Chapter 81: Interior designer and Making steamed buns and dumplings

Bai Yi Yang waited quite long, it was near 9.00 am when she found a van. The journey back was uneventful, the van driver is also not talkative so she arrived at the village bus stop in no time. After that, she walk through the village road, stop by Aunt Mu small village convenience store to buy cold drinks to drink on the way but she also ends up buying a lot of fresh tofu and bean sprout. She also ends up purchasing 3 kg of white flour from Aunt Mu.

She is planning to mass produce dumplings and buns such as pork and cabbage dumplings, tofu and vegetables dumplings, wonton, har gao with shrimp filling, bun with pork fillings, vegetables fillings and red bean paste filling. These are her plans today.

"Are you making dumplings?" Aunt Wu ask when she was paying.

"Yes. We are starting school next week, need to make a lot so that we don't have to rush in the morning." Bai Yi Yang said smiling.

"It's good that you remind me. My children is also going to school, I will also do like you, tofu filling is also delicious." Aunt Mu said. Bai Yi Yang smile. After paying that she left and casually walk home. It just that, a car suddenly stop next to her and ask.

"Hello, excuse me Miss. Can I ask you a question? Do you know the 'House on the mountain in QinFang villlage'?" A woman wearing a spectacles with a button up white shirt and sleek hair style tie into a low ponytail with a straight bang open the car window and ask. She seems to be sweating even while sitting in her car. When Bai Yi Yang heard that, she smile.

"I know. That is my house?" She said. The woman smile brightly, she had a braces on too, making her look a bit nerdy.

"I am so glad to meet you. Hello my name is Ru Qing, from interior designer from Brand HN City Nan branch. Is Miss Bai Yi Yang your mother?" The agent come out of the car and shake her hand.

"I am Bai Yi Yang.." Bai Yi Yang smile. Ru Qing cannot hide her shock, she froze for a few moments.

"Miss Bai, please come inside. You can show me the way too." Ru Qing ran to the other side and open the door. Bai Yi Yang follow along and enter the car.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am the interior designer that is given the responsibility to your house design Miss Bai." When she enters the car, she said this again.

"En. Nice to meet you Designer Ru Qing." Ru Qing smiles brighten when she was called that.

"Thank you, thank you. I will do my best!" She said with high spirit. After that Bai Yi Yang point the road and they go up the mountain road. When they arrive at the gate, Ru Qing eyes beamed further.

"Your house is beautiful.." She praise sincerely. Their house is really not bad now because of all the new things added here and there.

"Just so so. Please come inside." Bai Yi Yang bring her to the kitchen and one more time, Designer Ru Qing was amazed.

Bai Yi Yang didn't see anyone in the house but the gate is wide open. When they enter the kitchen, Bai Yi Yang saw Bai Yi Chen digging tree stump over there at the vegetable field.

"Drinks?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Just cold water." Designer Ru Qing said. Her eyes wander around the kitchen. Bai Yi Yang also pour a cold water for herself and sat in front of Designer Ru Qing.

"I read that your company provide services regarding design. Let's start with this kitchen. I don't plan to change anything other than adding a sticker on the wall to the laundry room." Bai Yi Yangs said after both of them have cool down from the heat outside.

"Yes." Designer Ru Qing make a quick sketch on her board and the general image of the kitchen can be seen.

After that Bai Yi Yang took her sketch book, they go through every room in details. She show the furniture design and colours in details for each space. What she need and what she didn't need. The colour theme for each bedrooms and space.

Bai Yi Yang show each room and let Designer Ru Qing took in every details and measurements, she even let her take the measurements for the furniture so that she can imagine the furniture placement. When they finished the last room in the East house, Designer Ru Qing looks much more tired.

"I know that these customised furniture I am making is making everything more challenging. Designer Ru Qing, you can take your time. Come and sit in the kitchen." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Thank you Miss Bai. This is a challenge but also something that I have always wanted to do. I never handle big customer like you. If the headquarters know, they may send other people other than me, they thought that you are only making small order." Designer Ru Qing said.

"I like you. I saw that you already started sketching, it looks good." Bai Yi Yang said.

While Designer Ru Qing is working in the kitchen table, Bai Yi Yang is also started making the dumpling fillings first, the pork and cabbage fillings and also the tofu with vegetables filling. Only after that she start making the wrapping.

For a level 2 chef, it is nothing to make tens to hundred of dumplings prettily. She make 50 dumplings for each type, then take out 10 from each type. The rest was put into the freezer. She will freeze them before portioning them again later in sealed plastics. These portion should be enough for them siblings to eat every morning. Like this, she don't have to make breakfast from scratch.

She then make ground meat and add seasoning before making a thin wonton skin. After that like a machine she start making wonton now, she ends up making almost 100 pieces of wonton, she also left 30 something for their lunch.

Then Bai Yi Yang proceed to make her favourite har gao, they are more difficult to make then the previous two. She need to soak the shrimp meat into baking soda first so they become plump, it will be very delicious to eat later. She also add bamboo shoot, an essential for a delicious har gao. After that, she make the wrapping from mixture of wheat and tapioca flour then wrapping process start again. Just when she is on the go with her wrapping, she suddenly notice someone watching her with wide open mouth. It is Designer Ru Qing who is already standing in front of the island counter.

"Miss Bai, are you a professional chef?" She asked while watching Bai Yi Yang work.

" I am making them in bulk for me and my siblings to eat, you see, like I told you I have a lot of sibling. They are just not here at home now." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"I thought you are a professional chef, I didn't notice it just now, but when I think again, I saw you already put a few trays into the fridge." Ru Qing said. Bai Yi Yang grinned. She saw that the time has passed 12.00 pm.

"Designer Ru Qing, are you busy today?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"No, I can directly went home after this. Today is Saturday, only a half day work. Miss Bai don't worry about it, I can wait until you finish your work." She said smiling.

"Then have lunch here. You see, I am quite busy. We can continue talking after lunch, if you don't mind." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I don't mind, I don't mind." Designer Ru Qing looks extra happy. She put the writing board with all sketches and notes onto the diner table and went to wash her hands.

"I help you, you tell me what to do." Designer Ru Qing said. She accepted someone invitation to eat lunch, of course she need to do work ah.

Bai Yi yang smile and teach her how to wrap the har gao. Designer Ru Qing's har gao looks quite ugly but as long as they are sealed properly, won't be a problem. Bai Yi Yang finished making 60 of them and take out enough amount for them to eat during lunch.

Lastly is the steamed bun. This time, Designer Ru Qing is confident, she bragged about making this often in her parents home. Bai Yi Yang made the dough first and ask her to make 15 big steamed buns with red bean fillings first while she cook the fragrant pork fillings and vegetables fillings. Designer Ru Qing also went to cut some parchment paper first before start making it.

"YangYang, who is this?" Bai Yi Chen who is sweating ask from the West house door.

"Ge, you done. This is Designer Ru Qing, she is in charge of the interior design of our house, from Brand HN. And this is my twin brother Bai Yi Chen." Bai Yi yang said.

"Hello." They nod at each other. Designer Ru Qing took a few more glance at the good looking Bai Yi Chen then at Bai Yi Yang, they don't really look alike.

"I will go take a bath first then help up." Bai Yi Chen said as he smile lightly.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod.

After that she prepares the steamer. Since she is making a lot this time, she take out all 4 layers of steamer. One steamer can fit 5 big buns at one time. The steamed bun must be steamed in advance before storing them. However, Bai Yi Yang is not in a rush with this. They can just steam what they are eating for lunch and steam the rest later.

Her three younger sibling including Bai Yi Ling also return not long after, they all politely say hi to Designer Ru Qing before doing their own business. Bai Yi Chen also enters the kitchen not long after to help.

"Designer Ru Qing is also from this town? Which area?" Bai Yi Yang ask as they were chatting.

"Near the town area. But my family is all in City Nan, my grandparents is staying in our house here." Designer Ru Qing said.

She is actually very young, only 24 years old. She graduated top in her class, that's why she can work with brand HN. Designer Ru Qing might look like a nerd, but when Bai Yi Yang was introducing the house and there is no parent's room, she already know what to ask and what not. Moreover, these siblings is very polite too, she like them a lot.

After that, because there are three people working, they finished making it in no time.

[18 points earned. Total points:255]

'Because of mass production of difficult homemade food.' The system add. Actually Bai Yi Yang has lost track on how the system calculate the points, anyway, she doesn't lack points now, so she didn't mind to ask. Let the system decide on it's own.

Bai Yi Yang quickly steamed the one they are eating for lunch including all the dumplings.

She also make a simple wonton soup.

[7 points earned. Total points: 262]

Bai Yi Yang was shocked when she received points again. But well, the condition was set, as long as she cook different type of food, she will get a point.

Like always, she give a portion for TongTong. Not a lot, just small pieces of everything and wonton soup since there is actually a lot of type. Even while eating every type in small amount, they will be full.

"Delicious!" Designer Ru Qing said sincerely. This is more delicious than any dumplings and steamed buns that she have ever had. As expected, it wasn't a loss that she stayed here for lunch. Everyone also think the same, they eat until all the food disappear.

"I love dumplings very much!" Bai Yi Mo said.

"Me too, me too!" Bai Yi Fang said.

After that Bai Yi Yang made a simple orange juice mixed with soda drinks. Everyone immediately feels refreshed. As usual, Bai Yi Chen wash the dishes. The children already took a bath so Bai Yi Yang ask them to go and take a nap. Bai Yi Chen stays in the kitchen, he is in charge of steaming the buns while Bai Yi yang discussed with Designer Ru Qing.

As expected, Designer Ru Qing is a very detailed and creative person, instead of asking Bai Yi Yang to change her furniture design, she infused her style into it and embrace Bai Yi Yang and her siblings taste and preferences.

"This is the sketch of each rooms…As for the materials I am using, they are like this.." She explain every details, and also show the designs, fabrics, type of rugs, wall coverings according to space. She also show Bai Yi Yang the suitable type of cushions that can be used for her furniture design.

Other than that, she also suggest some other things that can be added such as floor cushions, table and bedside lamps. Storage bench that can be added on the end of the beds. She also explain in details the shade of colour that she is using based on Bai Yi Yang description. And as what Bai Yi Yang wants, she shows each character if the bedroom like she told her.

Bai Yi Chen bedroom look luxurious and masculine with the grey, black and white tone theme colour. Her room is sophisticated and pure with the white and cream colour theme. Bai Yi Ling room looks cool and minimalistic. Bai Yi Mo rooms look playful and cheerful. And lastly Bai Yi Fang rooms which really looks like a princess bedroom. She also remind Designer Ru Qing about making two set of each beddings and cushions cover.

As for the living room, she actually wanted to divide it into two areas, the common are where they siblings can relax and watch television, the chill and relax corner with soft cushions and comfortable rug to sit on. Designer Ru Qing unexpectedly choose a green and pink theme, when Bai Yi yang saw the green colour shade that she is going to combine with the pink, she is very satisfied with it. This Designer Ru Qing is really someone who has a future insight, instead of aiming for luxurious velvety look of this time, she choose shades of colour that people rarely use now.

"I like this, but won't it be hard to find this colour?" Bai Yi Yang asked.

"Miss Bai don't worry, I have talked with the factory and they have it. That was why I was taking a lot if time just now." Designer Ru Qing said proudly. Bai Yi Yang nod. She is lucky to find someone who has similar taste as her.

As for the other area which is the area right in front on the Main house door and centre of the living room, it has the traditional vibe to it. Bai Yi Yang design of a traditional style sofa is already good enough to carry the whole area. She only suggest some cushion for wooden seat and also a rug underneath it. This space is designated as the guests receiving area.

As for the kitchen, Designer Ru Qing suggest a wallpaper type then also rugs near the cooking and sink area. Bai Yi Yang is satisfied with the overall design.

"I like the design, please proceed with this." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good, good." Designer Ru Qing nod.

"I already discussed with my supervisor, the estimated cost will be around 90,00-100,000 yuan. Our company policy is that half of the cost must be payed before proceeding. Is that okay with you Miss Bai?" Designer Ru Qing is a bit nervous when she stated this price. The prince is indeed quite expensive, but what to do, their company's product is really a bit at the higher side.

"Of course. Let's proceed." Bai Yi Yang said.

An expected price. It was actually cheaper than she thought, well, it was because she will make all the furniture. If she even purchase the furniture with the type of wood she is using, it can even reach 1 million yuan she believe. She surveyed the furniture price in Brand HN website, they are very expensive and the wood they are using is not as good as the one she is using. It's a good decision to make their own furniture.

Designer Ru Qing let her fill in the form, they sign the agreement and she ask Bai Yi Chen transfer 50,000 yuan to their official account and show her the receipt.

Designer Ru Qing smiles brightly after they sign the agreement. This is her biggest customer ever. But that's also means that she need to work harder for the next 1 month to finish this project. Choosing the design and materials, checking if the size is correct, this all falls in her hands now.

"This may take 1 month or more. If there is anything, I will consult with Miss Bai." Designer Ru Qing said before leaving.