Chapter 77: Orchard and English tuition

'Host, host! You know what I found on top of the mountain?' TongTong jump excitedly.

'What did you find?' Bai Yi Yang ask casually. TongTong is still new to this world, it will get excited to a lot of things and Bai Yi Yang usually just go along with it.

'So I was following this two squirrels chatting with each other, they said that there were something delicious to eat. Even the birds listen to it, so I also follow along with everyone. Who knows that they are heading to the higher part of the mountain. When we arrive at an aree, there are many sweet smelling things, I guess that they are fruits, they look a bit uncommon. I search it online and they are all exotic tropical fruits, they tasted delicious too!' TongTong tell her.

' there an orchard in this mountain?' She ask, quite interested.

'They are arrange in rows, quite big, at least 5 acres. But they were very messy, it's just that the soil is good, so the fruit tree still can grow. Host, host, if you go there and spread your power, clean up that area, then we can become a fruit boss ah. Praise me, praise me!' TongTong make a gesture with it's paws. Bai YiYang laugh and pat it's small head.

'TongTong, my life in this world have been flowery because of you and my siblings.' Bai Yi Yang said.

TongTong eyes brightly and she jumped onto Bai Yi Yang shoulder and touch her face with its small head.

'TongTong is also very happy to have a host like you who feed me with delicious food all the time and give me beautiful skin' TongTong said.

While the two host and system were being all lovely dovey, Bai Yi Chen stood in front of the workshop and look at them confusedly.

"What are the two of you doing?" Bai Yi Chen ask.

"Oh.." Bai Yi yang and the system look at him.

"Nothing, you know how playing with cats can relieve stress right?" Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Chen blank for a few seconds but still nod in the end.

"Ohh..right, YangYang, Xiao Ling said that the tree roots that you dried is for firewood. Wanna have barbecue fish tonight?" Bai Yi Chen ask. The fireplace in the middle of their yard haven't been used, he had always wanted to light some fire in the middle there.

"Ge, tonight's going to rain, let's do it tomorrow. We can have a bonfire." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I see. Alright, I will go chop the wood and bring it inside." Bai Yi Chen head to the storage room and took an axe.

'Ohh, gege seems to have full trust on you now, he didn't even blink when he accept your weather forecast now.' TongTong said.

' the future he won't even ask even if I suddenly bring another cat home. Anyway TongTong, why are you still calling him gege? It's sounds weird.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Host, I will call them with what you call them. Gege, Xiao Ling, Xiao Mo, Fang Fang. Oh right, I will go play with the puppies.' TongTong jump and leave the workshop. Bai Yi Yang can only laugh.

After that, she continue her carving work until she finished the carving by 5.30 pm. Because she wanted to install this as soon as possible, she proceed with painting it with wood coating. The carving immediately popped out, the door looks very classy. Bai Yi Yang clap her own hands and admire her work.

[10 points earned. Total points: 199]

Since it is already 6 pm, she called her younger siblings to stop watching cartoon and go to take a bath. Not long after all three come out of Bai Yi Chen bedroom and Xiao Ling bring her sister phone with her.

"Still a lot of battery, jie, you want me to charge it?" Bai Yi Ling hand the phone over to Bai Yi Yang.

"No need. I'll go and cook, you bring them to take a bath." Bai Yi Yangs said.

Today for dinner, she is making miso soup with tofu, this miso paste was one of those unusual things included in Zhang Yong gift, there really was a few other things. Then she is also making fried pork chop and bitter melon with egg.

Bai Yi Yang played songs while she is cooking. In the middle, Bai Yi Chen also return with the dried mushrooms. He is an expert now, he separated them by type, then weight them just like last time before and sealing them.

"Cooking bitter gourd today?" Bai Yi Chen ask.

"Yeah, the last one. Tomorrow morning I will steam the remaining stuffed bitter gourd from last time." She said.

"I think it is necessary that we become active with all of these food, I think my weight has increased too." Bai Yi Chen said.

"Who says? Ge, you look more handsome now." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Yi Chen got shy.

"It's a good thing. In the future, I will get a beautiful sister-in-law too." She add with a laugh.

"Nonsense.." Bai Yi Chen ignored her.

"Have you finished planting all the seedlings?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Finished, I also planted new seeds. It's just that we still haven't plow new patches. There is too much work." Bai Yi Chen said. It was good that he stopped working in town, there is really too much work at home.

"Alright, no problem, tomorrow I will cut some more trees and then we can open a new area. There are not much flat area left, there are only about 30 meters before it reach the edge of the mountain slope. We must expand to the side too." Bai Yi Yang said.

"You are right, I walked around in that part too, there is only slope after that. We need to change the direction and increase the width instead." Bai Yi Chen said.

"Ge, I also planned to explore the higher area, do you want to go with me? We can go to look for mushrooms and at the same time exploring it." Bai Yi Yang said.

She remember the system telling her about the orchards, if it is true, then she must quickly do something about it.

"I also never go there too, alright, we go tomorrow morning." Bai Yi Chen agree.

Bai Yi Yang nod, they talk a bit more while Bai Yi Yang was cooking. Finally after deep frying the pork chop, her last dish is finished.

[3 points earned. Total points: 202]

Bai Yi Ling and the rest also enters the kitchen. Bai Yi Yang is already scooping the rice so Bai Yi Ling only help with bringing it to the table. As usual, a portion for TongTong is prepared too. Only after that then the siblings start eating. The most popular dish is of course the fried pork chop, but the twins and Xiao Mo also crowd on the bitter gourd dish.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings ate ice creams after that. Bai Yi Yang take a big scoop for each flavour and let her siblings tasted it. Cookies and cream, dulce de leche or caramel and lastly Belgian chocolate. This were the flavours that she choose from Haagen-Dazs brand. Her siblings seems to love it all and cannot decide, Bai Yi Chen loves it too, he sat with them and they ended up refilling the bowl of ice creams.

"I love ice creams. Ice creams is my new favourite food." Bai Yi Mo said as he scoop some from the bowl.

"You must remember to brush your teeth after eating snacks, if not they will become rotten." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay, no problem! If I can eat this everyday, then I will always brush my teeth after." Bai Yi Mo said. Bai Yi Yang smile and didn't say anything. Bai Yi Fang is too busy to eat, she didn't say anything either.

TongTong is watching them from the side, Bai Yi yang already gave it a spoon of ice cream to lick, except the chocolate flavoured one, but after that she didn't gave it anymore. It was delicious, it thinks that it can finish a whole bucket.

"Remember, if you want to give ice cream to TongTong, just give a bit. And no chocolate, it can kill a cat." Bai Yi Yang said. She don't want to risk giving TongTong a taste of chocolate.

'I know but I still want a bite.' TongTong said.

'I will buy you a goat milk ice cream later, this is really bad for you, alright?' Bai Yi Yang coaxed the sad cat.

'Alright..' TongTong said sadly but what the host said is correct, ice cream is not harmful but it may have a diarrhoea.

"We won't give this to her." Bai Yi Fang said. TongTong is a female cat, so that's why she is calling it her. TongTong often doesn't like to be labelled as a male or female, but it's body is female, so it can only accept it.

After eating ice cream, Bai Yi Yang check on the puppies who is now much more bigger than before, they are growing healthily with the formula milk.

After that, she went to take a shower. As always, she is very idle, Bai Yi Chen also has finished his homework so he is now teaching the two small one. Bai Yi Ling, well, same as usual.

"Ge, can you transfer a million yuan to my account?" Bai Yi Yang suddenly ask out of nowhere.

This makes Bai Yi Ling's eyes widened. She is nearby so she heard their conversation clearly. A million yuan?! Since when did they have that much money? Does her sister earn this much money when she go oversea? Actually, they only know that Bai Yi Yang earned a lot of money, but didn't think that she will casually asked for 1 million into her account.

Bai Yi Ling reaction enters Bai Yi Yang eyes.

"Just kidding, I mean only 100,000." Bai Yi Yang fake a laugh.

Bai Yi Chen who already wanted to transfer 1 million for real stopped. Bai Yi Yang know that Bai Yi Ling can be trusted, but she is still a child. What if she accidentally said it to people? A bunch of children like them, if they own a lot if money, then bad adults might try to use the underaged card on them.

"Done." Bai Yi Chen said. A 100,000 yuan was topped up into her account.

"Jie, you earned 100,000 yuan while you go overseas?" Bai Yi Ling become interested.

"En. It's actually a lot more, more than 200,000 yuan. But you cannot tell this to people." She said.

"That much?! Then, even if we don't work we still have enough money to buy food?" She ask. Actually, Bai Yi Ling is also a bit worried. They spend a lot of money, will they have enough money later? But now, her sister earned this much again. If it's true, then she really don't have to worry anymore.

"En, you don't have to worry. You can just enjoy your study, don't put pressure on yourself, do what you love to do. If you wanted to take any extra classes, just tell me. Our family has enough money to pay all that. Understand?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"I understand." Bai Yi Ling beamed into a smile.

"Then jie, can I join this English extra class? They have this class every Saturday morning for 4 hours. The monthly fee is a bit high, 200 yuan/month. But one of my classmate is going there, her English improved a lot." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Can..You can go." Bai Yi Yang agree.

"Really?! Then I will ask my friend the contact information." Bai Yi Ling said, she quickly took her phone.

The two small one cannot understand why Bai Yi Ling is that excited for a class, isn't it more fun to go play around instead? Bai Yi Yang waited for Bai Yi Ling to get the contact information. Since this is not yet 9 pm, Bai Yi Yang made the call. This is of course after conforming that this tuition centre really exists and the review is also good.

"Yes, Miss Susan speaking." A friendly voice can be heard from the side.

"Hello. I am Bai Yi Yang, I want to make enquiries about the English tuition class. I wonder if it is possible to enrol a student in the middle of the month?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"Of course, other than the registration fee which is 150 yuan which included all the exercise book and other materials we are using for teaching purposes, our tuition fee will depends on the student attendance. We charge 50 yuan per class. We understand that some student may not be able to come on certain week, so we do this system." Miss Susan explain.

"I like your method very much." Bai Yi Yang said. Miss Susan laugh softly.

"We are only doing this for both side benefit." Miss Susan said.

"Then can we register on the coming Saturday? What do we need to prepare for the registration?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"You can. The class will start at 8 am, so preferably come before 8 am so that the student can join the class on time. May I know the student name and grade?" Miss Susan said.

"Bai Yi Ling, Grade 5." Bai Yi Yang answer.

"Very well. You can come with Student Bai Yi Ling to register on that day and the student can immediately start class on that day, just bring ID card will be sufficient." Miss Susan said.

"I understand." Bai Yi Yang answer.

"Then, see you on Saturday." Miss Susan said before hanging up the phone. Bai Yi Ling on the side was listening to the entire conversation.

"Done. We can go register on Saturday." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Thank you jie." Bai Yi Ling came and hug her.

"No need to say thanks. Just a small thing. As long as you like it, you can go." Bai Yi Yang said. This is the least she can do to her siblings who have suffered.