doesn't hate working all day, she would have open a restaurant. But, she doesn't want to live that kind of busy life, she wanted to be carefree.

"Then eat more, if you have anything you want to eat, tell me." She said generously after being praised.

The lunch was so satisfying that they all didn't move from their chair even after finishing all the food, the forever slim Bai Yi Chen also is a bit bloated. Bai Yi Yang laugh when she saw this. But still, Bai Yi Chen was the first one who stand up and clean the dishes. Bai Yi Yang was too full, even her favourite egg tart was left in the fridge untouched.

After that, Bai Yi Yang told her siblings to go take a bath, Bai Yi Chen also went to take a bath after cleaning up the kitchen. He is a professional kitchen cleaner now, he will not leave a speck of dirt on the table and counter. Even the water droplets is not leave alone, he will wipe them meticulously. Bai Yi Yang also plan to take a bath after her siblings, but let them go first.

At home nowadays, the Bai siblings stop wearing old clothes, they only wear the one that look okay. As for their oversized or clothes that have a few small holes, they only wear it when they go to the fields or doing dirty work, they didn't throw them away. As for those that they wanted to throw away, they were used as rags or as a temporary bed for the puppies.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings brought out pillows and they all lie down on the floor at the living room. Bai Yi Yang is currently shopping at G supermarket, they are making deliveries tomorrow so she can place her order until 7.00 am tomorrow, before they start delivering. She can make an order after 7.00 am tomorrow but her grocery will be delivered on Wednesday instead.

Bai Yi Yang scroll through each categories. In the vegetables and fruits section, most are local produce that can be planted in the field but now their farm hasn't start producing, so they can only buy vegetables. As for fruits, they still have a lot in the fridge, it's the one from Zhang Yong.

Bai Yi Yang choose cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, bitter gourd, sweet potatoes and yellow potatoes, onion, asparagus, Brussels sprout and corn. She also choose some frozen products such as sausages, fishballs, crab sticks, meatballs and fish cakes

As for grain, she only bought a sack of locally produce rice and corn kernel. She also choose some legumes such as black bean, adzuki bean, mung bean, red kidney bean and soybean. After that she add all kind of flour to her cart, white wheat flour, all purpose flour, self rising flour, corn flour and rice flour. On top of that, she also bought a loaf of bread.

Then for dairy product, she add 2 litres of white milk, 3 different flavour of kids pack milk, butter and margarine, 2 crate of eggs, cheese and different flavour yogurts. Then she choose two flavours of small fruit juice packs, some more powder drink like milk, different brand chocolate drink, matcha powder and coffee.

For oils, she doesn't really need to buy those various type because there are a few types of oil in the gift by Zhang Yong, she only need to top up their lard and vegetables oil. As for other condiments, there is also no need because they even have those that is not sold in the supermarket in town, maybe she need to top up on oyster sauce, vinegar, soy sauce, the common one.

Then comes to snacks, Bai Yi Yang buy salty snacks such as chips and peanuts, sweet snacks such as gummy bears, chocolate candy and so on. Of course she didn't forget about the ice cream, she choose 3 tub of different flavour from Häagen-Dazs, 2 flavour Talenti gelato ice cream, and two box of Magnum ice cream. She payed the bills and came out as 932 yuan.Only after that did she put down her phones and join her siblings to take a nap.

They siblings all fall asleep in the living room until about 2.30 pm, where Bai Yi Chen is the first to woke up. He is still dazed, looking outside the house when Bai Yi Yang woke up.

"Ge? Something wrong?" She ask, stretching her body after sleeping on the floor.

"Nothing, I suddenly remember our parents." Bai Yi Chen said, he is smiling but there is a trace of sadness in his face. Bai Yi Yang knows that her siblings is not like her who have no real affection towards the parents in this world, but she also cannot suggest to visit their resting place since it is in City Bei.

"Ge, why don't we bring their urn back to our town and buried them somewhere in this land?" Bai Yi Yang ask. She understand that it must be quite difficult for 14 years old teenager like Bai Yi Chen to think about it when they moved here, but now they can do it ah. Since they also have their own land, they can buried them here, she can ask the system to tell her a good burial site.

'Host, I am not a feng shui master.' The system remind her with monotonous fed up tone.

'You can learn are a mighty system, what is those feng shui master who also learn from book. Tong tong, I am rooting on you.' She said.

"I don't know if we can do that or not. Dad is our father but he is also our grandparent's son. I did mention this when we moved but they just brush me off." Bai Yi Chen sigh. Its not like he never think about it, he is not sure if there is anyone even come to visit them there, so why not just move it here where they siblings are staying now.

"Are they paying for the yearly rent at the columbarium?" Bai Yi Yang ask, she knows that her parents are rested in a columbarium.

This is an important matter, dying is not cheap especially in big cities, she rather that her ashes is thrown into the sea or mountain than having her children pays for the price for years in the future. If her grandparents are paying, then they really cannot say anything.

"Actually, the funeral and the rent at the columbarium has been payed by half of our parents insurance money, the family on the other side insist that they should be buried properly and rest in peace, I also agree with that, so I just payed for it. Then later, the other half was left for us siblings, it should be enough for us to get through but who knows that Second uncle is like that. Yang Yang, your brother is incompetent.." Bai Yi Chen sigh.

Bai Yi Yang who just woke up instantly become refreshed, so why were the grandparents so eager to keep them in City Bei when the one who is paying is Bai Yi Chen? They don't have the right to stop the children from moving them away. The whole Old Bai family is really a bit shameless.

"Ge, since it is like this..then aren't we siblings have more right?" Bai Yi Yang said. Her brother is not incompetent, he is just a child at that time and trust his relatives, he is just deceived by those shameless relatives, how can she blame her. Even now, he is barely grown, only 16.

"Yang Yang, it is useless if our grandparents doesn't agree. We are minor, and it was under their name. When the 5 years payment is over and our age become legal, only then I can have a say." Bai Yi Chen explain.

Bai Yi Yang is speechless, she didn't know what to say anymore. What her brother said is really true, they can't do anything. Just with a word of rejection from their grandparents, they won't be able to do anything.

"Then, ge, you should stop blaming yourself. Seeing you like this, our parents must be heartbroken for leaving us children. When we turn 18, let's move them to our mountain, alright?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, aright." Bai Yi Chen smile and nod.

"When the time comes, we need to fight, so we must make ourselves stronger and stop caring about the family over there. In this world, there is only 5 of us who is a real family." Bai Yi Yang try to inject the spirit to her brother. He cannot continue blaming himself like this, it will be harmful to his mental health.

Bai Yi Chen was glad that Bai Yi Yang is not timid like before anymore, before this, he is too busy thinking about their problems, he shoulder all responsibilities in the family. But nowadays Yang Yang took a large part of the role until he have a free time to think about these matters. He smile and pat his twin sister head.

"I don't know what to do if you are not here." Bai Yi Chen said, feeling extremely relieved. Bai Yi Yang release a laugh and joke around, saying how awesome she is and so on.

"Ge, I was timid and not sensible before. Now you don't have to worry, I can help you by your side. There is nothing to worry about in the future, alright?" She said, asking for more praise.

"En." Bai Yi Chen nod.

"Only that our Yang Yang is a shopping mania. I heard another notification in the afternoon, what else did you buy this time?" He smile helplessly.

Bai Yi Yang laugh awkwardly before turning her face away. She pretend to wanted to go to toilet to escape his questions. This, she really cannot deny, she is a bit addicted to shopping now. Must be because their house don't have anything so she need to make a lot of purchase. Yes, this must be it.