Chapter 75: Bai grandparents

Bai Yi Yang immediately fall asleep that night, she sleep peacefully until 6.30 am before starting her day. Today is already Thursday, they don't have more holidays anymore. The doors must be quickly installed today so that they can leave the house unattended at ease.

Bai Yi Yang wash her face like usual, went into the left room and take out the new electronics that she purchase, first is the clothes steamer, she bring it to their bedroom since their laundry room is not properly set up for now. Then she took out the vacuum cleaner. The instructions said that she need to charge it for 2 hours first before using. She immediately plug in the charge to a socket and charge the battery.

After that, she bring the blender and big oven box to the kitchen. She will unbox it there. When she saw the two additional things in the kitchen she feels very happy, she can finally start baking ah, or roasting food.

She decided that today breakfast is pancakes. She start making a batter for pancakes and start making fluffy pancakes, 6 tier for Bai Yi Chen, 4 tier for her, 3 tier for Bai Yi Ling, 2 tier for Bai Yi Mo and Bai Yi Fang. Finally 1 and a half for TongTong, the other half was eaten by her, as a taster. Then she topped them with a cube of butter, two cubes for Bai Yi Chen, she let them melt by themselves and then topped it with honey and lastly berries.

After that, Bai Yi Yang took out strawberries, banana, milk and a jar of peanut butter. And also a few ice. She then rinse the blender and start adding the ingredients above to make a smoothie. She serve them in 6 glasses and a small bowl for TongTong.

[2 points earned. Total Points:174]

When she is done, she ran to the rooms to wake up her siblings.

"Wake up! Wake up! Time to eat breakfast.." She said.

TongTong who already knows that she has finished making breakfast ran to the kitchen, it was so happy when it saw his portion on the island counter like usual. It didn't even wait for the siblings before eating.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings start eating their breakfast. As usual, this is a kid's favourite, they ate heartily. Even ranking this as one of their favourite breakfast, they also finished drinking the smoothies.

Bai Yi Chen as the dishwashing expert do his job after that. Bai Yi Yang sat at the table, asking her siblings about their plan.

Bai Yi Ling already started growing her succulents so she will stay at home mist of the time, as for the two children, they already have plan to play in the village, the holiday will end soon, their friends will return to school again so they can only play now.

"Good, when you go later, check with Head Village Li if the laundry basket is done." She said.

"Alright." Bai Yi Mo said.

Then she bring her siblings to the Main house to see the things she bought back, there are dried snacks, as for the mochi, she already stored it in the fridge last night. It can last long outside but it is delicious cold. Then, she showed them the souvenir T-shirt of City T, they all have one. Then the hair accessories for girls, chocolate and biscuits from the duty free shop in the airport, perfume for her and Bai Yi Chen and lastly a tracksuit set for all of them. The airport has this one duty free sport shop, Old man Cui brought this for them.

Actually, when paying for this, Old man Cui indirectly said that he is someone with money, his family own a news media company, when she said that it is too expensive, he said that she is insulting him as the biggest shareholder in this certain local news media company. For him, it doesn't even cost a lot. So, Bai Yi Yang can only accept it.

Bai Yi Chen return from the field after removing the canvas covering the mushrooms. Bai Yi Chen went to the field straight after washing the dishes just now.

"One more day and should be okay." Bai Yi Chen said.

"Okay." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Come to the kitchen for a while." He said which Bai Yi Yang immediately understand. She came to the kitchen and Bai Yi Chen is holding his phone.

"I will make the call now." He said. Bai Yi Yang nod.

The first ring wasn't picked up. The second ring, the phone was picked up by a woman. Bai Yi Chen put it on a loudspeaker since he was planning to talk with his grandparents with Bai Yi Yang, she doesn't want the three small one to listen since they are not like them who have real affection for more than 10 years with their grandparents.

"Hello, who is this?" The woman who she can guess as Grandma Bai said.

"Grandma, this is Yi Chen." Bai Yi Chen said.

"What are you calling for!? Don't you think your sister has caused enough damage?! If Chao Chao is expelled from school, who will take responsibility? It was that bitch who latch onto an old man, but still pretend to be a pure bitch, even dragging Chao Chao with her. You siblings are really troublemaker, the small one is naughty and disobedient, the big one is doing all sort of immoral things." The old lady immediately scold, her words full of insulting words towards Bai Yi Yang especially.

Bai Yi Yang eyes turns wet and her tears falls. Bai Yi Yang is shocked, she wasn't intentionally crying, yes she wanted to act pitiful but not to this point, she guess this body still have the memory and also like Bai Yi Chen, have a slight feeling left for the trashy Bai family. She immediately look down and wipe her tears, but don't know why it won't stop flowing. Bai Yi Chen look away from his crying twin and clenched his fist. His eyes is red too.

"Stop it..enough..Yang Yang is not like that. Chao Chao was blindly insulting her in front of other people, that's why she was reported to her teacher. Grandma, you also know how Yang Yang is, she is not that kind of person, she only have some business to do in Country J." Bi Yi Chen said, he is trying very hard to stay calm and not get angry.

How can their grandmother say this? It's fine if other people who don't know the truth, but this is their grandmother, she saw them grow up, they clearly know their character and Bai Yi Chao character. But they still blindly trust Bai Yi Chao who is clearly in the wrong.

"What? You think I don't know, where do you have money to go to Country J? What more Chao Chao said that that little bi**h is wearing beautiful clothes from head to toe. Where else did it come from if not from hooking up with rich men, she use her little beauty to attract men with money. I know you siblings are struggling to get through, but when you do things like that, please don't involve the Bai is a disgrace.." The old lady continue to say, as if she is the one who is wronged. Bai Yi Yang tears finally falls to the table, it cannot be stopped anymore.

"I said it is not like that. Bai Yi Chao is just assuming things.." Bai Yi Chen is on his last straw of hope towards his grandparents.

"You still want to protect her?! I didn't say anything about your bi**h mother gave birth to the two of you early.." Grandma Bai wanted to continue and now even wanted to involve their dead mother.

Only foolish people doesn't know that twin pregnancy will have an early birth, what is she spouting right now if not slander?

"Shut up! I know you are bias but you shouldn't treat us siblings like this, this is going too much! I called because Bai Yi Chao said some nonsense about how my siblings deserve to be hit and something about being kick out. But listening to you rubbish words now, I know where her rude words come from. Can you call the family head, I want to remove our name from your family tree." Bai Yi Chen said, he finally snap. He had enough of this crazy family.

"You don't know what your are talking about removing your name.." Grandma Bai said in her arrogant tone.

"You..just shut up.. Call the family head now." He said coldly. A humphed can be heard before her calling voice can be heard. The old lady is calling Grandpa Bai and at the same time grumbling about the siblings being rude and everything.

"It's Bai Yi Chen, he wanted to talk.." Grandma Bai voice can be heard.

"What else did they want. We don't have anything to give them.." An older man voice reply. Bai Yi Chen disappointment intensified. Why did he even have some hope towards these people?

"Yes?" Grandpa Bai from the other side finally took the phone after Grandma Bai scold him too.

"I want to remove our 5 siblings family registration from your family tree." Bai Yi Chen said coldly, he didn't even want to exchange pleasantries now.

"What are you talking about, you are the blood of Bai family. No!" Grandpa Bai said.

"I don't care. You can transfer us to other branch, we don't mind any branch." Bai Yi Chen said.

"You are the children of our branch, how can that do. I can't do that, people will talk." Grandpa Bai said.

"Then, give us money. We need money to repair the house, to pay for bills, clothings, food, school fee.." Bai Yi Chen go on.

"Stop, stop! I will transfer, one of my passed brother doesn't have a male descendant, the 5 of you will be under them. I will ask his eldest daughter to arrange this." He said.

"Very well, then please do it as soon as possible, this number is mine, just give it to them and let them contact me after you arrange on your side." Bai Yi Chen said.

"You can't wait to leave our family?!" Grandpa Bai temper flare. Bai Yi Chen laugh, but his eyes is red and there is not even a trace of happiness.

"Yes. I cannot wait to go out from a hell of a family like yours. A useless grandparents who doesn't even care about their orphans grandchildren, a grandmother who even insulted her dead daughter in law and granddaughter. Abusive uncles who only have money in their eyes. Why do I have to stay in this kind of family. I didn't say anything about second branch abusing my siblings that year, take it as a compensation of taking care of us siblings all these years, those money they took I will just forget about it. But after this day, we don't have anything to do with each other dead or alive. If I heard any more slandering towards my siblings, I will fight in the court!" Bai Yi Chen said and hang up.

After that he put the phone away and buried his face into his arm. Bai Yi Yang look at him sadly. She come sit next to him and laid her head onto his shoulder.

"Ge, are you sad?" She ask softly. The Bai Yi Chen now look so wounded and hurt. Bai Yi Yang know that it's a part of the process, but she also doesn't like seeing him like this.

"En.." Bai Yi Chen answer. They stayed like that for a few moments until they are feeling better.

The two youngest one already leave to the village, Bai Yi Ling cannot be seen anywhere, maybe to the field, and the twins emotions was disturbed so they returned to their respective room to rest.

Bai Yi Yang was comforted by the system.

'That must be the origin host residual emotions. Host, you sleep bah.' It said as it also laid down next to her, want to comfort it emotionally unstable Host.