Chapter 73: Boss Sun family and Finally home

Bai Yi Yang was honestly not affected at all, so what, they live in City Nan now, there won't be any interaction needed in the future, it was just an experience with a rude person.

But Old man Cui become different, he become more spirited to buy things for Bai Yi Yang and her siblings. When Bai Yi Yang wanted to reject it, he will sulk and said that she just doesn't want to be associated with him, an old person who might die anytime.

How can Bai Yi Yang continue to reject after that. She knows that Old man Cui must be sympathising with her siblings now, he must have guessed that they don't receive care from their grandparents.

So when they return to their group with a bunch of stuff, they shake their head, amazed with their little shopping spree.

The flight goes as scheduled. They arrived at City Nan airport at 6.00 pm. Bai Yi Yang said goodbye with the rest of them except for Boss Sun. They will return to the town together.

"Remember to contact me once in a while and if you enter the city, you call me. Understand?" Old man Cui said. His driver is already waiting on the side of the road.

"Alright, I will Grandpa Cui. Once again, thank you.." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Just a small matter. Later tell your siblings about me too, I wanted to have a good impression on them before I go visit your house with tour grandma." Old man Cui said.

Bai Yi Yang nod. She told him that her house is under renovation, when it is finished, they can come over. Old man Cui has been asking her about this a few times when she said that they live in a mountain.

"En." Bai Yi Yang said her goodbye. The last one to leave is her and Boss Sun. Boss Sun left her car in the airport parking yesterday, he will drive on the way back too.

"Old Cui seems to like you a lot. He is a kind man, its just that he and his wife is a but lonely now, their only son have three children, but they are all grown up and they didn't stay with them." Boss Sun said as they start their trip back to the town.

"En, I know. Grandpa Cui has been complaining a lot about his busy son and grandchildren." Bai Yi Yang said.

"He is already passed 60 years old but you can see that he still can catch a tuna. He have been fishing far longer than us." Boss Sun add again, telling her more about Old man Cui glory in fishing.

"No wonder. He was excited but still composed when reeling in. His posture is also stable." Bai Yi Yang comment.

After that they were talking along the way, be it fishing or other things. There is a lot of things to talk about because Bai Yi Yang is interested in many things. There is also a time in between when Madam Sun made a call. Only then Bai Yi Yang remember to turn on her phone after coming out if the airport.

When she turned it on, many missed calls come from Bai Yi Chen. She quickly sent a text and said that she is on the way back, talk when she arrives. Bai Yi Chen also reply with an OK.

When they arrived in town, Boss Sun wanted to stop by his house and pick up Madam Sun. Its better that there is someone else with them when he send Bai Yi Yang back at night.

Bai Yi Yang also come out of the car when they arrived. Boss Sun house is a two storey bungalow, when they parked the car, Madam Sun come out to the door with two boys.

"Dad!" They shouted when they saw Boss Sun.

"Oh, Xiao Ming, Xiao Lun. Come say hi to your Yi Yang jiejie." He said with a big smile.

"Hello Yi Yang jiejie." They said politely.

"Hello Xiao Ming, Xiao Lun." She wave at the two boys.

"Hello Aunt Sun." She then smile and nod at Madam Sun. Madam Sun is someone with soft temperament.

"Yi Yang, we finally got to meet you." Madam Sun said with a smile. She is the opposite of the boisterous Boss Sun, look sophisticated and elegant and also a beauty.

"Come inside. Let's have dinner before sending you back." Madam Sun said. They have two maids working at their house, when they heard this, they immediately start serving dinner. Bai Yi Yang went to wash her hands on the sink and the two boys follow behind her.

"Why?" She said.

"Jiejie, you look so pretty." Xiao Lun said with the most sincere expression. Bai Yi Yang was taken aback, well, she never seen herself as a beauty before, so she can sense some conspiracy.

"Well, thank you..and?" She ask the two boys. She know that it doesn't stop here.

" it's like this, can we follow along?" Xiao Ming said.

" don't try to let your Yi Yang jiejie to agree." Madam Sun answer before Bai Yi Yang can say anything.

"But already promise us." Sun De Ming, the bigger boy said.

"I know. But this is night time, your dad and I will only send Yi Yang home and immediately return. You can't see anything even if you follow." Madam Sun reason with her sons.

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Lun. Listen to your mom." Boss Sun is already seated at the head seat. Bai Yi Yang bring the boys to their seat and she also took a seat.

"You can visit another day when your dad has a free time. I will ask my younger siblings to bring you to play at the village, or we can go to the river and even the forest." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Really?" The two boys said.

"Yeah, we also have two puppies and a cat, you can play with them." Bai Yi yang said, selling TongTong together with Oreo and Cookie.

"We want! Can't we just bring mom alone, dad is always busy with work or fishing." Sun De Lun said, exposing his father. Madam Sun smile while Boss Sun fake a cough.

"You can since I recognise the two of you now." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then, that's settled. Dad, we can eat now." Sun De Ming said.

"Eat, eat." Boss Sun said. They eat their dinner and finished before 8 pm. After reminding the maids that they will go out for a while, the three of them left the town to QinFang village.

When they enter the village, some villagers stretch out their neck from their window to see whose car is coming to the village this late at night. Have to say, a car who make less noise like this is already rare, there are some in the village who have cars, but they are either truck or old model car, so they get curious. No matter how they want to see, Boss Sun car is tinted, they can't see anything.

"This village is quite big." Comment Madam Sun.

"It is, but our house is the only house in the mountain. Very quiet." Bai Yi yang comment. When they start going up the mountain road, Boss Sun turn on the car headlights since the road is very dark with no street lights.

"It is quite hard to apply for street lights since your house is the only one in this area. I will try to ask around if it is possible." Boss Sun said when he saw the dark road.

"Yes. I am thinking of installing one on our own but I don't know if it is possible." Bai Yi Yang said.

"It is doable, but it will be complicated." Boss Sun said.

Bai Yi Yang nod. Well, it is really complicated, street lights can be installed when you make an application and if the reason is acceptable, then it will be installed. If there is a few houses, it is doable, but this is a personal property.

"Does your family own the whole mountain?" Madam Sun ask.

"Yes. The road is also build by my family." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then, it is really a bit complicated. I bet when the utility pole was installed, it must've been quite difficult too." Madam Sun comment.

When they arrived in front of the gate, the house is brightly lit. Well, at least the house is brightly lit.

When Madam Sun step inside and saw the neat house and beautiful yard, her smile widened. Well, just ignore the doors leaning on the wall and it is perfect. Bai Yi Chen and the rest come and the children immediately ran to Bai Yi Yang embrace.

"Jie, we miss you." Bai Yi Fang look up. She is the mist dramatic one, she is even making a sad face.

"Be good. Say hi, this is Aunt Sun." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Hello Aunt Sun." they all politely greet Madam Sun.

"En, good children." Madam Sun smile again. Just like Bai Yi Yang, the sibling are likeable, and they all are good looking. When she saw Bai Yi Yang, she thinks that she is already good looking, but her siblings is also good looking, especially the little girl who look like a doll.

Bai Yi Yang invite them to the kitchen to sit. One more time Madam Sun was amazed, not only neat, the kitchen counter and flooring looks more beautiful than their house. Bai Yi Chen sat with the couple and Bai Yi Ling make them a drink, a hot tea.

Bai Yi Yang return to the main house for a while as she wanted to set out TongTong. It must have been suffocated in her bag throughout this journey. Bai Yi Yang feels sorry when she saw it asleep in her bag.

"TongTong..wake up and sleep on the bed. I will cook a supper for you later." She said. TongTong get up and lied on the bed.

Bai Yi Yang then pull the two young one to go back to the kitchen.

The couple only stay for a little chat before decided to leave. They still have their children waiting at home. Bai Yi Yang and her siblings follow them to the car and Bai Yi Chen help her to unload the remaining things that she bought home.

"Thank you for sending me home. Have a safe trip, Aunt Sun, text me when you arrive alright." Bai Yi Yang said.

"En. Go inside now." Madam Sun said before leaving. The Bai siblings also return to the kitchen after that.